Super Sonic Way Past Cool Fan Club

Do you attempt to collect all chaos emeralds when playing a classic game?

  • yes, i try to get all of them.
  • no, i collect none of them.
  • Yes, I play the minigames just for fun. not for the purpose of completing the game.

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As someone who played through the original Origins, i can confirm the “issues” are so negligible and infrequent, you either won’t notice or won’t care. The drama about it all was OTT.


Apparently the jukebox mode for Sonic Frontiers is just random songs from past Sonic games (most of which wouldn’t really fit in this one)… Kinda bummed about that, but oh well.

I am glad about a few smaller updates they made to the game though. Stuff like being able to turn off the supercharged animation that plays when you fill up your ring counter, and turning off the slot machine thing during meteor shower segments. Also, you can choose to do all your upgrades at once when talking to the elder koko. (Before you had to do just one at a time… which was annoying if it had been a good while since you last stopped by and had like ten levels to upgrade.)

Regarding Sonic Origins Plus, I’m down for the addition of Amy, though I’m curious how she’ll actually play. She has a hammer it looks like, but can also jump in a ball (so not exactly the Advance 1 moveset – though that’s understandable when the classic games require rolling in a ball a lot). I’m meh on the Game Gear collection getting added – it’s fine I guess, and I hope more people give Tails Adventure a try.

Personally I never had any big issues with the original Origins release, save for Tails jumping constantly in Sonic 2 (if playing as Sonic with Tails following). That quirk and some other bugs got patched a month or so later, I believe. The only real gripe I have is with the four (I think) Sonic 3 songs they couldn’t retain, but what can you do. (Well, you can turn down the music and play the real songs off your phone, as I did lol.)


I don’t really understand what you mean by “classic IDW specials.” All the IDW stuff is written by the same writer (apart from:the odd issue) so if you enjoyed one you’ll enjoy the other. If you instead mean the Archie stuff (before IDW) don’t bother with anything pre-2006.

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YouTube Sonic fanboys getting all uppity over nothing? Surely not!


Sounds awesome to me!


Sonic Origins Plus is of some interest to me ! I actually didn’t bother getting it at the time because I’d just finished re-playing some Sonic Compilations, so I figured I’d just wait for the physical version

Actually, my Switch is getting full


Ah sorry about that, mate. What I meant were the 30th anniversary classic sonic special comics by Ian Flynn. The ones that had a more Mania- esque artstyle. They were released around last year, or 2021, i dont remember .

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Ah, okay. With you now. Yes, it’s certainly worth getting. The stories are simpler in that they are one-and-done and don’t have plot threads running through them. They are just light-hearted fun, but the art is fantastic. If you enjoyed the Mania animations you’ll probably enjoy those.


So Sega are killing off Sonic…🫨


RIP Sonic the Hedgehog! Pour one for the blue dude with the 'tude, he was one cool guy.

This game was surprisingly pretty great btw. You get a legitimate Ace Attorney-ish mystery to solve! I recommend everyone give it a go, especially when the price can’t be beat. (Free.)


Via the Tails Channel



I really like some Sonic games such as Adventure 2 or 2, and I was planning to play Sonic games in order since the very beginning until Adventure 2 (I don’t have some of the next games, so the order ends there).
I will write a report, maybe here, maybe in every game section.


I want to get this for the Switch, would you say it’s worth it? It would be nice to have the collection in one bundle as a digital selection. I did the same for Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection. Just so convenient when you feel the urge to punch a car.


Say what you will about Sonic Frontiers, even with all of the issues it faced, I find it very refreshing, relaxing and just a fun time. I’ve gotten used to the pop in and haven’t popped it in the PS4 lately so it might’ve been alleviated a bit with patches.


People use to say the popping is absolutely awful but otherwise is a mostly good game.


Do you mean Origins? I’d say getting the new Plus version would be worth it, particularly if you don’t have other copies of the games.

There are other, arguably better ways to play them, but they are all fan made and not in one package. So yeah, totally up to you.


The pop-in is a shame, but I honestly don’t think it’s too bad. Having said that though, no game of this day and age should really have pop-in. Hoping one of the future updates will fix it.


The Good Smile Company has announced a Tails Nendoroid. It’s not out till December but I’ve already pre-ordered mine. :smile:

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I don’t collect figurines but I’ll admit that is pretty darn cute! I love Tails.