My name is Prin and I have to say that I enjoy playing and immersing myself in the fantastic worlds that developers and artists create, no matter what the genre. I do have a few genre’s of electronic gaming that I gravitate towards over others (but that in no way automatically disqualifies a game from being interesting or fun to me) with my primary favorites being the following below:
- Action/ Adventure
- Platformer
- Beat em’ Up
- Third Person Shooter
- RPG (A good variety of Western and Japanese games/ series)
Among a few of my favorite games/ game series, I would say the following fascinate me the most with the list being in no certain order of importance:
- Ys
- Yakuza
- Elder Scrolls
- Metal Slug
- Dead or Alive
- Persona
- Halo (Combat Evolved - Reach only {I was not interested in Halo 5: Guardians in any way sadly})
- Silent Hill
- Metal Gear Solid (Even though, honestly the plot makes almost no sense in my humble opinion)
The things that I look for and consider more when experiencing any game, no matter what series, genre, or format I am playing would be the following below:
- Music/ Sound design
- Character Development (Dependent of course)
- Game-play Mechanic Design
- World-building
- Intuitiveness of the game and how it works/ controls/ feels
When it comes to other hobbies that I may have, I would say that I enjoy:
- skiing
- mountain biking
- watching and critiquing film (Having rated and watched to my knowledge about 1,700+ films in my lifetime, although the number is more than likely a lot higher)
- reading (fantasy mostly, but I am open to other genres both non-fiction and fiction)
I hope that if you have decided to read this, that you learned a bit about me. I extremely enjoy being part of this community, even though I haven’t been a member and a prolific one at that for that long. I look forward to interacting with others more and more as time goes on and adding to the games that I have played/ experienced and completed.
As always, stay fantastic.
~ Prin