Super Sonic Way Past Cool Fan Club

No, who collects toys. Pffft.

I’ve the Sonic Nendoroid they released a few years back so this will be a great little companion piece!


Tickets booked!

Really looking forward to this. Info at




Was zum Teufel ist das?!

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Knuckles Nendroid has also been announced


Everyone see the Igloo Sonic cooler?


An esky seems like a weird item to have the licence, but cool I guess (see what I did there?)


Feel like it shoulda been the Ice Cap Zone…


Been playing the bonus content in Sonic Origins Plus release. For those wondering, the additions appear to be:

  • playable Knuckles in Sonic CD – I think this might be the best way to play CD actually, if you’re interested in exploring the levels to find the robot generators in the past. Knuckles is the character best-suited for the task IMO. Apparently Sonic CD’s levels have gotten some tweaks for when you play as Knuckles too.
  • playable Amy for the first time in all games (1, CD, 2, 3&K) – I was wondering how she’d control, as she has had a couple different playstyles in other 2D games. For Origins, she can roll in a ball and spin dash, but doesn’t have standard hammer attacks like in the first Advance (or first Adventure). Instead you press an action button in mid-air to have her do a quick spin with the hammer, giving a bit more range to her attack (feels a bit like Sonic’s insta-shield move from 3&K). You can also use this move like the drop dash (Mania-style), which has her frantically swing her hammer as she runs upon landing… but only for a couple seconds (and then she’s just running normally). Overall I find her a fun addition for playing through these games in a new way.
  • 12 Game Gear games – They’re… there. Not the greatest of games, but fine for a diversion (particularly in handheld mode if you’re on the Switch). Thankfully you can save at any time in these, which should make beating them more a lot more manageable. Personally I think it would’ve been nice to also get the remaining Genesis/Mega Drive titles (Spinball, Mean Bean Machine, 3D Blast), and have Master System versions available for the Game Gear titles released there (the 8-bit Sonic 1, 2, Chaos, Spinball, and MBM). Just to be thorough, you know? Of course, I also would have loved it if they dug even deeper and finally release things like Knuckles Chaotix, SegaSonic the Hedgehog, or even SegaSonic Bros… But what can ya do. Maybe for Sonic Origins Plus… Plus.
  • Knuckles and Amy 3D character models have been added to the islands. (I’m a fan of the little island viewer – very cute.) There’s also a new artwork you can unlock portions of by completing new missions for the added content of these two characters.

What I would like is for SEGA to add the 3D titles to the annual collections at some point. If they can do that and add the bells and whistles they seem to do for their classic titles, I will be more interested.


I got my copy in the mail on Sonic’s birthday. Need to open it up and check it out!


I’d like a 3D compilation as well but I’m glad they aren’t part of this collection. I think it makes sense to have separate collections for the 2D and 3D games from a collector standpoint.


Fans have wanted an HD re-release collection or even remakes of some sort for the two Adventure games for ages. I’d certainly be down for either option, though my standards would be sky-high and I have to question how well it’d realistically be pulled off. Seeing what’s been done with the likes of Spyro, Crash, and even Pac-man World, I can’t help but think it’d be pretty cool to see the OG Adventure get a fresh coat of paint and perhaps some tweaks to the camera and physics, etc. Maybe all I truly want though is to have a chao garden again…

The other game I could potentially see get a re-release anytime soon (along the lines of what Colors got) would be Unleashed, which fans have wanted for a while now (particularly on Steam). My wish for such a thing would be the option to just play daytime stages (I’d call it “cut the bullshit mode”), but I wonder if Sega would ever be willing to offer that.


Apparently Sega was working on an Adventure remake around 2015 but cancelled it due to budgetary reasons.

An Adventure remake would have to be utterly top notch quality if it were to be released now as so many people want it and know the game inside out. I’d love to see one personally, but I think no matter what Sega did people would bitch about it. (And yeah, I want more Chao Garden, too.)

In regards to Unleashed, I simply do not understand the love for that game. However, there are mods for Generations that lets you play the daytime stages that are really nicely done.

What I really want, which will never happen, is Sonic and the Fixing of the Convoluted Continuity. :sweat_smile:

P.S. Anyone know of a good Sonic podcast? All the ones I’ve listened to have been…about as good as the new music on Plus. :wink:


Just found out there’s going to be a Sonic official cookbook releasing in October. Looks like the author Victoria Rosenthal has done a bunch of other video game-themed cookbooks, but also Ian Flynn is a co-author. It appears the recipes are from all the characters, so the blurbs are written in-character. (Very cute.)

Honestly thought this had already come out. Huh. Oh well, maybe I’ll get it for the collection one day, but not until it has a big discount (cooking really isn’t my thing).

More possible remakes and reboots coming. Not sure how “reboot” is intended to be used here, given it’s from a Japanese interview translated into English


My dude, I’m also going to this! The 3.30pm showing. Very exciting.


What do all you Sonic fans think of Sonic Prime? I watched an episode last night, and IMO it was hot garbage.


That’s awesome! I’ll be at the 8pm show. Hope you enjoy it! Very excited myself!

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