
What type of paper did you use? It looks thick like water color paper. I like the ink wash a lot, I’m inspired!

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Thanks very much :blush: And yeah it is water colour paper.


Took your advice and went full in with the grey scale theme (apart from links). Pretty happy with it. :smile:


Oh nice looks great!


These are sick, reminds me of like Escher mixed with Lovecraftian stuff or something. Tons of cool details in there.

I should start drawing again. I used to be okay, been a long while tho.

Found some old stuff.


Those are sweet, love the Meat Boy!
Thanks dude I’m going for horror/sci fi and surreal themes.


The GDEMU mount for my Dreamcast didn’t work and the Amazon seller refused to refund me unless I send some complicated video about it not working. So I’m out $20.

My 1TB thumb drive from Amazon didn’t work and I’m too sick to drop it off for a return. My fault for buying a cheap Chinese piece of shit.

I’ve been spending too much money on this crap and I’m tempted to just sell all my collectibles and be done with the stuff I enjoy.


I’m in the same boat in terms of wanting to sell a lot of the stuff I’ve bought over the years. I have a dreamcast, a genesis, SNES, and a bunch of games for all of it sitting in tubs in my new basement. I just don’t have a place for them anymore, and they just stress me out having them around taking up space. I also have so many other cool ways to play these games that it just doesn’t seem necessary to me to have the old hardware. On top of that, I have other hardware to make the old hardware look nice on modern TVs. At the same time, I don’t really want to take the time to try and sell all this stuff. I suppose I could donate, but it’s hard to find someone to give it to that would appreciate it.

So what I’m saying is we should just have a Grouvee swap thread where we all sell each other our old stuff :slight_smile:


Thats a brilliant idea! I often buy and sell a lot of stuff and tend to sell the most in Spring and early Summer. Seems like when people get their tax rebate my listings sell like crazy.

I’m definitely down with a buy/sell/trade thread!

I also agree with you about finding people who will appreciate them from someone who donates and also receives donations. My friend gave me lots of retro consoles and games and honestly it was a lot so I gave, sold and used most of them.

I know myself pretty well and if I get rid of something then two months later I’ll want it again but thats the fun of cycling hobbies.

Last night I was organizing the spagetti mess of wires under my desk and thought “I should just get rid of all this crap” but I have nostalgia for the old consoles and will ultimately keep them (move them to the basement until I feel like dusting them off again :smiley: )


Finished my friends Christmas present. Hes a big Resident Evil fan, so i put togather a box of references lol.


That’s pretty wild. Impressive stuff!


Thank you. Theres a lot of random small details that im pretty happy with. Working on another one based on Assasins Creed for another friend, but its not as elaborate.


This is amazing!

Also: Umbrella Corporation wants to know where you are right now!

I definitely would like to see what you can do for AC!


Thank you!.

Theyll never find me! Lol.

Ill post pictures of it when its finished, though as i said its not as elaborate. Bit harder to find cool stuff for it that isnt kinda pricy. Its based specifically on Black Flag, so i made a “pirate chest” and got some gold coins and such. Made a faded map and a couple other things.


Some xmas gift hats I’m working on for friends.

I just need to do the decreases and cast off the green one. The red/blue one is about a quarter done. They’re the same pattern, so I’m seeing if it goes quicker to do the decreases together. Then try to churn out two more before January. :grin:


Nice colors! Im sure they’ll love it!!


The other themed present, less intricate at first glance, but I built the box, did the letter, map, and a wanted poster, and replaced the shite velcro straps on the hidden blade with actual leather and buckles.


Beautiful! As a huge fan of AC I would be crying if someone would gift me such a well thought out and with so much love made gift. I hope you will get great gifts for Christmas too!

Now I need to listen to the Black Flag soundtrack again! HARRR and a bottle of rum!


Nice looking project

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I’ve been spending too much money on this crap and I’m tempted to just sell all my collectibles and be done with the stuff I enjoy.

And this is why I went to 100% emulation. MUCH lower price barrier, and quite often you can improve the gameplay experiance. While I’d love to own every SEGA console, and I have kept the ones I had, the price of keeping them going and physical games is just too high.

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