
Thanks very much, I appreciate that. :blush:

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Iā€™ve been away too long, but this was a fun thread to catch up on.

@peter The bed looks like itā€™s turned out wonderfully, your kid must be psyched! I remember my dad building me some things growing up and it always made me feel so special and important.

@BMO That PC looks awesome, I love Fractalā€™s case designs and the one you chose is a beauty!

@Ureshi I know nothing about cars except how to drive them, very impressed that youā€™re fixing one up!

@JoeyPajamas Congratulations on your book deal, thatā€™s amazing! Writing is a painstaking process for me, itā€™s inspiring to hear your progress!

@8BitHero Dreamcast is my favorite console, I love seeing how people make it their own! I have one in the closet with video issues I keep meaning to refurbish one of these days.

@8BitHero @JoeyPajamas Lovely artwork!

Some stuff I wanted to shareā€¦

I finished another month of drawing with pen and ink on paper every day of October. You can see all 31 drawings here. This oneā€™s my personal favorite of the month:

Iā€™ve made a bunch of updates to my personal site, including a new home page and project listing, and Iā€™ve been blogging there more often. Of potential interest is a post about my favorite games of all time, featuring some pseudo-3D game boxes Iā€™m proud of.



Like those pseudo-3D game boxes! (And some great choices for those favorite games too.)


Thanks Tyler! Your artwork is amazing! Welcome back!

Iā€™m having a lot of fun with my Dreamcast project. I won $75 worth of Amazon gift cards from work for participating in Walk-tober. I used those for a Dreamcast GDEMU which will probably take a month to show up but thatā€™s ok.

This morning I researched a HDMI box for the Dreamcast:

Seems like a cheaper and easier alternative than a HDMI output mod (required complicated soldering and removal of tiny components). I like to avoid intricate soldering or reduce it. The battery mod requires soldering but I can easily do that. Itā€™s just removing legs of the old battery holder, swapping it out for another holder, then adding a replaceable and rechargeable battery for the BIOS.

I never owned a Dreamcast but my friends did and I always thought it was cool. My friend also had a Saturn which we played a lot. I have a soft spot for consoles that did not perform well but have some niche or otherwise good games.


If you can find one, get a light gun so you can play House of the Dead. The endless hours my brother and I used to play that! Ah, memories.


A lightgun for House of the Dead, a fishing rod for Sega Bass Fishing, and maraca controllers for Samba de Amigoā€¦

Oh, and most importantly, a keyboard for Typing of the Dead. =P These have all long been ā€œpie in the skyā€ gaming dreams for me, lol.


I have a decent GD-ROM collection from childhood (teen-hood?), but I always tell others to go with an ODE if repairing the disc drive is any more complicated than re-lubricating it.

Perhaps Iā€™m a hypocrite, though, as Iā€™ve yet to use one myself! Iā€™ve lucked out with my disc drives and none of my GD-ROMs have disc rot yet. :person_shrugging:

I did the same thing. Iā€™m using a Kaico adapter and it works fine. I also have an mClassic I route it through sometimes, I know that makes a lot of hardcore retro gamers throw up but I think it does a great job.

I successfully completed this mod earlier in the year. It was easier than I thought it would be, but I still went slow just to be safe.

Iā€™ve never had a light gun (and I donā€™t have a CRT it would work on anyway) or the maracas, but I do have a fishing rod and the Seaman microphone. I used to have the keyboard, but I never had a copy of Typing of the Dead so I sold it.

For years Iā€™ve toyed with picking up the Saturn Virtual-On twin sticks and an adapter (since the Dreamcast iteration is usually a lot more expensive), but then I remember I should probably at least try playing that game with the Brook Wingman SD converter first (the game has a joystick+face-buttons mode that coincidentally maps to the PS dual shock analog sticks in the intended way).


Mate, you have my full respect! As much as I love old consoles I donā€™t have the knowledge or patience to get them running with modern TVs, especially when they start giving up the ghost. I tried for a while, but just could me we get it to where I was happy.

This is where emulation comes in for me. I know some purists are against it, and I guess thatā€™s fair enough, but it lets me enjoy those games I loved/ missed with a minimum of fuss. Also, it doesnā€™t cost a fortune. :sweat_smile:

Having said that though, I dream of having a little SEGA shrine with each of their consoles on display. They wouldnā€™t even have to work, just be in good nick. Iā€™d set it up with blue LEDs and everything. Iā€™ve both version of the MD, a GG and a DC, so only a few to go. Maybe one day (sigh :relieved:)


Hi folks; was wondering if you could ask you all for some advice? With this book coming, Iā€™d like to have my online portfolio site up to snuff. While Iā€™ve built other sites - mostly though WordPress - before, Iā€™m not what Iā€™d consider anymore than ā€œcobble togetherā€ skill level.

I was wondering if folks could take a look at the site and let me know what it might need to look a bit more professional?

Thanks in advance.


I like it a lot. My only critique would be either commit to gray scale or commit to color. The first half of the page I was thinking, oh cool its gray scale. Then I saw further down some color. I would prefer color but also appreciate gray scale. But I feel it should be one or the other. Maybe a dark mode page with white font? Iā€™m just brainstorming.

What would you prefer? Is it too time consuming to go color or gray scale only?

I like the bio section a lot. Nice work and accomplishments!


I got one of the Dreamcast disc drives to work! I found a good reddit post that had an approximate resistance for the laser.

Hooked up my multimeter and adjusted the potentiometer until I was in the range.

The other disc drive is being finicky with readings. Its a slightly different model so Iā€™ll keep researching.


I was gonna go greyscale only bit found it hard to make anything stand out. I use colour to get around this, which is why only ā€œimportantā€ stuff is on colour. Iā€™m not sure if there is a way to have post header images appear grey scale (apart from manually changing them before upload) but Iā€™ll look into it.

Thanks for the comments :smile:


Iā€™m considering getting a 1TB external SSD for my Rpi retro machine. Currently Iā€™m running games off a 64GB, outdated thumb drive. Saving and loading is pretty slow.

I have some 500GB HDDs laying around I could useā€¦that would be the frugal thing to do.


Glad the battery mod was easy! Also Iā€™m happy for your functioning DC and nice disc collection! Itā€™s an awesome console.


Coloring book update. I editted and played around with some photos of my art. Some are pretty rough. I just wanted to get an idea of how it could look but I need better high res pics and for some reason a lot of them look washed out on my computer.

What are your thoughts? Iā€™ll accept all critiques. Genres are surreal and abstract.


These are rad, I love them.


Thank you BMO! Theyā€™re coming out well, so far so good!


Iā€™ve not been able to sneak this in to work to take a proper scan of it, so hereā€™s a somewhat dodgy photo I took on my phone. :sweat_smile: Iā€™m mostly happy with it, although I feel the face in the bottom right could have been better. Itā€™s ink wash and pen.


Oh wow awesome! It came out great!!