
Lol, no I tossed em… I’m reselling it so I kind of have to go with something kinda boring. It’s probably going to end up grey or something else neutral, with colorful drawer insides.

Not sure it would make much difference considering it’s flat and boxed in.


I can remember when I was like 10 years old, my parents got rid of my brother and I’s twin beds and moved us into separate rooms with brand new queen beds. I still have that bed today. I couldn’t believe people slept in beds that big.

Funny enough, my son yelled at me last night because he said he wanted a bed that he “had” to sleep alone in. With the queen bed, my wife or I can crawl into bed with him, which he asks us to do all the time of course. Kids are assholes :slight_smile:


I’m having trouble placing them, but they look like crowns from a Mario game. Could have made that thing into a cool themed dresser :slight_smile:

Lol, could have. I just picked it up as a project for free time at a thrift store. It had like a quarter inch of vinyl paint slathered all over, and nasty fabric inserts stapled inside of the drawers. I’m assuming it was a younger girls cause it was pink fabric.

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Ive been playing around with some pictures of my artwork. Pretty happy with these. I’d love to make a coloring book.


I’d buy your coloring book if you ever put one out :slight_smile:


Been making small progress on my car. Did the clutch and flywheel, and then the clutch cable. I redid the weather stripping in the back windows, and am doing the trunk soon. Next is probably the taillight housings, which are pretty rough.


This thing is very close to done. I just need to put finish on it and paint the drawer faces. Then it will be installed!


Psssst… I know it’s a lot of work that you don’t need to do… but leaving the outside one color, then painting the drawer sides and interior a different color looks really really good… juuuus saying lol.

Looks good though, coming along nicely



That would look cool. I hadn’t really thought about that. My current plan is to paint the drawer faces different bright colors, and just leave the rest “natural.” I threw some Rubio on the tops and plywood edges of the carcasses because I had some laying around. I don’t really know if I needed to do anything with it since it’s just all going to be under a mattress, and I’m kind of nervous about moisture on the underside of this anyways. Side note, I found the best way to dispose of your finishing rags is to put them in your fire pit and just burn them right away :slight_smile:

I bet an opposing bright color on the drawer sides would look really cool. I will propose it to the client (my son).


Yeah, that little dresser I’m working on, the outside is “winter grey” and the drawers and backside of the faces are going to be key lime green, it’s nearly finished. I’ll show you when it’s done.

I’ve built several cabinets with different drawers interiors and stuff cause they pop real nice, even if everyone can’t see them all the time. It adds a nice contrast


Do you spray to paint, or do you just use a brush?

I prefer spray paint, when I have an area to paint in. But either works I guess. Spray paint has a smaller margin for error usually, just due to the possibility of drips and bubbling. But a well prepped and primed surface is key. Brush work requires less prep usually, but it won’t usually come out as smoothly

Soooo this is kinda what I was talking about…but I ran out of paint and my gf just was like it’s cool, no need to buy more. We are keeping it anyway so it’s like whatever. You can kind of see what I meant though on the backside of the face. Also I know she’s unbearably cute but ignore the puppy :joy:


So I’ve “finished” the bed up. I haven’t painted the drawer faces yet, but I’ll get to that here soon. I made a quick side table out of scrap plywood this past week that will still allow my son to pull out the big drawer. Pretty happy with it.


Well, I did it. I built my first PC in twenty years. Some quick snaps of the finished product:

Quick specs:

Intel i5 12400f
MSI 6650 XT
Fractal Terra mini-ITX case

Thanks to @ApramPepo for the build inspiration and guidance.


Cool case! Did you use PCPartPicker when building? I would love to see the build on there if so.


A gaming pc that doesn’t look like an ugly alien spaceship covered in Christmas lights!


I did indeed: Final Console PC Build


Very slick. Makes me think of an Xbox Series X, but made by Atari.