What Should I Play Next Poll

Inspired by @GigaDeathNullGolem.

I have some games I haven’t played yet, or barely played, and would like to see what people think I should play next. Here are some games I hear about, and own, but haven’t been strongly nudged to play.

  • Broken Age
  • Final Fantasy XIII
  • The Witcher 3
  • Snatcher
  • Shadow of the Colossus
  • Year Walk
  • The Stanley Parable
  • Grim Fandango Remastered

0 voters

Seems like a random list but I like a ton of different games. Excited to see what you all think!


This is tough. There are a bunch of games on that list that I would recommend you start playing right away. I definitely think you should play Shadow of the Colossus, but you might be inclined to wait for the remaster. If you’re not planning to wait I’d say go for it. However I ultimately picked a fantastic u derstated title that is a favourite of mine.

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stanley is short enough to do in a single sitting and approachable and i’d argue hard to dislike as its pretty amusing.

snatcher takes a bit of patience but is a masterpiece, well worth playing for anyone who likes kojima, cyberpunk, blade runner, akira, etc…

grim fandango is stylish. quirky puzzle that made me scratch my head. (I never played lucasarts games like monkey island)

havent played the rest but they’re all in my wishlist as well.

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This one’s a lot tougher than @GigaDeathNullGolem’s because I can only choose one!

I’d say wait on Shadow of the Colossus if you own a PS4 since they announced an HD remaster (with a promise of new control scheme options for those of us who found the original’s a tad too quirky).

I adore Grim Fandango and Broken Age. I think the former is probably my favorite, though the latter’s mechanics feel a little more streamlined. If I were you, I’d probably go for Grim because of its place in adventure-game history.

Snatcher is supposed to be great.

The one I ended up voting for is The Stanley Parable. @GigaDeathNullGolem is absolutely right in terms of how approachable it is.


Thanks participants! I havent done a poll before, awesome feature.


You made your first poll a tough one to complete. There’s really no real wrong answer on there.

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Voted Year Walk. It’s a charming but creepy game and is fairly short. Thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent to 100% it.

Stanley Parable and Grim Fandango are also on my backlog, who knows when I’ll get to them haha.

As for Broken Age, unfortunately, the second act of the game loses a lot of the charm and polish the first act had.


I gave you a vote for Grim Fandango. It’s a great little adventure game with such a unique atmosphere and setting. The music is awesome, and the puzzles are relatively fair from what I remember. I played it on my Vita, which I know you just bought, and it was a perfect place to play it.


That’s an excellent point.

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I started this last night with the lights off. Very creepy but I like it. Excellent art and music. Thanks for the vote!


I just noticed that FFXIII got no love in the results. How sad :’(

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Neither did Broken Age :frowning:

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There I voted for FF because I played it a little.


That’s clearly your fault for voting Grimm Fandango :wink:

But seriously, that s poll is packed with such great games that it was hard to pick. Picking one meant not picking the rest, and that was tough, lol.


I’m glad to hear you’re enjoying it! :blush:

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Its got a great aesthetic.

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Next Poll I’ll allow multiple choices. My fault.

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Looks like The Witcher 3 is leading.

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I don’t mean it as a criticism. I think it’s a good thing that the decision is hard to make. It forces you to be critical about your choice. I chose Year Walk over other games I also enjoy because I think it would appeal to you and is easier to overlook when faced with multiple games to choose from. Regardless, I think the way you structured the poll is perfect. You just chose a bunch of really great games rather than one obvious choice. I wouldn’t change a thing.


Witcher 3 is fantastic. It’s also a very long game. I recommend peppering in a session with a different style game every few sessions to keep Witcher fresh.