What are you listening to right now?

And because it is 93,2 F here:


I hadn’t listened to Pogo in a real long time. Real fun stuff. I used to love liltommyj who kinda does Pogo’s schtick except video games.


I used to listen to Pogo, I liked his mixes quite a bit. But I stopped a few years ago because he proved to be a huge shithead homophobe who then tried to hide behind the excuse that he was just being an edge lord for comic effect, when he faced backlash.


I just posted on here about enjoying the new Noname album and then like two hours ago I became aware of the discourse surrounding her featuring Jay Elec who has flirted with anti-Semitism. Yikes.

It sucks that good art can be made by troubling people.


I totally forgot that name and then thought I remembered there was some reason I ditched him. Good times. Pogo and Miranda Sings were just entering the public eye then. I guess internet celebrity has a fifteen year shelf life.


I recall when his video was first circulating in 2016 and people were criticizing him, that’s when I stopped listening. But for years after that Spotify would continue to recommend him in my Discovery playlist despite the fact that I would click the little button telling Spotify not to serve his songs up to me.


I first found his stuff in 2010. That was like the golden age of early viral content.


Same or something similar. I had been listening to him for years. It was 2016 that I think he decided to share his idiotic stance, and when I bailed on listening to him.


Uh, I didn’t know that. I only know that song because, as a Trekkie, it’s just perfect nostalgia. I guess I will not be looking into his other work then.

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I just cleaned my Spotify list from the few Rammstein songs I liked (mostly older songs), so I know what you mean. Sometimes I can still like the art, but not the artist and sometimes both are too connected and the art is lost for me.


Can’t wait for Woody Allen to die so I can enjoy his films!


OMG I had forgotten his username was Faggotron! I had thought he was just gay!


Not sure if sarcasm or real.

If I would find it hard to watch a movie now because of what he did and I did not want to watch him as an actor, death would not change much.

Rammstein members dropping dead wouldn’t change anything either. Knowing what happened behind the scenes while I was at their concert is shudders not going away, especially when some song texts have now additional context. It has unfortunately ruined some good memories for good.

There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but there is something repugnant about those who harm others and refuse to acknowledge the damage they caused. I would sooner watch or listen to a problematic but now apologetic artist than one who defends or denies the pain they’ve inflicted. I really enjoyed Woody’s work before I was fully aware of what took place. On the day he dies, I’ll put the Purple Rose of Cairo on to celebrate.

Yep. It does make a difference how they react.

I understand now, thank your for explaining it. There are people I would wish a sarcastic “good riddance” with a glass of wine as a celebration, just not artists (yet).

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There are plenty of humourous, more creative, and ‘laughed at by gay people’ jokes that aren’t just ‘yo, we should like…kill faggots…why aren’t you laughing dude? it’s just a joke ya snowflake!’ which is hardly a joke to begin with.

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I feel like I remember a bunch of gays reclaiming and using the f word a lot around that time as well. Certainly a lot of my friend group did.

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Is it still okay for gays to use the word? if not I’ll censor/delete it.

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Yea but you gotta prove to us you’re gay


I personally don’t care, you can say whatever you want.