What are you listening to right now?

I think it’s hard to perpetually put out your most creative output, and also keep up with changing music tastes and an ever evolving audience. There are plenty of bands whose later works I don’t love, and I just accept that not everything an artist produces will be their best. There are exceptions, and artists I’ve never tired of, but they are in a significant minority.


Holy Shit a Metric mention. I absolutely love them, theyre one of my top 5 all timers. Its so rare i hear anyone even think about knowing them lol


C’mon I’m very familiar with Metric


Always surprised when Americans are aware of Canadian bands.


I mean to be fair i did find them through that movie, but i fell in love with their sound exploring the rest of their music.

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Im also a huge fan of Billy Talent, who i believe are an ontario band.

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Billy Talent has fans? :joy:


Sorry, I’m not really making fun of you or Billy Talent. I just couldn’t resist. My partner liked them in their heyday. She also didn’t think they made it big in the States. Next people are going to start telling me they listen to The Hip.


Im not sure that they really have, but im big into punk stuff, and found the song Red Flag in Burnout amd looked into them. Didnt think you were making fun


I love Rush. One of my all-time favorites. And Guess Who and Arcade Fire are pretty good, as well.

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There’s tons of good indie bands out of Canada I know, off the top of my head I love Arcade Fire (At least before finding out Win Butler is an abuser and a creep), Broken Social Scene, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Alvvays, The Unicorns… There’s probably more I’m forgetting


Yeah, I stopped listening to them when that came out. I don’t feel anything except lousy when I listen to them now.

Most of the Canadian bands I got into grew out of Broken Social Scene and the Arts and Crafts label, but besides Metric, some of the label’s other groups I got into were Stars, Feist, Phoenix, Ra Ra Riot, Los Campesinos!, Timber Timbre, M. Ward, Charles Spearin, Bell Orchestre, and one of my favorite bands of all time, The Most Serene Republic.

I found out about them from the Penny Arcade forums years ago right before Live it Out was released. I loved them forever, but starting with Synthetica, maybe even earlier, they just became so boring and formulaic. Synthetica was the last album I could get into before it all just started sounding like an uninspired Muse cover band.

You know, I tried to force myself to get into them for a long time, and hearing this makes me that much angrier that I did.

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I’m impressed with your knowledge of the Canadian music scene, but I will say that M. Ward is from California.

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Hit me up with your favorite low key instrumental music. Trying to make a work playlist where I don’t find myself distracted by lyrics.

But is on Arts & Crafts!

Does lofi count? If so id recommend Collosia, who does a lot of lo fi remixes of game music, some persona, mario kart, pokemon, zelda.

Im realizing i dont listen to a lot of instrumental stuff.

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I dont listen to Muse so i guess i didnt notice lol. They, along with Linkin Park (for the first 4 albums) are like the only band i collect physical cds for anymore. I think my favorite album is probably Fantasies, but Grow Up and Blow Away is pretty high up there too

EDIT: I missed the phrase “low key” so edited to match :sweat_smile:

off the top of my head:


Mine is easily Old World Underground