What are you listening to right now?

Perfect song for my crazy moments! You do not have only “crazy moments” you are crazy! No I am not! Yes you are!

I love this song 90% just for how the word cigarette is pronounced.

Translation of the German part:

Sigaretta, Sigaretta
I’d be much fatter without you
And that’s why I’m toasting you now, like on New Year’s Eve
I smoke chain, by the box
My heart says I should take it easy
Smoker’s lungs, smoker’s legs, but it was still worth it
A cigarette for breakfast and I’m fit for the day
Fuck sex, I’ll smoke the cigarette not after but instead
When I die, please put one in my grave
And all the smokers sing along when I say
Sigaretta, Sigaretta
You make me feel much better
Sigaretta, Sigaretta
You make me feel so good
Sigaretta, sigaretta
It sucks.
Sigaretta, Sigaretta
You smell like a bum
When I miss you, I sleep with the ashtray

After my stroke I am thinking a lot about what counts in life, Spotify weeekly seems to know me well.

My new favorite Christmas song (not SFW maybe):


And last in my weekly list:

I wonder: Do cool women who walk away from explosions exist?


Here’s some of what’s been in rotation for me recently.

I prefer listening to the halo soundtracks!!

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One of my favs!


If you dig that, you should check out this.


I love all these FF covers!


This is my current jam. Also surprisingly accurate.


Right now I am listening to final stage Initial d eurobeat and not while I am driving of course!

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I’ve been finding a lot of interesting musicians by way of TikTok as of late and Juliet Ivy is one. Definitely very melodic and catchy.


See you have a good taste in gaming music.

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Revisiting my favorite songs of last year lately and this one has been spun a lot

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Nicki Minaj just announced she will no longer perform this song live. Shame, it’s what got me into her music.

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Bummer, too bad she didn’t announce she won’t perform anything live anymore…


Ok musicphiles, question for you; where do you actually BUY music from now? I mean so you can have a physical album or actual digital file that is “yours?”

I’m not into this streaming thing at all, it’s not something I’m interested in getting into. However, recently I had an issue where one of my favourite artists released a new track but the only way I could get it was a streaming service. Even the official site only linked to streaming services. So I ended up just ripping it from YouTube as I’m not signing up for Spotify. I’d have paid the £2 or whatever, but there wasn’t that option.

So, is there anywhere where you can actually buy music anymore, or is it all just in the ether now?

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I don’t buy music often anymore, but when I do, it depends. The only time I’ll buy music digitally is to support an artist on Bandcamp. That platform is nice because you can download the tracks or stream them if you wish. However you won’t find all artists on that platform. My understanding is Bandcamp’s revenue sharing is still quite good, though things are tenuous after being bought by Epic, who laid off employees and then just sold the company. Right now it’s still business as usual with their new owners, but who knows how long that will last.

Most of the time I’ll opt for buying a vinyl. For older records, I like to buy them used on eBay if possible. For newer records, I just order directly from the artist, or at my local record store. Often (But not always) new vinyls will come with a download code for you to have a digital version of the tracks.


I’ve been using music streaming services primarily since 2016, first with Spotify and now with YouTube Music and honestly, I am with @lingsdook. I plan on purchasing a Vinyl compilation from an artist when it releases this spring and purchased four Silent Hill vinyl records last year. Not interested in purchasing anything else as YouTube Music pretty much covers what I want to listen and with how much I list and how varied my tastes are, It ends up be worth it financially after the first 30 minutes or less (depending) every month.


CDs and vinyl are still very much a thing (and even cassette tapes are seeing a minor comeback due to some collectors being interested in them). Mostly they can be found at specialty shops, stores dedicated to those physical formats, or online.


I’m not sure about the stores near you but it seems that, at least for the last few years, big block stores and chains have been carrying Vinyl and even CDs whereas, you were right in specialty stores being the go-to. I see them pretty much flooding shelf space at Target, Best Buy, 2nd & Charles, Barnes & Noble, and even Walmart. They do mostly consist of new prints though so if you want something more unique and worn, the thrift shops and specialty stores would still be the place.