
Anyone here ever buy and restore a crt tv?

Buy? Yes. Restore? No. What exactly do you want to do?

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I havenā€™t. Do you have a broken one? Does it power on?

Ive restored lots of electronic devices before. A multimeter is essential for testing components.

Ebay has a host of parts to restore just about anything. It would be fun to restore a crt.

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A dehumidifier could help. Are the temperature shifts extreme? Is the garage insulated?

I have games and consoles in my basement with a dehumidifier running 24/7 and the stuff in bins.

Ive used desiccant packets in drawers and boxes in case there is any moisture.

I live in East coast US so Im sure our weather is different.


Definitely watch out for those temperature shifts. Iā€™ve had books on my shelf go mouldy during periods where the temperature fluctuates (the shelf is extremely high up to clear the door to the room and was put in by previous owners). You want to ensure the temperature remains stable and also doesnā€™t allow for an environment where damp and condensation to develop.

Whatā€™s the detached garage look like? Iā€™m having a hard time imagining one. Is it brick? Wood? Putting up shelves and installing cabinets or displays isnā€™t that hard really! Just need a few tools, and a little bit of knowledge that can easily be obtained from youtube or a carpenter / DIY book! Id love to make a space my own so embrace the opportunity if you do have free reign over the garage!

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While this isnā€™t mine, it gi es you a bit of an idea.

Iā€™m actually thinking of abandoning the idea of putting the comics in the garage (collectables will still go in there in tubs though) and instead having some custom cupboard/draws made. My wife and I went to a vinyl record shop yesterday and they had these amazing draws that held their records perfectly, kind of like a filing cabinet, but much sturdier, and the draws just slid out so you could easily flip through them. Something like that for comics would be amazing!

Edit: this kind of thing, but the draws in the storeā€™s front were flush with the draw space. Think Iā€™d prefer that. Already asked the wife and sheā€™s given the OK so now to measure the space and see how much itā€™ll all cost.


Not now. But sometime later in life I would love to create a 2000s era oringal xbox room with a crt screen.


So after looking into custom shelving I donā€™t think itā€™d going to possible in any reasonably length of time given all the other things we need to do on the house. I found a post on a old forum where someone uses cube shelves and puts their comic boxes in. It doesnā€™t look as nice as custom shelves, but itā€™s still pretty cool.


I quite like that, it has a very comic shop feel to it.


Too bad we arnt remotely close to local, or Id help you whip something up. If you revisit the idea again and want some help planning something out id be willing.


Iā€™m looking to kit out our spare room with a proper desk and storage for our work. Something like the one pictured below.

Annoyingly, the pictures on the listing itself are all different so itā€™s not clear what you actually get. I also donā€™t trust the price (seems low) and not heard of the website before.

Thoughts on good office desks? We want drawers and shelving, although the shelves i could add myself separately on the wall. I can also go up to 170cm wide, although 150cm is probably more sensible.

Edit: the non sale price makes more sense and seems about right but i would still question the quality.

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Thank Ureshi, I really appreciate that. Honestly, it probably wonā€™t be for a while as there is so much we need done to the house. Itā€™s certainly an idea Iā€™m keeping tucked away for when I eventually get my Geek Room ā„¢ though. :sweat_smile:


The downside now is unless you build it yourself, thrift for something older, or spend a bunch on somwthing custom most places dont use very good materials for desks and such anymore.

The changes in each picture are pretty minor from what i can see, except the last one, which makes me think its just color options, and that it may not come with handles. The shelf under the desk seems like a modular piece you can choose to put in or not. Some pictures show it, some dont.

The price is actually probably pretty accurate for what im assuming is particle board or mdf material, though id expect its thin, like 5/8 to 3/4ā€¦errā€¦16 mm to 19mm (i think)

It seems okay, but i wouldnt expect amazing quality if i were you. Could be wrong though as im just apeculating.


All good, im sure ill still be around lol. Offer is still there whenever, if you need


Thanks. I agree, itā€™s not going to be high quality. There are some charity furniture stores in the area that ive bought from before, so i wonā€™t be rushing in to something new now. Iā€™ll wait for the right thing.



For wall mounted above desk shelving, Iā€™m wondering if thereā€™s anything more practical than just the basics? This looks fine in theory but i wonder if Iā€™m missing a trickā€¦

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Not really. Shelves and shelf units usually just come down to how you want them to look and how much weight you intend to hold. About the only other consideration is when mounting do you want to see or hide the hardware.


New article up on Substack: What do you do when the creator of something you enjoy turns out to be a dick?

Image - square


Well, in regards to the creator in your image, I hated his game and deleted it lol


I think I donā€™t do much, probably just accept that shit people can do things I enjoy and that things I enjoy can arise from people I donā€™t like. Iā€™ve never believed in the separation between the art and the artist.