Monthly Retro Game Club

No, no ports to anything beyond PS3 and Xbox 360 via the HD collection for the second and third game, or a port of Silent Hill 2 on PC.


Would also note Silent Hill 1 was available for PS3 and PS Vita. (Perhaps Konami will move on to releasing some Silent Hill port collections once they’re done with Metal Gear Solid.)

OG Luigi’s Mansion and OG Silent Hill are both on my to-play list, incidentally. Perhaps I’ll make the time for those next month.


I like both of those for October, especially since I feel like a lot of people skip over the first Silent Hill because of its age.


I was talking about dead of the brain, wasn’t it obvious?


I started Luigi’s Mansion for the October ! It’s the 3DS version, because it was handier, but I’ve played the GCN original. They’re pretty much the same, I think

I stopped at Melody for now. I liked her back in the day; a Nerd playing Mario songs on the piano–sounded like my kind of lady ! I guess she’s kind of a ghost, though…anyway, sort of interesting that her questions wouldn’t really be fair if this happened to be your first Mario game. Your first Marioverse game


Defeated Boolossus this time ! I always remember trying to hit the last few being a bit of a PITN, but it went pretty smoothly this time

Kind of disappointing that you find Mario’s shoes, but never get to see/smell his feet ! Oh well. I guess he had a spare hat, too

Madame Clairvoya almost makes it sound like Mario had k-lled Bowser back in 64 [which I also just re-played] and that the Boos had revived him, but I don’t think so.

Also notable that most of the Portrait Ghosts are just minding their own business, raising the question of if Luigi really has any business busting them, ethically. Well, you can’t progress unless you do


It’s Luigi’s mansion, and those ghosts are freeloaders! It’s time for them to move on, anyways. =P

Also, you’ve really cruised through this game. I started like ten days ago and still have a little ways to go I think. (Just third floor and roof left.)


I’m down for Luigis Mansion, it’ll be a first for me and I can emulate it on my handheld!


I’ll post soon, but the selection is Silent Hill and Luigi’s Mansion.


One can never turn down an offer to play Silent Hill.

In regards to Luigi’s Mansion, while I have it on Game Cube. I might try the 3DS port instead. The QoL with it sounds nice. We really need the trilogy on the Switch as a collection. Maybe after the 2 Remaster comes out.


Finished Luigi’s Mansion ! I’ve been through it a few times, so it wasn’t too hard

Missed which ending I got due an interruption, unfortunately, but I tried to get as much money as I could. [and you can’t replay it, or I would have] It’s like one of my favorites, Wario Land, in that how much you make influences the ending

Yet another Mario game with “Bowser” as the boss [in a way]; this could’ve been a good opportunity to take a break from him ! Oh well

I’d like to do the whole trilogy this month, perhaps…I’ve finished 3, but could never get into 2. I always got stuck near the beginning


I just finished as well, so I’ll share my thoughts.


  • Spooky, silly fun. Like making your way through a fourth-grader’s take on a haunted house. Endearing.
  • I think this is the game that actually establishes Luigi’s personality somewhat? He’s a funny Green Mario guy, with strong Shaggy from Scooby-Doo energy. Very amusing ending with him and Mario.
  • Lots of great character animation in this.
  • General concept is entertaining, and a fairly unique spin for horror gaming. (It’s very obviously inspired by Ghostbusters, but that’s fine lol.)
  • Just enough variety to the ways you deal with portrait ghosts to make each encounter engaging. Nothing ever particularly deep or challenging, but that’s okay IMO.
  • I liked the “twist” for the final boss, and it was surprisingly a solid final boss in general. I feel Mario games are typically a bit meh in that department, but this one was fun.


  • Bad tutorialization. I guess this is still in the era of “read the game manual,” but still. Had to look online to figure out a lot of basic stuff.
  • I never felt like I ever, at any point, had a truly firm grasp on the controls (actions and movement). Surprisingly finicky stuff, at times just feeling unpolished. Never bad enough that I wanted to quit, but the friction was noticeable.
  • Got really sick of Luigi’s humming and whistling. It was cute for the first couple hours, but not the next ten. (Same with all the cackling ghosts [some of which were obscenely loud for some reason], and the mad scientist’s Banjo-Kazooie gibberish. YMMV.)
  • Really wish the map had rooms labeled on them… (With element ghost spots marked?)
  • Had several of what I call “Adventure Game Bruh Moments” in which I quickly work out the correct thing I need to do, but I was off by a pixel or two or needed to hold a button a half-nanosecond longer, and so I then spend the next twenty minutes trying out other things to do (which are all wrong)…
  • Got a bit tired of catching the 50 Boos after a while. Wouldn’t have been a big deal if they were an optional thing for completionists, but you need 40 of them to win the game.
  • That optional key from the treadmill that would’ve made my life much easier for a large chunk of the game, that I never in a hundred years would’ve found without a guide.

Other Thoughts:

  • It would’ve been nice if money served any kind of in-game purpose. The story features a mad scientist who likes to tinker with contraptions. Why not let us buy upgrades for Luigi’s vacuum along the way with all that money we’re collecting? Would’ve been much more interesting than just having the money determine which .jpg of a house you get to see at the end.
  • There were two moments in the game that I’d call delightfully surreal. 1) Luigi blowing up the moon. And 2) “Bowser” losing his head, literally. Would’ve liked more of that sort of weirdness! Hopefully I can find that in one of the sequels, should I eventually get to them.

I’ve heard Luigi’s Mansion 2 (Dark Moon?) is something of a mixed bag, while most people say 3 is just as good as the original (if not better). I’d say I’ll jump straight to 3, but 2 is getting a new re-release sometime. Maybe that’ll get some good improvements?


I decided I might as well try to beat Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon ! I’ve sort of been working, this year, on some of the games I’ve had on my shelf forever anyway

I kinda hate it so far ! Every little thing, at least for me, is sort of a problem you have to figure out. And E. Gadd calling every 5 seconds …that’s the kind of thing I find a little annoying ! He calls in 1 when you catch Boo, but I didn’t mind those at all. Maybe part of it is the ringtone

But I had trouble getting into [The Legend of Zelda:] Skyward Sword at first too, but once I got into it halfway through I couldn’t put it down. Will have to see how it goes


Finally defeated Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon, after all these years ! I still like the first one best

In fact, at the end you save Painting Mario from the King Boo, so you could say that’s a bit of a re-hash. At least to some extent. But, WAYGD


I ran out of likes but I have officially read through every post and I have a few thoughts to share.

  1. What happened to Trace Memory and Sin and Punishment?? Trace Memory is one of my favorite games of all time, and Sin and Punishment has been on my backlog awhile, so I was really looking forward to reading everyone’s thoughts but then the very next post was two months later and y’all never ended up playing them. :sob:

  2. Is the Game Club still alive? It looks like it’s been awhile since anyone has posted and no November games were announced. I feel like I’m an honorary member at this point since I’ve been doing some hardcore lurking but I would like to attempt playing along with y’all at some point.


I was wondering about that too; I think I’ve had my fill of Halloween games FTTB

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Feel free to give Trace Memory and Sin and Punishment a second lease on game club life! (Might be worth waiting for the upcoming remake for Trace Memory to release though? Something I never expected to happen tbh.)

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I think the main responsible person for this club crossed a gate a few months ago and has had some trouble coming back from it.

Does anyone want to play Pikmin 1 as part of the club? I’m already doing it so that’s definitely not a factor why I’m proposing it.


It’s still alive, but it’s sort of been off and on because I haven’t had quite as much time as I’d like to organize polls and circulate monthly notices. I was hoping to poll people for a December run, usually because December means we can get a couple festive games on the books. But I’m open to ideas. The Retro Game Club wasn’t originally my idea but I have been trying to keep it going during the last year. Maybe we can get a couple games on the books for December that will be exciting for people and generate some discussion.


It’d be cool if there were a winter challenge, like the Halloween challenge