Monthly Retro Game Club

Retro Game Poll for July

Please choose two games from the selection below. If you choose ‘other’, kinda submit your nomination in a comment below the poll. Happy voting!

  • Crusader of Centy (Genesis/Mega Drive, Switch)
  • Super Mario RPG (SNES)
  • Tails Adventure (Game Gear, 3DS, Switch, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Series X|S, PC)
  • Other (write in your nomination in a comment below)

0 voters


Not for now, obviously, because RPG, but boy I remember liking the Lufia saga so much.

And an absolute weird game that was somewhat popular where I was growing up was Aero the Acrobat. I have never, ever heard someone discussing it other than the people I grew up with though.


As I will be in hospital next month for a planned surgery on my foot (three days in hospital and probably three weeks of misery as I will be even less able to walk than I am now and will not be able to sleep well as I usually spin in bed at night and will have to lie still with my foot on a pillow instead), I will be skipping the month for Retro Game Club.

I am still in the middle of Indiana Jones: Faith of Atlantis, which on the one hand is really fun, but on the other hand is not grabbing me as much as I expected, and I cannot yet put into words why this is the case. I can only play it for half an hour before my mind wanders away from the game.


That sounds miserable, I’m sorry. You can always play any month’s games at a different juncture, don’t feel obligated to play them in the designated month.

I haven’t have a chance to play Indy yet, and I might get around to it next month if I can.


I’m sorry about what you’re going through. My sympathy won’t help in the slightest, but just know we hope it goes well.


Ooof, best of luck on the surgery!


Crusader of Centy isn’t a long hauler like SPRG tho (it’s basically a Link to the Past ‘clone’ from what I remember with a few other cool ideas tossed in). Both are great picks that are worth playing, Centy especially since it’s not overly long or hard. I’d recommend it!


Funnily enough, I recently watched SNES Drunk’s review of the Aero the Acro-bat 1 and 2 (and spinoff Zero the Kamikaze Squirrel), and he said something to the effect of “I’ve done this channel for 9 years, but I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a single request to cover these games.” His opinion was that Bat 1 was generic and meh, Bat 2 was generic but slightly better, and Squirrel was surprisingly solid. Perhaps the most interesting tidbit is that the director/producer for Aero would go on to be the producer for Crash Bandicoot, so there’s perhaps a bit of overlap to be found in the two.


I recommend you to not expect Crusaders of Senty/Soleil to be like Zelda.

It is similar in some ways, but pretty different.


As usual I’ll get the official post up but it looks like we are doing Crusader of Centy and Tails Adventure for July. I’ll select Super Mario RPG for another month for those who voted in favour of that. Definitely before the remake drops.


Crusader of Centy and Tails Adventure are games I’ve dabbled in before but have never actually beaten (probably got lost in both cases), so it’ll be nice to try scratching them off the go-back-to-and-finish-one-day list.


Both of them are games I played and liked, and I definitely want to replay then soon, but unfortunately this is not the right moment.
In any case, I hope you all enjoy them. I just want to recommens you to be open-minded with them. Don’t expect to play a Zelda and a Sonic.


Apologies for the slight pause in the group there for the past couple months. I’ve been slammed at work and BG3 isn’t helping, lol.

I’m wondering if people want to do an October session, and make it spooky themed. I know the Halloween challenge is also happening, so if people don’t want a second thing to track that’s understandable. But if people are interested, feel free to start posting spooky retro game ideas below :ghost::skull::alien:


OG Luigi’s Mansion or is that too new?


It’s over twenty-years-old, so officially yes. But even if it wasn’t I’m still down with the idea.


That sounds like a spooktacular idea. It’s also a great game that can check some boxes per sé for the Halloween Challenge if people are participating in both.

I have it for the Game Cube but have never beat it even though I got it right when it came out. I’m going to play the 3DS version for this one.


I know one game you might want to Splatter your House with. You might even want to Splatter your House a 2nd time too…


It’s a good suggestion but we played that last year I believe. Last year, or the year before. Do you have any other ideas?


We could do Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2 or Silent Hill 3. Any takers?


Did any of them ever get a Switch release?