Monthly Retro Game Club

We did one last year for December. If I recall it was Christmas NiGHTS into Dreams, Animal Crossing and Home Alone. Home Alone wasn’t great.


@Reset_Tears I screamed during the Direct when it was announced. I’ve read online that it’s considered a cult classic but I felt like one of ten people who knew this game existed. I still have my original copy so I’m gonna try replaying it before the remake comes out cause it looks quite different.

@El_Diegote I second Pikmin 1. I’ve never played the series cause they kept not porting the first one and now we finally have it! I asked for it for Christmas so hopefully no one’s bought it yet cause if it wins, I’ll need to get it myself.

@BMO It’s understandable. I just thought I’d ask since it’s been awhile since anyone posted about it. :slight_smile:

I don’t know of many Christmas-y games off the top of my head. Maybe Harvest Moon for SNES? It doesn’t start out in winter but there’s definitely a winter season. Since I missed out on OG Animal Crossing when y’all played it, I might try that one out too. And Nights cause it’s on my backlog.


Home alone was… yeah. Now I need to try and forget about it again.

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How about The Grinch (PS1) or Batman Returns (SNES) for December games? Have we had those already? I think the film Elf has a video game too? Bully / Canis Canem Edit also has some christmas themes but it only lasts for a few in-game school days.


I nominate Elf Bowling on the Game Boy lol. Its pretty…somethin.
More legitimately though.

Duke Nukem 3D has an expansion story called Nuclear Winter set during christmas. Not sure how available it is anymore.

Arkham origins is during christmas eve but its a very minimal relation.

Alone in the Dark 2 has edward exploring another haunted mansion on christmas as well.

A personal favorite, Costume Quest has a christmas themed dlc called Grubbins on Ice. Its short but fun.

A pair of Jazz Jackrabbit: Holiday Hare games, but ive not played those.

Cthulu saves christmas is a funny little rpg with surprisingly solid mechanics. Ive played it like 4 times.

Daze before Christmas, Snes game…thats about all i know on that one…

Vicera Cleanup Detail has a santa themed level I believe as well…but that doesnt make for much game…

Saints row 4: How the Saints save Christmas is a short dlc story, but if youve played these games you kinda know what to expect.


Some good ideas. We have generally stuck to the “20 years defines a retro game” rule, but if people are particularly interested in any of those ideas I’m not opposed.


Good ideas!


Kids these days call the 360/ps3 retro :laughing: or they would if they used words like retro. Lol.

If i think of anything else ill drop it in here.

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Some people feel the threshold is fifteen years, so they would be by that standard. But most media is usually labelled retro or classic at the twenty year mark, so I tend to stick with that personally.


I dont know that ive ever really thought about it, at least in a time lenght way. Usually i just kinda am like “oh this is a classic”. I just like games lol


I think that’s why retro gets used as a substitute term because classic can mean it’s from a certain era (e.g., classic 50’s be-bop), but it can also just means that it’s highly regarded, of high quality or exemplary of a type (e.g., Revolver is classic Beatles). Retro tends to be more specifically about the past. But the term retro is not free from alternate meaning. Retro can also mean something designed to imitate or emulate a style or mode from the past. I think we try to differentiate between retro, i.e., a thing from the past, and retro-styled, i.e., a thing made to look like it’s from the past, but not everyone adheres to that convention so using the term retro devoid of further context can lead to some confusion.


Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

The plot focuses on dwindling oil reserves and the resulting conflict leading to the development of fuel-producing algae. Soldiers from Zanzibarland kidnap the responsible scientist and threaten to hold this fuel source hostage with the threat of nuclear weapons. On Christmas Eve, Solid Snake is sent in to rescue the scientist and save the world.

I would probably rather watch a playthrough than play this though. I am currently interested in watching older games being played by someone else and less interested in playing them myself. I do not have the health nor patience for them.


Doesn’t sound like much of a Christmas Eve, for Snake

I have Jazz Jackrabbit now, though unfortunately the sound on the computer isn’t working ATM. I always wished it’d get ported to Switch or something


I’ve never played a single MGS so I would dig this as an excuse to start them


I got Pikmin 1 & 2 for Switch today ! Started that and did a few days

I have played them previously on Gamecube. I couldn’t figure out how to swarm things here, at least not yet–so just have to throw them

Years ago, I watched a deathless run by Let’s Player Roahm Mythril [family-friendly]

Pikmin, Pac-Man, Pokemon, and Peck Men


What about Parasite Eve? It also takes place on Christmas Eve. I read the novel in preparation for playing the game and then never did.


The switch ones have a weird control for it. Its like while holding a trigger or something i believe. Took me a while to find it


Yeah I looked it up today, you just hold the L trigger. Fair enough

Today I had to re-do a day because the piece got stuck up on a ledge, and the Pikmin couldn’t move it ! It was an easy piece, but that was kinda weird. I’d never seen that happen before, I don’t think

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Finished Pikmin today ! It was my first time on Switch, but I’ve played it before. It’s a game unlike any other, I think, and a good time

I got the good ending, of course–every part ! Though, it was a little sloppy; I lost a lot of Pikmin during some points even though I should pretty much know what I’m doing. Oh well

It brings to mind this creepy claymation “The Mysterious Stranger” I saw where the devil makes a bunch of clay guys and then destroys them and says “we can always make more”

Or alternately, Lord Farquaad [Shrek] saying “some of you may die, but it’s a risk I’m willing to take”

Anyway, I always liked this one best of the series. Short, simple and to the point


if there was a christmas challenge, maybe Parasite Eve? It’s set during christmas and is supposed to be good but if you don’t like people fucking melting alive then it might not be that suited to MRGC