Grouvee Game Club

Mine was depressing… lol.

My new couple are much less so


You can’t say that and not share lmao. Did it have the xXx in it?


No. It was early in xbox 360 era so i didnt have any dumb numbers or letters or nothing. I still have the account, i just dont use it. But i bought a ton on it. It was Nvr Respected. Part of a line from a book, Never Respected, Always Forgotten. I wasnt in the healthiest mental place back then.

My current is AlwaysSharks on xbox and ps.
And i use Ureshi on discord and grouvee. Translates to like Happy or some form of it

But anyway Vidjio Games amiright


That’s nutsss!! Sorry to barge in but my username was finalfantasyfreak for most of the games I played back when I was a kid! Like Adventure Quest and AQ Worlds!


That username isn’t so bad. I was thinking either something really emo or maybe referencing an ex-partner or something. What book is it from? Also do you have a favorite type of shark? My partner’s favorite is a whale shark. They’re pretty dang cool. Also I never considered your current username was Japanese. New vocab for me to learn. :))

Twinsies!! lmao. To say I was obsessed with Final Fantasy as a kid is an understatement.

Cant remember for sure. I think it was “Cant get there from here” or something like that.

Hammerhead…lemon sharks maybe? Leopard sharks are cool… i dunno theyre all cool! Lol

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I’m trying out Sonic & Sega All-Star Racing and it’s fantastic! I haven’t really played many Sega games myself and the only Sonic game I’ve ever played is Shadow The Hedgehog lol, so this is a bit new to me. I recognise some of the characters but the game does a really good job of just throwing you in and hitting the gas straight away regardless of whether you’re new or not. I love the vibe and feel of the game in general, it feels like something you’d find in an arcade at the beach, the announcer during the race really fits well and the pumping music in the menus and throughout the races is super too.

Starting out on beginner so I can get used to the tracks and mechanics, the drifting is quite different to something like Mario Kart but it works well when you get the timing right. I assume the tracks are relevant to respective Sega games but I haven’t recognised any, nevertheless every single track in the first cup has been 10/10. So much going on visually and audio wise in each track, it gets the adrenaline up!


Out of curiosity, who is Valle on Steam? I just accepted the friend request but I’m not sure who here is that user.

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Probably Claire Valle? If i had to geuss


Ah, of course. I’m dumb, lol.


Just a PSA that Horizon Chase Turbo was also given away on the Epic Store so y’all might want to check your library.


I’ve been slacking so gonna try and get some racing in tonight.

EDIT: Work fucked me up today. Maybe tomorrow.


It’s kind of weird that the default name in Horizon Chase is “Chaser”. :grimacing:

The game itself feels… fine? Controls are smooths and races are fast, but I’m not sure I like the style. The way objects scale instead of having proper perspective might be a cool throwback, but it also makes me throw up.


Finally got around to trying Inertial Drift and it’s pretty fun.

The gameplay and movement felt super weird at first, especially for someone who only plays Mario Kart, but I eventually got it and it’s actually pretty simple. Still, understanding how the movement works doesn’t mean I’m able to pull off the moves I need to, so it’s been very challenging and fun so far

Not a fan of how every chapter is just the same level over and over. Usually, this is done so you can get to know the map before you actually take on a race, but the fact that some chapters have their races before the first half, with the final stages being regular time trials, makes the game feel really repetitive.

Also don’t like the writing that much. It’s alright but every part reads as “hi we’re your wholesome and diverse group of friends and you can do anything you put your mind to!!!” and it starts to feel really disingenuous as you go on.

I’d love to play more but the game’s making my carpal tunnel act up so maybe another day.


Last time I played Inertial Drift, I thought I did pretty good. This time, it went as well as I imagined racing @Ureshi would go. I crashed into basically every wall and I fell so far behind Jay that I never saw him again. I’m still unlocking cars and achievements, and the game is letting me progress even though I’m on a losing streak, but I have no hope at getting good anymore lmao.

So far the wholesomeness hasn’t overstayed its welcome. It feels like a very encouraging community to continue getting better at our hobby. Maybe it’ll get stale later down the line though.


The race with Jay can be a bit tough…your in Ada’s campaign right? It starts to teach you how to get more drift angle with her car in that race. Its about gentle throttle control. If you angle your drift, then let off the gas just a little bit youll get more angle. Hers alternatively can use the brakes to get angle too, but the throttle trick keeps your speed higher overall.


I’ll have to keep practicing. I felt like when I let off the throttle, my car would go perpendicular immediately.

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If you let off fully it will. You have to do small gentle changes. Itll take a little bit to get used to it. Im not a huge fan of the cars that work like that, but its not too hard to get used to. This game almost requires triggers that have a long pull to them so you can control the throttle and brake with more precision. If you look in the speedometer it also has a meter that you can kinda use to moniter how much throttle or brake you are using to get certain angles.


I’m gonna replay the City Skylink laps tonight and try to put your advice to use. Thank you. :))


Good luck. Im currently in the 4th track for Ada

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