Grouvee Game Club

You can embed YouTube clips, that would be the best way to do it.


I liked how quickly you get to playing too. As soon as you launch the game, it’s tutorial time. I was worried about the gameplay being too technical because I’m a newb when it comes to racing games beyond Mario Kart but I thought I did okay all things considered. I even managed to hit a target time and win a race in Story Mode. I only played the first section with the Lakeside Loop tracks so I didn’t get far into the story. I’m enjoying the VN style dialogue. I wanted to play as Viv but she’s too cool to play as so I decided on Ada since her vehicle was the most balanced. I might’ve picked Edward for his car but he loves milk so I went with someone who has better taste.

EDIT: I also unlocked 7 achievements. :))


They all have individual story content. the tracks are the same but they all have different motivations for racing and races you do. Each car also handles pretty drastically different. I dont remember the order, but i know the menu goes from easiest to hardest.


Surprised to discover im still in the top 250 on a few track time trials in B class, and nearly top 100 in A class on a couple. Its been probably close to two years since i put serious time into Inertial Drift, so im a little rusty, but lets see if we cant change that.

Restarted the story, but this time in Xtra Crispy mode which is supposed to offer faster times and harder events


Yeaaaa, still doing just fine. Smoked Edwards story in pretty short order, about an hour and a half, with no difficulty. Working on Ada’s now, second area. Xtra Crispy mode is showing its teeth a little bit, but not enough to make me sweat.

I cannot tell if my spoiler text is working… doesnt seem to for me. None of this is major spoilers, juat some stuff about cars you come across in story.

Just a couple fun facts about some of the vehicles seen in Edwards story. His car itself I cannot fully place inspiration for, but it reminds me of the Mitsubishi Colt, which was a competitor to the Honda Civic and Volkwagon Golf in the 90s.
Esme, who you race a few times drives what appears to be inspired by early 2000s Nissan Figuroa, a a small hardtop roadster designed to invoke 50s and 60s sports cars.
Corey, who shows up in two stories very clearly drives what looks like a toyota MR2, a mid engined sports car.
Seth, who shows up on the final track drives what is clearly an AE86 Toyota Corolla, one of the most popular japanese cars ever. Made popular with younger generations by Initial D anime, and various racing games.
Jay, who you race in Ada’s story, and possibly Ibba’s has a combination Audi RS4/5 and BMW M3/5 but interestingly the design cues seem to follow the mid to late 2000s designs rather than the more boxy 90s ones like eveeything else.
Finally Viv drives a car heavily inspired by the Honda NSX supercar, which is confirmed in looks, but also the description, which levels the complaint of being low on power which was common with the real world NSX.


Spoilers don’t work if there’s paragraph breaks in between lines.
So your breaks need to be next to each other like this.

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I related to Ada more personality wise anyway so I’m happy with my choice then. :)) It’s nice to know there’s different story routes. Maybe I’ll go back and play as the other characters once I’ve finished with Ada.

Thats kinda dumbbbb lol

Yeah, thats fair. I like all the charactera for the the most part. They all feel fairly real if a bit too positive occasionally for me lol

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As the (assumably) worst drifter in the club, I wanna race @Ureshi since (assumably) they’re the best lmao.


I cannot remember if this game has multiplayer outside of time trials. But we could definitely do time trials on a track and post results

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I think it does? There’s an online multiplayer option but haven’t tried it out yet. Are you playing it on PC? If you are and are comfortable with it, I can add you on Steam.

No im on xbox. Im sure we can figure something out. Shoot if its still on sale maybe ill just buy it on steam too lol

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Oof. Looking into it further, I can’t confirm if it has crossplay or not and the online multiplayer is random matchmaking with no lobbies. I have seen on the Steam forums that friends were matched together by picking the same region and class though, probably because it’s not a super popular title.

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You’re all welcome to add me on Steam if you want to give it a try in the next month sometime.


Time trials it is XD. I dont think it has crossplay, but i could be wrong

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Can’t tell if you’re a TNG fan or you just really like that flavor of tea.


Because of my Steam username? It’s a Douglas Adams reference, lol. Earl Grey because he once put together a “how to make proper tea” guide (a tongue-in-cheek ribbing of Americans), and 42 because it’s the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything.


Ohhhh. I haven’t read Hitchhiker’s Guide since high school. It’s on my reread list. I don’t remember a whole lot besides 42, bring towels, and the whale scene. And the dolphins? And a flying couch? Aiming at the ground and missing. Maybe I remember a bit more than I thought, haha.


My usernames are a pretty good snapshot of my headspace at the time I create them, lol. I think my first username I ever created as a kid was “dolphin” because I was obsessed with dolphins :joy:


Mine was Pokemaniac626. Also FFFreak for Final Fantasy Freak lmao.