Grouvee Game Club

Inertial Drift sounds interesting. I think I gravitate towards either playing something novel or retro. I nominated FH4 because it’s being delisted in December and was on sale, but the sale seems over now. So I’d lean toward Inertial Drift as a possible choice to play something different.


Its got a story but its super basic, and not real long…but theres a definite wall with the last character. One of the races is notoriously hard, but also really rewarding to finish. It took me about 3 days to get fast enough to beat its time.
I was in the top tens in leaderboards for a bit but its player base on xbox was like 400 people lol. Its got dlc now so ive been meaning to return to it.


Racing and Arcade are tags I have excluded from the shop page in Steam, so again not my genre and most likely will end in me parking (! hihi) another game in the category “not for me”, but the most fun looking game that comes up in my library when searching for “Arcade + Racing” is this one:

Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing

The excitement is so strong that the description is all caps-lock:


I think this would also be my first contact with Sonic and the other characters Sega has to offer.

Second place in weirdness and it would give me (and everyone else) a “Y” for the Alphabet Challenge:

You Suck at Parking® - Complete Edition

“You Suck at Parking® is the only racing game where your goal is to stop and parking your ride is more important than your driving skills. It’s a hot race against the clock as you drift, cruise, and go airborne over 250 frustratingly fun, wild levels.”

For a moment I thought “parking, that’s a slow and easy thing to do, I can do that” - then I watched the trailer …


You Suck at Parking looks hilarious and chaotic.


Been super busy and exhausted the past few days so didn’t get a chance to finish the last 2 level of Lara Croft, but I’ll post something here when I do over the weekend if that’s okay?

As for Arcade Racers I haven’t played any of the ones that have already been suggested so would happily go for any of them.

I’d nominate:

Burnout 3 (Takedown) or Burnout 4 (Revenge) (PS2, Xbox, Xbox 360, emulaiton)

Hydro Thunder (N64, Playstion, Windows, Dreamcast, emulation)

OnRush (Playstation 4, Xbox One)

Blur or Motorstorm are also fantastic arcade racers but harder to emulate and motorstorm is limited to PS3. Blur is available on PS3 and Xbox 360. Was also going to nominate my beloved Lego Racers (PS1) but kart racers can probably have their own entire category!


There’s no deadline for finishing Lara Croft. If someone plays it a year from now and wants to share their thoughts, they are more than welcome to.

I’m going to nominate:

  • Out Run (1986) - Switch
  • Ridge Racer (1993) - emulation
  • Road & Track presents the Need for Speed (1994) - emulation
  • Thrash Rally (1991) - Switch, Xbox, iPhone/iPad, PS4
  • Fast RMX (2017) - Switch

I’ve played like 5 racing games in my life and 4 of them are Mario Karts, so my opinion on this is completely worthless, but I’d like to nominate Cruis’n Blast because everyone kept talking about it saying it was the hidden gem of arcade racing titles when it came out on Switch and I’d love to try it out.

I think Fast RMX would also be interesting to play in 2024, since it was one of the Switch’s launch titles, and looking back on it could be a lot of fun


I haven’t played Fast RMX but it’s an improved version of Fast Neo on Wii U, and I enjoyed that. It’s very much like an indie WipeOut.


Finally finished Lara Croft and The Guardian Of light. The last few chapters were pretty good and I like how the game changes up the gameplay style and enemy variety pretty often. It’s not really a game that’s grabbed me but it’s fine to pick up in short bursts. Spent just under 8 hours on it in the end. Tried to do all the challenge rooms but one of them was bugged and there was no way to access the artefact, boooo! Also made me laugh how Totec just appears out of nowhere and seems somewhat important to Laras success yet disappears as soon as you see him? They could have implemented him a bit better for singleplayer gamers.


I feel we have plenty of options to vote on so here’s the official poll. It’s multiple choice so vote for any titles that you are interested in playing. Tentative poll ending date is August 19th.

  • Horizon Chase Turbo (PC, Switch, PS4/PS5)
  • Forza Horizon 4 (PC, Xbox)
  • Top Gear Rally (N64, emulation)
  • Out Run (Switch)
  • Lotus Turbo Challenge (SNES, emulation)
  • OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast (PS2, OG Xbox, emulation)
  • Grid Legends (PS4/PS5, Xbox One/Series, PC)
  • Inertial Drift (Xbox One, PS4/PS5, Switch, PC)
  • Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (iPhone/iPad, PC)
  • You Suck at Parking (Xbox One/Series, PS4, Switch, PC)
  • Burnout 3 (PS2, OG Xbox, emulation)
  • Burnout 4 (PS2, OG Xbox/360, emulation)
  • Hydro Thunder (Dreamcast, N64, PS1, emulation)
  • ONRUSH (PS4, Xbox One, PC)
  • Ridge Racer (PS1, emulation)
  • Road & Track presents the Need for Speed (PS1, emulation)
  • Thrash Rally (Xbox One/Series, PS4, iPhone/iPad, Switch)
  • Fast RMX (Switch)
  • Cruis’n Blast (Switch)
0 voters
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Ah so many to choose from! Impossible to pick!

I’m actually surprised no one suggested Simpsons Road Rage! Forgot about it when I made my suggestions. I suppose Hit and Run would be my preferred pick between the two Simpson car games, although Hit and Run is more Action Adventure?


Theyre not really arcade racers. One is almost a gta clone…the other is…crazy taxi like? So maybe that one would count.


Not to influence the decision, or anything, but Inertial Drift is 90% off at Fanatical right now.


If it stays tied like it is now, im playing it again anyway lol. Ive played both of the other 2, nearly 100 percented Horizon Chase Turbo, and while i wasnt the biggest fan i put enough time into Sega all stars to consider it done in my book.

Also at that price…everyone should just buy it anyway. Lol


I was just playing some Nickelodeon Kart 3 because I watched the Hey Arnold! movie with a new friend [we both like Hey Arnold!, but she had never seen the movie]

You can sometimes clip through the floor for no reason, so you might say that one lacks a little polish

So then I switched to Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, but I’ve just played that one to death at this point


Food for thought: it might be worthwhile to restrict the number of votes in future so that people have to really think about which titles they want to play.

I also wonder if it would be a good idea to pick a couple titles once voting is done instead of just one. This helps in cases where people want to participate but are unable to access the one game selected. I think multiple choices reduces the chance that people feel like the only way to participate is to purchase a game they don’t have. I know it’s possible that people won’t own any of the games chosen, but having multiple choices reduces the odds.


Initially the option was up to have multiple games at a time but those who replied stated that would be too much to keep up with. If more people are interested in having multiple options to choose from each month/voting period, we can do that. Personally one game at a time is about the most I can handle with my current schedule.

We can restrict the number of votes. So far it has panned out okay with a clear winner in the end but I was weighing the options on if there was a tie, then that’d be our multi-choice month, especially if the games were smaller OR pick the cheapest option OR have a final vote.


Sorry, what I’m suggesting is that people can play either game, rather than both. They can play both if they want but it wouldn’t be a requirement. I think that takes some of the pressure off because there’s a second option. It’s nice that last month the game was on sale for a couple dollars, and one of the possible choices this month is also on sale for a couple dollars. But if there’s a month where the game isn’t particularly low cost, people might feel like they can’t jump in.

But then again, maybe I’m needlessly worrying about something that won’t matter in the long run.


I don’t think you’re needlessly worrying. It’s a thought I’ve had myself just within my own budget limitations. It was the reason I made sure to mention that playing the game isn’t the only way to participate. That members could watch longplays, streams, share memes, ask questions, or even discuss the game later down the line when they do get around to playing it. For the last round we had someone sharing their thoughts on a different Summer of Arcade game instead of Lara Croft, which was perfectly fine as well.

This is a long-winded way of saying I think this is a valid option and if anyone would like multiple choices per month then we can make it happen.


I like the ideas stated above from BMO and yourself, I think restricting votes to just a few per person would be good if that’s possible. I personally only vote for 2 or 3 each time max to try and narrow it down. I also think having at least 2 games to choose from might be neat. People who want to play both can, otherwise it gives people the option to pick just one that they prefer / can budget for. It could also mean some interesting discussion and perspective on games that you didn’t pick which would add variety if people want it.

Just some thoughts though, wouldn’t want to divide or split the group.