Grouvee Game Club

Work is pretty slow today, so I went ahead and played through 3 more levels this morning.

Chapters 7 & 8

Just like 3 and 4, these two work like a pair where you make your way through a temple and then fight a big monster in the second level. The Flooded Passage was a lot of fun, being a very linear level with fun puzzles and challenges, and although the big fish monster was fun at first, the level suffers from the whole “Instantly die to bullshit and then load back into the game” problem I’ve been having.

While I really love how the objective system is handled in this game I think the sidequests for the boss levels are really bad. These levels are usually 5 minutes long and you don’t have time to try to accomplish these extra tasks unless you ignore the big boss on purpose (and if you do, well, good luck looking for the red skulls while a giant monster chases you). This level in particular had a task to kill some enemies that spawned around the level which was almost impossible to do during the chase scene, so I just flat out ignored it.

Chapter 9

I always groan when I see the game unlock the map for a level, but this one was actually a lot of fun. The concept of building your own bridge to cross a chasm is well executed, and while you end up having to backtrack a bit once you’re done with it, the game made sure to give you an alternate path to make this as interesting as possible.

The enemies are starting to get a lot more variety at this point too, and combat’s definitely getting better. With the introduction of shield demons and skeletons, I no longer can sit back and fire the weapon with the highest DPS expecting to win. I now have to actually think about the arms I use, and have to actually aim them at the enemies it’ll hurt the most. This was a really good level!

So yeah, same as it ever was. Game’s still fun and frustrating at certain points. However, I have noticed something very interesting about the game so far: Getting the collectibles is a lot more fun than using the collectibles.

In the few hours I’ve played, I haven’t really cared much about using the artifacts and relics I earn even though I’m intentionally going out of my way to get as many of these. All the stat changes they give you feel very minimal, and they’re just kinda there. There’s also a few stat increases scattered throughout the levels, and while having more HP or Ammo is nice, even those end up feeling inconsequential in the long run. I love collecting these extra items and finishing the optional tasks, but the game doesn’t really reward the player for doing so, except for the few tasks that give you new weapons. It’s a very weird feeling.


I think this is going to be a mildly fun forgettable experience overall.

Unfortunately, that’s the curse of Xbox Live games. A lot of its games are really fun and iconic, but downloadable games had a very different feeling 10 years ago, so many of them end up feeling very simple and forgettable when played nowadays.


Completed Chapters 6 - 8 today:

Started to get pretty tired of the toxic cloud mechanic and avoiding the plants but really enjoyed some of the puzzle elements! Being chased by the giant fish at the end of level 8 was a pretty cool segment and a definite cheek clencher. All in all I really enjoyed the flooded passage level.

Gonna put it down for today and do another 3 levels tomorrow maybe. It’s a nice game to pickup and play for an hour or so and then put back down again.


I’m starting up Ch. 7 now and I am also getting quite tired of the plants. I liked the music during the Toxic Swamp level though. Seemed much more memorable and upbeat.

What is everyone’s favorite weapons so far? I’ve been mostly sticking with the assault rifle. But swapping out the artifacts and relics every time I get a new one, unless the stats just increase the bombs cause I don’t use bombs hardly.


I have decided I hate the skeletons. They need to stop getting back up. :rage: Also the way the fish boss died was so visceral lmao. They didn’t have to go so hard.

Also it is hilarious they keep showing Totec on the level illustrations but he’s nowhere in sight.


Chapter 10 - Fiery Depths

The exact moment when my game froze.

I enjoyed the new scenery in this level. And have since learned that you can kill skeletons. There are consequences to not using bombs lmao.


Chapter 10

Once again, the fun gameplay continues to get ruined by adding dumb insta-kill traps and confusing level design. I don’t think I’ve had troubles with the platforming before, but I literally couldn’t stop falling from the map in this one level. So annoying.

Ahd now Chapter 11 OH BOY CHAPTER 11

Chapter 11 is, once again, a boss fight. And it’s the worst one so far. There’s no unique gimmick in this one like there was with the other two, unless you count get a new weapon and spam it as a gimmick. It’s just running around looking for ammo, shooting the boss with the slowest weapon ever made.

The arena is boring, the boss is boring, the gimmick is boring, and to top it all off, I delivered the killing blow while I was on a moving platform so the game just killed me and made me replay the level. Worst level so far.

I’ll probably finish the game tomorrow if work is slow, we’ll see.


I 100% agree Ch. 11 is the worst level. I kept falling off and I was irate by the time I beat it.


Sheepishly, I’ve barely played. I had the same gut reaction to the gameplay as I did when I first tried it on PS3, and I’m struggling to get into it.


Is our finish date still the 15th? Time for a speed run :laughing: just kidding.


You are not missing out on much.

Yeah. Though if people need a little more time, that’s okay. Feel free to keep discussing it as you make your way through. I believe our next theme is arcade racing games unless most people are not interested in that theme and would like to suggest something else.


Oh im not even going to try at this point. Lol. Ill probably eventually play it but now just wasnt the right time apparently.

Arcade racers huh? proceeds to list off 473.6 options


Chapters 12 & 13

These chapters were fine. Both levels take the same approach to exploration, where you’re essentially completing a list of tasks before getting access to a final section, and I think it does work very well in this game by giving you a clear objective instead of just making the player wander around confusing maps.

And as always, the game continues to be frustrating for no good reason. The level designers realized that the end of the game’s almost here, so they’re making the most out of it by spamming insta-kill fire hazards and bottomless pits everywhere! Half of these traps aren’t even hard to avoid, they’re just there to kill you for when the physics engine decides to act up and pushes you towards them. It’s so annoying.

Enemies are also starting to become much worse. All enemies are now damage sponges, and weapons spend more and more ammo each time. Every fight ends up with me using the spear to land the final attacks on an enemy and hoping they drop ammo.

I also could’ve done without having to replay level 12 after it glitched out on me and deleted a key item from existence, but it is what it is.

Just the final boss left, but I’m at work so I’m saving it for later. I do have high hopes for this final level, the developers are capable of making decent fights when they want to, and I hope the reason chapter 11 was so bad is because they were saving up their ideas for this final level. We’ll see.


My goal was to finish the game yesterday but I ragequit after failing to get a ball on a pedestal for a bonus objective after trying over and over and over. Here’s hoping I get through it tonight.


The End

The final level was pretty fun but I still died in stupid ways. The level before it was rather annoying so I’m glad the game ended on a somewhat positive experience.

I forgot to ask if anyone else had unlocked bonus outfits during their playthrough. A few levels back I unlocked the Jungle Outfit so I played through the rest of the game in that.


Final Thoughts

Rating: :star: :star: :star:

Would I recommend this game to others?
No, though it’s $10 price tag is a fair price for it.

What was to like about this game?
Local co-op. Replayability. Easy controls. Unlockables.

What was to dislike?
Frustrating mechanics. Cheap deaths. Samey level designs. Boring music. No subtitles. Bad plot.

I think there is fun to be had with this game and maybe some of that is lost by playing solo but overall this is a forgettable experience that I wasn’t really looking forward to playing at the end of the day. I’m glad I didn’t end up spending money.


Final chapter

The last level was actually kinda nice. As a whole, combat in this game has always been really fun, and the environments for the fight were actually pretty interesting. I like how the three phases kinda highlight different aspects of the game (Traps and puzzles, then combat, then hazards), although i think they ended up being a bit too simple and short for a final boss.

The ending for the story was just as bad as I expected. As a whole, the story was just a big pile of Nothing. I really wish it either took itself more seriously or just decided to have fun with it and did silly stuff all the way through, but as it stands, it’s just boring.

My full review’s up on grouvee if anyone’s interested. Overall, I think it’s a game with a lot of potential that ended up getting ruined by the developers making some really terrible decisions. It’s fine, but I wouldn’t recommend it.


I loved reading your write-ups and your review was great too! Thanks for playing along even though the game turned out fairly mediocre.

Which brings us to voting on the next game! The theme this time will be arcade racing games. Feel free to suggest as many games as you like along with the platforms they’re currently accessible on (if any). I’ll give everyone a few days to make suggestions before we bring them to a final vote.

  • Horizon Turbo Chase (PC, Switch, PS4/PS5)
  • Forza Horizon 4 (PC, Xbox)
  • Top Gear Rally (N64, emulation)
  • Outrun (Arcade emulation)
  • Lotus Turbo Challenge (SNES, emulation)
  • Outrun 2006 Coast to Coast (ps2/og xbox, Emulation)

  • Grid Legends (ps4/5, xbox one/series, pc)
    This is more of a simcade, kinda between arcade and simulation, but its got a fantastic story mode.

  • Inertial Drift (pc, all modern consoles, i think. Maybe not switch)
    Even if this doesnt get picked, it needs more love. Its a super unique control scheme unlike literally anything else in racing games.