Grouvee Game Club

They die super easy! It’s just annoying when they come from behind and from in-front at the same time. I’ve had a busy weekend too so I’m holding off on progressing any further, not sure where other people are at if anyone else is playing along too?

Hope you get some good recovery time, I always hate how I spend most of my time recovering and then when I feel like my energy is full enough to do something, bang, it’s back to work again! What a glorious system.


The endless cycle of working, stamina, and recovery isn’t ideal but it is what it is. Maybe I can find a better routine to help avoid burnout.

Chapter 3 - Spider Tomb

I asked my partner if he wanted to play co-op and he declined which was a very very good decision on his part because holy shit, were there a lot of spiders in this one and he has arachnophobia big time. I would’ve felt so bad, hahahaha.
And you were right, Atag. The spiders were super easy. I didn’t like the combo of fighting them and the stampede bois though. That messed me up a few times.
The flamethrower was dope but it ate so much ammo that I opted for a different weapon. Getting stuck with only using the lance one time was enough for me to prioritize a different weapon.
I both loved and hated the spike maze to unlock the final(?) challenge dungeon. I asked my partner to help solve it and after many trials and errors, we cheated and looked up a guide lmao.
The final “puzzle” of crossing the bridge I didn’t really like. My frustration with it was the lance suddenly being capable of aiming at something above you in this particular instance while the rest of the time you cannot. Especially since right before the bridge the red skull puzzle makes you use the stairs to aim your lance higher on the pillars because you are barred from aiming in any direction but directly in front of you.


Ill be catching up this week probably. I got my old xbox account back and to my surprise i owned LC guardian of light on it, so that was a bonus haha. I swore i had it elsewhere but couldnt find it


I had the same experience. I swore I had it on Playstation but turns out I have the sequel from PS+ and Guardian of Light from Xbox Live. It feels so wrong they’re not together on the same library, hahaha.


It’s highly likely that anyone with a PS+ account which reaches far enough back in time probably owns it. The problem is that there is no way to see it in your library unless you actually log into a PS3.


Chapter 3:

Yeah those spiders combined with other enemies can really overwhelm you! Are you talking about the spike maze where you have to stand on all the spike platforms for the challenge door to open? I really enjoyed running around figuring out the route personally, took about 4 goes because I kept messing up the flow near the end, but it was satisfying! I feel like a game like this could do with instant re-spawning when you die because I’ve been dying a lot lately and the loading times are kinda annoying. Also royally screw that bridge segment with the rolling spike drum. I haven’t really ran to grab an edge below me before so that mechanic wasn’t really apparent to me. The spear aiming is kinda janky too, I find myself using the spear a lot though!


Somehow up to Chapter 6 now without realising it?

Chapter 4 & 5:

Chapter 4 was sort of just a dinosaur boss battle that was easy enough. I really liked chapter 5, lots of balls action… I know I’ve said it before but I really like the small physics stuff in the game, moving the balls around, using explosives near the balls to make them move a certain way, using objects to manipulate the grapple / rope, it’s all really satisfying! The crumbling bridge segment at the end was a bit frustrating, kept slipping up on the same bit over and over again.


Oh right. You mentioned this before. That’s my bad. But also SHAME ON THE PS MOBILE APP for not showing me this information.

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Wait, you grabbed the end of the bridge ledge to survive? That’s wiiiild. I planted a bomb and set it off when the spike log was on top of it so it got launched into the air, giving me time to run underneath it.


Yeah I had no idea how to avoid the spike log lmao, died about 6 times and lost all the points I’d collected up until then:( I ended up looking up a tutorial for it actually because I got so frustrated and the player jumped off the edge and grabbed the ledge! I honestly never would have even tried placing a bomb because in my mind there’s no way it would shift the log, it was huge!!

Later in the game there’s a set of plank boards over a gap and I thought I could be smart by placing a bomb and getting two giant enemies to walk over it and then blow the planks up… But nothing. Stuff like that which really throws me with the mechanics sometimes and makes me think “oh so explosives can’t be used for some things” but then later they can be.


Big agree. There being mechanic rules that are thrown out the window for very specific instances as a solution to a puzzle is a bit irritating. I don’t feel smart, I feel lied to. :sob:

Also I had no idea dying means you lose points. That might explain why I’ve been doing so poorly on the report card.


I just played the same chapters.

The dinosaur boss battle was short and sweet. Totec coming out of nowhere to say hi and bye was pretty funny. The balls action level was pretty fun. Though the challenge map with the spiky circle in it had me stumped for so long. I enjoyed the little tubes to get the balls down. The exit of death at the end was so rude, especially with the spiky walls punking me.

We’ve made so much progress and it’s not even August. :))


Whats the time limit for this one? I havent even started it yet.


Tentative completion date is August 15th. Participation and having fun is more important to me than progress though.


I’ve been kinda busy with a few card games, both paper and digital, so I wasn’t able to start playing until now. So far: It’s fun! I think the gameplay’s pretty solid, and the story looks to be just the right amount of goofy. My biggest praise so far is that the game’s overall very simple, so most mechanics feel really polished and good to play with.

Chapter 1

It was really nice to play through although it didn’t leave the best first impressions in a lot of areas. Combat is fun, and so is movement (even though it’s a bit imprecise). There’s a loooot of controls, and many of them could probably be placed better on the controller, so it’s super confusing at first but I’m slowly getting used to it. I absolutely love the spear, making your own platforms in a 3D space is so much fun, and opens the way to a lot of creative puzzles. Love it.

My favorite part of the game so far are the sidequests, I love how the game handles them. They show up right before a section and say “Hey! There’s an alternate way of solving this, do it and you’ll get an extra prize!”. They feel more like achievements in that way, and the fact that they’re publicized both before you start a level and right as you get to the area where you can complete them feels so good!!!

Chapter 2

It’s also fun, although I don’t think exploration is this game’s strong suit. The collectibles didn’t really feel that hidden in the first level, but were instead locked behind puzzles or challenges, and I think that’s the way to go. I didn’t really feel like scouring the map to find all skulls here, so I just left.

I’m a bit conflicted about combat, because it’s pretty fun but can get pretty annoying at times. I don’t know if it’s due to me selecting Hard difficulty, but all fights feel like they’re one wrong move away from the enemies stun-locking you and killing you, and some enemies can zone you pretty hard so it’s a bit frustrating to actually land the hits on them. On the other hand, all the guns I’ve gotten so far are fun to use, and trying to integrate using the bomb while dodging attacks is a really cool mechanic that makes combat really dynamic. I’ll have to wait and see how future encounters turn out.

Overall: It’s fun, although I’m a bit worried about how some of the mechanics might end up developing in future levels. There’s nothing in the game i’d call bad so far, but it does feel like a fair amount of the mechanics can become really frustrating if the developers go overboard. I’ll have to wait and see.


I don’t find the exploration very interesting either. It’s not bad but because the levels don’t change much visually, they’re a little boring. Thankfully the areas aren’t very big so it doesn’t feel like padding or filler when exploring is encouraged.

Work has been very busy and draining but I’m going to try and get some levels in tonight after work. :))


So I didn’t play yesterday cause my partner surprised me with a surprise movie date but I played half of the Toxic Swamp level today.

I think my favorite bit so far was finding a random ball and rolling it to a healing fountain for a bonus objective. At one point I was rolling it up a hill and accidentally dropped it on a swarm of baddies behind me, damaging a bunch. A happy accident indeed.


I dont think im going to get around to this one. Ive got too much other stuff on my plate right now. I wanted to, but im trying to clean house of the games ive already started, working towards my halloween challenge, and working towards my stuff for next year.

Ill be in on next months for sure, im always playing a racing game.


Played a little bit more today and yeah, the game’s definitely starting to become a little frustrating. It’s still a fun time, but it feels like the developers are making a lot of tiny little decisions to make the experience just a little more frustrating with each level.

Chapters 3 & 4

These levels are good, but they’re also where the frustration starts. These are the levels were you start to die, and boy is it frustrating. It’s super easy to die, yet it never feels intentional. You almost never die to combat or traps or anything you think would be difficult. Instead, you die to the spike trap puzzles. You die to falling over one floor by mistake. You die to the physics engine. You die to bullshit environmental hazards that are very hard to tell apart from the scenery. It would’ve been so simple to just fade the screen to black, reset your position and add a little bit of damage like in Ocarina of Time, but It seems the developers hate fun and love loading screens, apparently.

This is also where i began to notice just how sudden the endings for some of these levels were. It’s probably just me, but half the time it doesn’t feel like I should be at the end of a level yet, and the other half it feels like it should’ve ended a while ago. In every stage I played today the game just suddenly stopped when I least expected it and asked me to load the next level. It doesn’t feel good.

And the worst part? Is that the levels are fun. Getting a flamethrower to roast spiders is fun. Tricking a t-rex into stepping on traps is fun. It’s just frustrating that the developers made so many weird choices for their game, all they do is detract from the actually fun gameplay. I’m pissed.

Chapters 5 & 6

Chapter 2 left a very bad first impression on what exploration was gonna be like in this game, and I think these two chapters do a much better job at executing this idea.They offer two different approaches to exploration, and I think both of them are much better than just the weird open-world thing from the second level.

Chapter 5 is an indoors level that plays like an exploration level. You have to find 8 boulders to complete a puzzle, all of which you can find just by following one path that is pretty linear, even when it branches off into multiple rooms. Chapter 6 is an exploration level that plays like a linear temple. You have to get to the end of the swamp, and while you’re free to explore multiple areas of this world, the way to the exit is very linear, and you have to visit multiple checkpoints in a certain order.

Both of these levels have a defined structure that the player is meant to follow, which leads to a better level design than whatever Chapter 2 was trying to do. Everything is near one path that you follow through the end, and while you can wander off to try and find some extra collectibles, you never feel really lost with either of these approaches to exploration. If exploration comes back in the future, I hope it follows either of these two formulas.

Overall: The game’s still fun. It does have its frustrating moments, but I don’t think it’s bad or anything. At least not yet. We’ll have to wait and see how much worse it gets.


My experience has been enjoyably mid. I haven’t felt too frustrated even though the controls are definitely floaty and not super accurate. I think this is going to be a mildly fun forgettable experience overall.