Grouvee Food: Bites

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Tiger tail ice cream is orange flavoured ice cream with black liquorice ripple. It’s a Canadian invention, although I feel like it’s not as popular as it used to be.


My brain can’t decide if that would be a terriffic or terrible taste, I love orange ice cream and I like liquorice if it isn’t the heavily salted kind, but the combination is the unknown. Unfortunately it’s not something that is sold in Germany as it seems, if it were I would try it.

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That sounds wild. I don’t care much for licorice so I’d probably pass, but maybe it’s secretly delicious.

What is salted licorice?


This form is the sweeter liquorice but I think a salty Dutch style liquorice might work well, with the saltiness complementing the sweet.

Come to Canada some time and try Tiger Tail!


I like it. The brand I had last night is a bit too sweet but the combination of flavours work surprisingly well.

It’s the predominant form of black liquorice in Scandinavian countries, and The Netherlands. I imagine also Germany given their historic cultural ties with those regions. It’s pretty much what it sounds like, black liquorice candy that is salted. It’s definitely an acquired taste. It’s fun to see people new to it try it though :laughing:

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If I am asked, then it is an abomination that needs to be forbidden by the Geneva Convention. It looks exactly like liquorice with a sugar coat but its pure salt:

A friend from Finland gifted some of it to me and I questioned the friendship, but luckily they also were sending me other very tasty treats. For revenge I sent them German “Ahoj-Brause” which they did not know before, but turned out after the first sour shock that they love it.


Steak Niiight


Steak? A coincidence i saw these in the pub today;

I did not order as i would have to finish it and i wanted to go home before the weekend.


Lol! Well I didn’t do a 32 oz tomahawk, but it was still pretty dang good


Evening salads while visiting the family.

I prepared a green bean salad with garlic, a home made red wine vinaigrette, and a farro (spelt) grain salad with cucumber, cherry tomatoes, alubias and garlic chives (tomatoes, cucumber and chives from my mother’s garden) with a slightly different home made vinaigrette. My brother made a Croatian cucumber salad my grandmother passed down to us. I also grilled olives, mushrooms, poblano peppers and habanero peppers on skewers. Lastly I grilled some chicken that I let sit in a simple marinade of olive oil, red wine vinegar, garlic, salt and pepper (not pictured).


This is for @Nelemania. I promised I’d snap a shot the next time I was at the German store.


Thank you so much @BMO the dream lives on in Canada! :hugs:


Yet made in Germany. I wonder if whoever is making it only exports the product.


My girlfriend made lemon pepper shrimp and egg noodles with a garlic lemon sauce for dinner tonight…pretty tasty.

We also went to a farmers market today and got local honey, a blueberry wildflower honey and a cranberry honey. We also got a delicious lemon marmalade that probably wont last long


Monkey Bread made with my son.


Looks great. My dad and I used to make monkey bread all the time when I was a kid.


I made Internet Shaquille’s chicken tinga and it was a hit even with the picky kids. The adults had it with a sauce made from the braising liquid (per Sensei Shaquille) while the kids did the chicken without the sauce. Regardless, it was a big hit with some avocado, lime and rice/a tortilla.


I made brookie (cookie and brownie), for dessert. Didn’t follow a recipe and it turned out well!


That seems to be a genuinely nice guy and the recipe made me drool a bit. Also a funny Pokémon reference inside. I will definitely look into his other recipes too. Still waiting to be fully able to stand on two feet without a crutch, so I can start cooking real food again. Hopefully on friday the doctor will give me the ok for that.