Feedback, suggestions, say hi!

Peter, I think I’ve bugged you about this before (and a million other people probably have too) but I’d love to display my favourite games (w/ box art) on my profile. And more profile customisation/personalisation in general would be cool. I love this site, keep up the wonderful work. :slight_smile:
I only just realised these forums were here!

edit: Oooh, I also remembered (sorry again, I’m sure you get this 300 times per day) but I’d love to see Gog integration!

Also hello to all, I am Torgo, an Australian gamer.
I hope you’re all having a wonderful day. :smiley:

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Hi @Torgo!

It’s OK to keep bugging me. I answered this on your status on the main site, but I want people to see it here too.
I do have the featured shelf feature on my list of things to do, I just haven’t had a ton of time to work on the site the last few weeks. I agree that it would be really cool to be able to feature something like that. I’ve actually got a new theme for the profile pages that will let you customize them a lot more in general that I’ve started to work on. They’re going to look something like this: Application – Bootstrap Themes

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Wow @peter, that looks amazing, I’m looking forward to this!! :slight_smile:
Yeah it must be that time of year, I’m crazy busy at the moment too.
Looking forward to the update but don’t lose any hair/sleep over it!

Btw, is that lorem ipsum in your link or am I just a very uncultured individual? haha

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Yeah, it’s all lorem ipsum in the demo for the theme. You’re not uncultured!

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Woah, let’s not be too hasty in declaring whether he is cultured or not.


@headrollsoff :’(
Hey, that’s quite presumptuous of you! I’ll have you know that I have travelled to Lorem on multiple occasions and I am very much fluent in Lorem Ipsum… although I must say their native cuisine leaves much to be desired

WOW, I just realised the vast range of emojis (emoticons?) available. How can I pull up a menu that shows them all? Very cool! Sorry if this is a dumb question (I don’t use smart tech), Lol, more proof of my unculturedness! :camel:

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I wasn’t saying you were one or the other. Just stating it was too early to make a final judgment on it. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

There is a little smiley face button when you are entering a reply that will open up a box with the emojis when you click it. I think that has all of them.


Hi! First of all, I like Grouvee so much!! It’s awesome :smiley:

The only thing I’m kinda missing, is sorting my shelves not based on my rating, but on the website’s general rating?

I have one shelf that I use for games that have been reommended to me, so I don’t know whether those games are actually good or not. So (like in Goodreads), I thought, if I could sort it based on the general ratings, I know which of those recommended games are good ones?

Hope that makes sense, and sorry if this has been asked already!
Thanks! Game on!


I’ve had this one on my list for a while, and it’s something I’d like to use myself. I’ll let you know when I’ve got something to look at!

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Awesome! Patiently waiting for a mobile app someday too :blush:

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Thanks for awesome site! Is there at this moment any way to add “custom metadata” which can be seen on list when browsing?

I collect games and I have a catalogue number in every game, and it would be very handy to have a possibility to write that cat. no. in my games here when I add them on my shelves and see those in same list where is al my games.

Is this currently possible somehow?

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When searching for games, the previous search term should be retained in the search result page. This makes correcting a spelling mistake less annoying.


Oh, and hi! Thanks for making Groouvee!


I assume this has been requested a thousand times, and I’ve probably requested this feature myself already, but still: it would be really cool to be able to manually drag-n-sort your game shelves. Like if I wanted a “favourite games” shelf and sort them 1 through 20. Or if I had a “to-play-next” shelf and have them sorted in the order in which I intend to play them.That would be “groovy”. :grin:


Thanks for a great site! Going to spend some time with it, and maybe introduce it to some nerdy friends! Question: I haven’t quite figured out how to search for particular users - is there a way to do this?

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There is a page, Grouvee Users, Page 1 that you can search for users on. I used to have it linked from the main page, but hardly anyone used it. Now it’s kind of a hidden secret.


Awesome! Thanks so much, Peter! <3 Loving the site! :smiley:


Feature request: set operations for querying shelves.

e.g., show me games on my “played” shelf that aren’t on my “completed” shelf.

Also: do you have any use for technical contribution? I don’t know anything about your development platform, but I have some web programming experience, and am a professional system administrator.

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It has, but it always helps to hear it again! This is the next thing I’m going to be building. Too many people, including myself, want this feature.


Just so everyone know, manual sorting of a shelf is now available. It’s considered a “beta” feature until you guys show how many ways I messed it up. Test it out, break it, and tell me what you think about it!

The way you do it is go to a shelf you’d like to sort manually. Click the button at the top of the page that says enable sorting. Numbered boxes will come up next to the box art on the page. All you need to do is order the games from there. If you change the number in the box and either hit enter or tab or anything that takes the focus out of the input box, Grouvee will update the order of your shelf.

Please don’t get mad at me if it’s a little broken. I think I’ve tested every scenario, but I know you guys are going to figure out how I did it wronge :smile:


I guess I’m on a roll today, I added the ability to sort a shelf by the average Grouvee rating. @GirlGamerGaB, I think you were waiting on this?

I’d love to hear what everyone thinks of this, and the new manual sorting of shelves.

Next thing up is changing up some of the Grouvee Gold stuff!