Feedback, suggestions, say hi!

Getting the extra details into the titles would be great.

I was struggling with coming up with a solution to grouping that I could suggest. It might not be doable in a way that makes sense for the feed. Since the feed is not keeping track of what has been seen on a user basis (like these forums), it makes it tough to be able to group up in a way that doesn’t pull up already seen data or clutter the feed with the same data multiple times. And I don’t say that to suggest it should keep track of what the user has seen like the forums either.

P.S. Thanks for re-ordering. My brain reads the notification list much better now. Funny how our minds are trained after so much time on the internet.

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Hi! First of all, thank you for creating and working on this site!

Suggestion: the feature I am most interested in, apart from the ability to sort shelves manually (like on Goodreads) is the ability to add a short private description that will be viewable on my shelves. When I choose a game for my wishlist, I often like to add some notes, so that I remember what the game was about and maybe what sort of controls it has and so on. Now I have to go to a game’s page to read the notes, but it would be nice to have it on the shelves.

Oh, and one feature that I thought of lately is to be able to sort reviews on feed according to genre at least. It would make the reviews much more relevant.

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Just to give an update on this main thread since a lot of people see this one, I’m testing out the ability for people to add games to the database. I’ve given a couple of people access to it, and we’re working out the bugs and the rules for all of this. I think it’s going pretty well so far. There’s a few more features I need to add to make it more complete, but overall I’m pretty happy with it.

I’ll let you guys know when I’m going to open it up for all curators.

I don’t know if it’s just me, but Grouvee has been loading weird lately. Basically, everything’s all smashed together. It’s been happening on all pages for me but if it isn’t happening for anyone else then just ignore this post. :blush:

You’d have to show me a screenshot. Amazon has had some S3 troubles these past couple of weeks that has caused some goofiness on the site. That’s the place that I store all of the site assets like images and page style sheets. That could cause something like that to happen.

So Amazon created this masterpiece? It’s beautiful. :cry:

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Well, your fonts look fine, so I don’t know what’s going on there.

What browser and OS are you using?

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Google Chrome and Windows 8.1. It seems to be working fine on Firefox though so maybe it’s coming from my end.

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Hi! Just found this site and I love it! Great job! Quick question, and I tried searching the forum so I’ll apologize in advance if someone already asked this or I just don’t know how to do it. The main reason I was looking for a site like this was to help me decide what to play next on my backlog. So I wanted to be able to manually order the list. For instance being able to drag the games up or down in the list or send one to the top. Ideally it’d have the order that I’d be playing the games in my backlog. Thanks again for such an awesome site.

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Right now, this is not something you can do the way that you have described. Games show up on your shelves in order of when you added them (latest first), so you could potentially create a “Next to Play” shelf and manually add games to it in a specific order. I know Peter keeps track of requested features and will usually respond in time with whether or not it is something he feels fits in his overall vision of the site. So, hopefully he will chime in with a more concrete answer for you.

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@headrollsoff is right that this feature isn’t there yet, but this is definitely something that’s on the todo list. Real life has been a little too busy the last few weeks to get much done, but I promise it’s high up on the list!

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That’s great to hear! I was just about to make the same suggestion myself. Thanks for all your hard work, Peter.

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Is Grouvcast taking a break? I miss hearing Jess, Peter, AJ and Shae’s voices. I listened to every episode and found some cool games thanks to them. Also, cat talk is highly acceptable.


Shae sent me the latest episode last night actually. I’ll be putting it up tomorrow morning! He says it’s really great too!

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I just joined this site and it’s pretty cool, way better than any other similar site I came across (although I’m not completely happy with this one either :stuck_out_tongue:)
Some complaints I have:

  • I would really like some ways to customize the way the list looks,
    like custom css or at least an option to remove or change the size of
    the box art when you view somebody’s list (it’s distracting if a list
    is very long)
  • some kind of chart or graph on the profile that track the number of
    games completed, playing…
  • the review rating system needs a lot of work, just upvotes won’t give me a lot of feedback about the quality of my review nor will a lot of people bother rating or writing them
  • And idk if I just missed it, but I cant find a link of the users profile while looking at their forum profile

That’s all I noticed so far, but aside of that I’m really liking this website, thank you for making it.


Thanks peter! I’ll check it out soon

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Is there a way to buy the Gold subscription for a fixed amount of time without authorizing recurring renewal payments? For example, is there a way to pay for one month or one year, but just have it expire after that time without it automatically renewing or attempting to charge me?

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You can cancel immediately after purchasing one and it won’t charge you again at the end of the period.

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thanks hope it gets done in teh near future, beacsue if its not on this site I will forget. :slight_smile:

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Peter has added the ability for certain users to add games to the site. If you run into a game that is not on the site, you can post in the forums and let us know.

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