I remember this one! Never played it though.
And just like that, PASSING NUMBER 100, WOOOOOOO!
This is a nice series! Being a bit of a game/anime OST nerd, I was surprised to see a lot of stuff I hadn’t heard of before like Blasphemous (I’m really liking those!)
I see you have a lot of FF stuff but did you ever play Dissidia Final Fantasy? It’s one of the lesser known FF games but one of my favorite OST tracks of all time is Keeping the Peace (link) from Dissidia. It’s a very soothing piano piece with some pacing but a lot of space. It’s a bit sorrowful and yet I can sense a feeling of determination to keep going on despite of how much it might hurt to keep doing so. It’s a very special piece to me as it was my most listened song during the worst part of my young self’s depression. It’s a beautiful one, I recommend it.
I was surprised you haven’t listed any Genshin Impact but makes sense if you’re on Mac. As a fellow FF fan and musician I urge you to check the OSTs out! They’re all on Spotify too! They’ve recorded really top notch live orchestras from around the world and, in my opinion, the music is on the same level as Final Fantasy or I dare say even higher. Below are a few Genshin tracks I’ve been listening to lately if you wanna check it out.
Some of my favorite calm/beautiful tracks:
and some great combat tracks are:
I have Dissidia NT, which I mostly dislike, and I dislike most of the music from that too. I’ve never played any of the earlier ones, which I think I would have enjoyed more.
As for Genshin, the last gacha game I play is ending service this month, and I really want to avoid another one since I went a little (okay, a lot) overboard on spending with previous ones. I’ll check the music out, though!
And I probably would hate it too I read the NT game was really bad so I never played it. The ones I played were the 2 PSP ones which were pretty solid games. From what I’ve read it seems like a lot of people loved the PSP games so they tried NT but were very disappointed by it. If the game sucked I bet the music in it wasn’t all that great either
I 100% understand. I’ve actually mostly stopped playing Genshin and quit other gacha games for the overspending and mindless grinding. I think you get more bang for your buck buying several good quality games for $100 than throwing $100 on a single gacha item/character/costmetic. I still check out their OSTs every time there’s a new one on Spotify though. There hasn’t been a single OST album that has disappointed me yet. Each OST has had a unique theme/vibe as they are inspired by different cultures so I’m always excited to hear what the new one will be like.
Well, it’s almost been two months, but here’s the next installment! Enjoy Secret of Mana, one of my all time favs!
I respect the super Mario world tracks you’ve listed. Some great music in that game. The real question is where’s the SNES Donkey Kong Country songs smh. ‘Aquatic Ambience’ is an all time great, I’d even go as far to say play it at my funeral lmao
Would you prefer that or Stickerbrush Symphony?
It’s a really hard one to choose on. Either way David Wise is very talented.
Aquatic Ambience is in the list!
I just don’t really care for DKC.
There are just some compositions that transcend their origination in my opinion, game, movie, etc. I would say that both of these titles fall into that camp.
I could hear either and not know a thing about Donkey Kong Country and still think they sound pretty neat to give a big understatement.
Oh yeah I agree! I don’t know the other tracks that well and definitely don’t know the sequels, so I just don’t know any others that stuck out to me as favorites.
Ah must have missed that, I was just scanning the game titles you’d listed and couldn’t see it!
Great list though:)
Aside from obvious choices like the Spyro soundtracks, personally I’ve always been an enormous fan of the Neverhood & Skullmonkey soundtracks by Terry Scott Taylor. Just such whimsical goofy stuff. Still gets regular rotation play in my library. The theme alone is incredible.
You know, I had an old demo disc with Spyro on it, but I never actually played any of them. No idea what they sound like, but I’ll check it out!
Wasn’t the Neverhood guy the one that made Armikrog? Isn’t he a huge like, asshole transphobe?
It is and he is, but I can’t help but still love it. Armikrog is whatever, it’s pretty meh honestly, but Neverhood will always have a special place in my heart. Thankfully, I am able to separate art/artist.
I’ve heard very great things about Neverhood. I did not like Armikrog, lol.
I’ve been jamming to this for a couple of days now.
I love when it goes quiet and then jumps right back in it with the flute around 1:50
Did you ever paly any of the Xeno games other than Xenogears? I’m really little into music and often just filter it as background when playing games but the Xenoblade songs (particularly some of XB2) were different.
I have Xenosaga 1 and that’s it, unfortunately. I know Mitsuda did that score too, so I’m interested to get to it. My backlog is miles long, plus I have to track down the other two sequels which has proven tricky. I hear those weren’t as good as they went with a different composer.
I’m slightly familiar with Xenoblade’s score since I did a project on it, but it’s hit and miss, which is typical of Shimomura’s stuff, and I guess she led the team. I think the weird mix of ACE, Shimomura, that other person they brought in, and Uematsu’s studio didn’t serve it too well. They must have agreed because they had Mitsuda write the closing tune and take over for XB 2 and 3 again.
So yeah, I’m looking forward to them. Someday.
Well, I have breached the top 10! I’ve posted my last round of fighting music, which is one of my favorite genres-within-the-genre, and couldn’t help but add a few hundred more words to it today. I have just about four posts left until I reach number one. I hope someone out there has gotten something from all this, lol, but if not, that’s cool too. As always, let me know what you think!