Hello everyone! My name is Mike and I’m a musician and lover of games and their music. I’m making a series of posts looking at my favorite game music pieces/soundtracks/concepts, and I’m using this space to document each post for our reading and listening pleasure.
261. Riveria Overworld (Asdivine Hearts)
260. Casually (Breath of Fire 3)
259. To A Distant Place (Breath of Fire 3)
Wizards & Warriors Series
258. Stage 1 Forest of Elrond (Wizards & Warriors)
257. Invincibility (Wizards & Warriors)
256. Tree Trunk (Wizards & Warriors)
255. Ice Caves (Wizards & Warriors)
254. Title Screen (Ironsword)
253. Stage 1 (Ironsword)
252. Icefire Mountain Cave (Ironsword)
251. Tristram (Diablo)
250. Prohibidos y Cubiertos de Polvo
249. Coplas de Incienso
248. Que Las Campanas Me Doblen
247. Al Compás de Tus Contornos
246. Ghost (Brave Frontier)
245. Where It Rains (Brave Frontier)
244. Rise or Fall (Phantasy Star II)
243. Crossing Those Hills (Final Fantasy IX)
242. Blue Fields (Final Fantasy VIII)
241. Main Theme of Final Fantasy IV (Final Fantasy IV)
240. Tina’s Theme (Final Fantasy VI)
239. Main Theme of Final Fantasy VII (Final Fantasy VII)
238. Fisherman’s Horizon (Final Fantasy VIII)
237. On Our Way (Final Fantasy VII)
236. Kids Run Through the City (Final Fantasy VI)
235. The Floating Gardens of Earia (Magic Knight Rayearth)
234. Death by Glamour (Undertale)
233. Lively Town (Shining Force 2)
232. Mithril Diggers (Shining Force 2)
231. Katamari on the Rocks ~ Main Theme (Katamari Damacy)
230. Fillmore (Actraiser)
229. Aitos-Temple (Actraiser)
228. North Wall (Actraiser)
227. Underground Castle/The Mine (Soul Blazer)
226. Basement of Leo’s House/Leo’s Laboratory (Soul Blazer)
225. Ode to Lisa/A Night Without a Lover (Soul Blazer)
224. Beautiful World/Start a Journey (Map of the World) (Illusion of Gaia)
223. Blessing of Nature/Itory, The Hidden Village (Illusion of Gaia)
222. Ominous Whispers/Signs of the Past (Illusion of Gaia)
221. Longing for the Past/In the Earthen Womb (Illusion of Gaia)
220. Threat of Dark Gaia/Clash of Light and Shadow (Illusion of Gaia)
219. Arise Within You (Parasite Eve)
218. Battle (The Sword of Hope II)
217. Sigma 1st (Mega Man X)
216. Eulogy of Ruin (Wild Arms)
215. Dark Force (Phantasy Star III)
214. Battle: Zeik (Wild Arms)
213. Longing
212. First Steps
211. Missing Piece
210. Fun House (Mickey Mousecapade)
209. Pirate Ship (Mickey Mousecapade)
208. Chip Dip Triple Flips Are Hip (Adventure Time: Card Wars)
207. Secret Ways (Phantasy Star 2)
206. Bloody Excrement (Final Fantasy Tactics)
205. Battle Fanfare (Paper Mario)
204. Battling (Breath of Fire)
203. Boss Battle (Shining the Holy Ark)
202. Bowser (Yoshi’s Island)
201. Transcendence (Brave Frontier)
200. Minit’s Awakening
199. Sabasaba Desert
198. Alarming Swamp
197. Resort Island
196. Last Battle (Chrono Trigger)
195. Battle Theme (Final Fantasy VI)
194. Fight Against an Armed Boss (Super Mario RPG)
193. Pokey Means Business (Earthbound)
192. Peril (Final Fantasy X)
SNES Mario Music
191. Map 2 (Overworld) (Super Mario World)
190. Athletic (Super Mario World)
189. Koopa Junior (Super Mario World)
188. Creative Exercise (Mario Paint)
187. Flower Garden (Yoshi’s Island)
186. Map (Yoshi’s Island)
Castlevania Series
185. The Silence of Daylight (Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest)
184. Dwelling of Doom (Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest)
183. Crystal Teardrop (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
182. Lost Painting (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
181. Marble Gallery (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
180. Wandering Ghosts (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night)
179. Vampire Killer (Super Castlevania IV)
178. Bloodlines (Castlevania: Rondo of Blood)
177. Picture of a Ghost Ship (Castlevania: Rondo of Blood)
176. Opus 13 (Castlevania: Rondo of Blood)
175. Challenge (Final Fantasy X)
174. Battle #1 (SaGa Frontier)
173. The Extreme (Final Fantasy VIII)
172. Trisection (Final Fantasy Tactics)
171. Sacrifice Part Three (Seiken Densetsu 3)
170. Connected (Yours Forever) (Tetris Effect)
169. Always Been But Never Dreamed (Tetris Effect)
168. Sayonara Wild Heart (Sayonara Wild Hearts)
167. Bar 3 (Shadowrun)
166. Aquatic Ambience (Donkey Kong Country)
165. Village (SimCity)
164. Capital (SimCity)
163. Metropolis (SimCity)
162. Boss Battle (TaleSpin)
161. Big Boss (Yoshi’s Island)
160. Battle (Shining the Holy Ark)
159. Battle (Romancing SaGa 2)
158. Nascent Requiem (Final Fantasy XIII)
157. Cybernetic Carnival (Phantasy Star 4)
Stardew Valley
156. Spring (It’s a Big World Outside)
155. Spring (Wild Horseradish Jam)
154. Summer (The Sun Can Bend An Orange Sky)
153. Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies
152. Fall (The Smell of Mushroom)
151. Fall (Ghost Synth)
150. Fall (Raven’s Descent)
149. Winter (Nocturne of Ice)
148. Winter (The Wind Can Be Still)
147. Winter (Ancient)
Music of Final Fantasy
140. Dungeon (Final Fantasy II)
139. Elia, the Maiden of Water (Final Fantasy III)
138. Castle of Hain
137. The Way to the Top
136. The Prelude (Final Fantasy VI)
135. Searching for Friends
134. The Mines of Narshe
133. Coin of Fate
132. Forever Rachel
131. Magitek Research Facility
130. Flowers Blooming in the Church (Final Fantasy VII)
129. Dear to the Heart/Holding My Thoughts in My Heart
128. Lifestream
127. Listen to the Cries of the Planet/You Can Hear the Cries of the Planet
126. Reunion
125. Roses and Wine (Final Fantasy VIII)
124. Martial Law
123. The Spy
122. Drifting
121. Crystal World (Final Fantasy IX)
120. A Place to Call Home/The Place I’ll Return to Someday
119. Besaid (Final Fantasy X)
118. Spira Unplugged/Spiran Scenery
117. The Summoning
116. The Sending
115. The Travel Agency
114. Twilight
113. Macalania Woods
112. Pursuit/Those Who Come Closer
111. Hymn of the Fayth/Song of Prayer - Yunalesca
110. Gloom/Darkness
109. Hymn of the Fayth/Song of Prayer - Spira
108. Journey of Light (Final Fantasy Dimensions)
107. To the Decisive Battle
105. FINAL FANTASY XIII - The Promise (Final Fantasy XIII)
104. Lake Bresha
103. Vanille’s Theme
102. The Cradle Will Fall/Cradle of Demise
The Sims
101. Building Mode 2
100. Buy Mode 1
99. Neighborhood 1
98. Map (Waterworld)
97. Unused Song 2 (The Flintstones)
96. Crystal (Unravel)
3. Wandering Flame (Final Fantasy X)
1. The Fruits of Our Brains (Bird Alone)
I hope you enjoy and I look forward to hearing your thoughts!