Ok, @peter will need to weigh in on this one. I thought the limit was only probationary for new accounts but maybe there’s another limit. I imagine it can be lifted so let’s see what he says.
Thanks! abcdefghijkl
Try editing again. I changed some settings around that as long as you’re at a certain trust level, you can edit posts.
Works, thanks a bunch!
2/8 update - Battle music is cool!
Another one to add.
Wasteland 3 - Land of Confusion
See, I never think much about normal pop music in games. For one, it’s usually in sports type games, which I don’t play at all, and also, I don’t really consider it contributing to a narrative and don’t separate it from its origins as pop music. Like, I’ve never heard a song used in a game that was transformative enough to be interesting.
Now, pop style music written for a game is a bit different, but I find myself generally dismissive of that, too. For instance, I think most of the songs in Final Fantasy XIII-2 are really cringy. A few tunes in Tetris Effect, on the other hand, are pretty decent.
Ah, I see. My apologies. I think of music in games as part of the sensory experience of enjoying the game. Rather than music that’s purpose-made for the game, any music (or really any audio) in a game that is part of the experience of loading up the game, of navigating the menu, of knowing that the fun is about to start is something I would call favorite game music. Those songs have never been “pop music” for me, and I don’t actually know that I’ve ever heard them in a non FIFA 99 context? Obviously they have some version released outside of the game but I’ve never encountered it there. I’ll always associate both of these songs with one of my favorite games at one point in time. It’s almost a form of synesthesia for me.
But I get that this thread is for something else and I’ll keep that in mind. Sorry about that!!
Dude, don’t apologize! Share whatever you’d like! I’m just engaging in the discussion.
It’s funny, I know the Fatboy Slim song exclusively from the radio or what have you. Not familiar with the other one. But I get how these contribute to the ludo narrative, I just personally don’t often think of them. Maybe I’m a little desensitized from hearing Lil Nas X a million times when my partner plays Rocket League.
It’s interesting to think about any media production, be it a game, movie, or play, and how the score or incidental music works with outside pieces chosen for the thing. Or designing music around a certain song. I have a friend who had worked with sound design with a playwright and it’s such a huge undertaking to pick the right music, from everything on earth, to go with a scene.
Oh and PS don’t delete your posts!!! Sorry if I came off offensive.
Haha oh man, I misread “contributing to the narrative” to be about my selections and not the music. Now I see!! I’ll post them again shortly.
Okay!! I’ll repost two of my faves from FIFA 99.
And here’s a new favorite from Stardew Valley. I love how hopeful this song is. It’s fits so well with a game that itself is so optimistic.
Oh man, I love Stardew Valley. My partner used to play it all the time and the music was a very nice and relaxing accompaniment to my morning coffee.
I haven’t seen this posted yet and it is one that I have absolutely fallen in love with since hearing it a few years ago. The amount of soul, sadness, and emotion that I feel ooze from this midi file is just nothing short of amazing and that it comes from this game as well, is even moreso.
Yes! It’s funny, Ocean did all these awful licensed games but Jonathan Dunn and Dean Evans (it’s kind of unclear who wrote or rearranged them between systems) made amazing music anyways. They’re incredible almost to the point of not fitting in. Some of them might appear on my list.
Things like this always make me chuckle when I come across them as like you said, it doesn’t always fit, and when you take a look at the game involved and game play compared to the composition, it make my head spin. This is one of those songs, whether the original file or remix that I can put on and just listen to outside of the game.
Ocean was also a developer that in my mind, was very hot and cold. I know they made a lot of arcade to console ports, as well as licensed games and the latter would definitely drag your overall library down a bit, but when I think of 90’s developers, they always pop up along with Treasure.
A big 'ol musical list!! Let’s see, the following aren’t exactly my favorites, but I keep them on standby whenever I wanna feel some kinda way
- Song from an old eroge with the energy of that still shot at the end of the Breakfast Club
- Instant melancholy, right in the gut
- Edgy mercenary after a hard day of work and also it’s raining
- oomph yeah pmh yeah oh yeah oonts oonts
Lots of songs. But listing 100 in order feels super impossible (for me at least)!
I’m not familiar with any of these! I’ll have to check them out when I get home.
Okay, I’ve reached an impasse. I left it very open when I started this project, but I’m seeing now that 100 spots is not nearly enough for everything I want to talk about.
Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been actually mapping out future posts and tunes, and I also wanted to take some deep dives into the soundtracks for a few specific titles. If I do this, and revise my list so that every individual song has a number, that puts me at over 250 tracks. Is this okay? Does it even matter? I don’t know if I feel like I need permission but just wondering.
These are from a game called Bust a Groove
Character Select
2BAD (Heat’s Theme
Bust a Groove (Kitty N.'s Theme)