So, like many I’ve been a Chrome browser for a long while…until I got my current laptop 2020. It came with Edge which I’ve been using since and been very happy with. However, I’m starting to hear about all this ad blocker blocking that Google is doing and apparently it’ll also apply to other Chromium based browsers.
A lot of people have been saying to switch to Firefox as it won’t enforce any of this and is totally separate to Google. I’m gonna give it a try for a bit, but last time I used Firefox, which admittedly was several years ago, I wasn’t a fan.
Just wondering what other people’s thoughts on this are and what browsers you use/ recommend?
I typically use Firefox both at work and personally. I like how over the years Mozilla has seemed to trim the fat more and more from it, allowing users to use it and not have to worry about this meaningless shit, or that toolbar, performance issue, etc.
I used to be a big proponent of Chrome, but the optimization of it as an application is horrible. The issues with memory leakage and the like has still not been widely fixed and it’s been a known issues for well over 5 years now. When I open up a web browser, I shouldn’t have to worry about my PC taking a dip in performance, but with Chrome, on various devices over the years, it has increasingly been the case.
This is actually a problem I have with Edge at the moment. Over the last year or so they have added all this crap to it that, at least for me, is totally useless. It just bloats everything and the AI integration is obnoxious.
I haven’t touched Edge all that much except for a few web app’s that don’t seem to work all that well elsewhere, but I can definitely see how annoying that is. Just give me the simplest form of the application and let me decide if it should have more or less with mods and extensions.
I use Firefox just because that’s what I see people recommend the most. I really don’t customize my browser much or do anything with it outside of your standard browsing of the internet. Only extension I use is an ad-blocker.
I used to use Edge but it was prone to crashing a lot on my laptop. Also tried Chrome but it would use a lot of memory and just felt really sluggish at times.
I have not had those problem with Firefox so far. It seems very stable in comparison and that’s all I’m really looking for.
Same, Firefox and Thunderbird from very early on.
Works on my PC, laptop, phone and tablet and synchronizes between them.
I only use Edge when I have to log in for Geforce Now, because it refuses to let me do it with Firefox and I use Edge for Netflix because I don’t get the better quality on Firefox.
I’ve pretty much always used Firefox, ever since it became a big thing. There were a couple times I was convinced by everyone online to use Chrome, but each time it seemed to slow down everything on my computer a whole ton, so I’d always just go back to Firefox.
I pretty much have/had to use multiple browsers as part of my work, especially back when I was more active on a dev team instead of currently as a project lead. So I use Edge, Chrome, FireFox, Opera and Safari. For my personal use I default to Edge and Safari, Edge on my work PC because at one point it became the one browser of many with all my work bookmarks and it’s fairly integrated with the suite of other enterprise products we use at the University, so I stick with it. I barely use browsers on my home PC because I primarily use it for gaming. And I use Safari on Mac, which goes without saying, or Edge if I have to pop into my work files/bookmarks.
I am a little annoyed with the vast amount of AI crap in Edge, but I take it that’s in Chrome as well. FireFox is fine, but I find browsers oscillate between being more or less optimized, and the last I really extensively used FireFox it was accelerating towards less optimized. I think it’s a bit better now and do periodically consider using it as my primary work browser if not for the fact that it’s not as well integrated with my work systems.
So i’ve been trying Firefox out for about a week and a half and I’m liking it so far. Very fast and easy to use with none of the bloat of Edge. The one complaint I have is that it doesn’t have a decent function to group tabs. Yes, there are extensions, but none of the ones I’ve tried work as well as Edge’s in-buit tab grouping. It’s not enough to make me change back, but I’m hoping something alone those lines is implamented at some point.
I’ve been using Vivaldi lately and it’s quite snappy. It’s by original Opera team members (including one of the original co-founders of Opera) and reminds me of Opera before it was sold off to a consortium. It seems fast, renders pages well and has a number of nice built-in privacy features. It’s not my daily browser quite yet, but I do like it so far.
So Firefox has suddenly stopped showing the little wiggly red line under spelling errors. As people on this site have probably noticed my spelling is terrible, so I NEED this functionality. Looking into the various help docs/ forums/ Ouija boards has not provided any solutions. The only thing that does work is adding the Grammarly extension which is horrible. This is a huge deal breaker for me, so I’m movie back to Chrome. As I’m pretty invested in the Google eco system anyway (Drive, Sheets, Docs, Pixel 6) it’s probably for the best anyway.
That’s super annoying. I hate what most companies are doing with spellcheck in general, forcing contextual autocorrect over traditional spellcheck. I don’t want a browser, word processor or app to decide what it thinks I’m trying to say, I just want them to highlight my typos.
It’s super annoying and actually brings up a fault with Chrome; it only allows from American English. I know people who refuse to use it based on that alone, but I think there are extensions that fix that issue.
You can add other languages without an extension. Go to Settings > Languages and then download UK or Australian English. Then make sure you bump it to the top of the list or remove American altogether.