
One thing I love about chrome is how it slows down my browser when ever i use adblock!

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Decided to try once more to try and fix Firefox and I found a post in a deeply burried thread saying that sometimes the dictionaries in FF get deleted…for whatever reason, and if this happens then the spellcheck doesn’t work. Re-downloaded UK English (they don’t provied AU) and ta-daaaa! Guess I’ll not be using Chrome after all.

After a few months of testing, I think I’m finally making Vivaldi my default browser, as opposed to just one I use in tandem with my default. It typically uses about half the the CPU and memory resources than Edge or Chrome, and seems to be a very capable browser based on the Blink rendering engine.

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I’ve heard a few people say that like Vivaldi. Maybe I should give it a go? I ended up going back to Edge because after a week I again had the same issue with Firefox. I don’t have time to keep messing around with stuff so just went back to something I know works.


Vivialdi and Edge are both Blink browsers, so they feel very similar, if that helps. And you can import all your bookmarks and extensions direct from Edge and it’s pretty seamless.


That does help! I’ll check it out.


The default settings in Vivaldi are a bit different such as your default home page or tab open/close order but all of them are fully customizable to match your preferred user experience.


Played around with Vivaldi a bit last night and like a lot of the stuff it does. It’s a shame you can’t easily launch a bookmark from panels in the main window, but otherwise all it’s functionality seems pretty useful.

The only issue I’ve come across, which is a very small one, is that clicking on the little plus in the below image which is supposed to expand to show more info won’t expand. Works in every other browser. :person_shrugging:



You might be able to report that as a bug.


Have you tried Vivaldi on mobile, in particular Android? It doesn’t seem to like the menu here on the forums, particularly if you’re midway through a thread. Tapping your avatar that brings up notifications takes a few goes for me.


No, I haven’t tried it on mobile yet. I’ll install it and test it out in the forum.


Today I learned that my favorite browser Firefox added a “feature”

that can be disabled, which I did.

I understand what they are trying to do, but I don’t want my browser to cater to the advertising industry at all (I don’t think they have a reasonable interest in my data, they are greedy *ssholes), but even if Mozilla wans to implement this it should be opt-in not opt-out in my opinion.

A good (German) article about it: Privatsphäre: Firefox sammelt jetzt standardmäßig Daten für die Werbeindustrie (

(English) Blog article about it: “Privacy-Preserving” Attribution: Mozilla Disappoints Us Yet Again (

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firefox is always adding the most awsome features

Unless you want to check spelling…:unamused:

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no one needs speck chelling :upside_down_face:

Chell specking

(ignore this, just getting to the word minimum)


Oh yes without spellchecking I could not do my job very well.

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Might be of interest for some of you.


That video was brilliant.

I’ve been having a pretty good time with Vivaldi of late. It’s not perfect and I’m not sure it’s privacy stacks up against Firefox, but it does let me spell check. :sweat_smile: