A Forum to Post YouTube Videos that are Good

Trigger warning: claustrophobic, gave me a nightmare

The way the story is told is great. The video was gone and has now a new upload, but I watched the original a long time ago.

Cave exploring isn’t something for me, not even the tourist caves that are big and not dangerous at all. I do not even like games with a cave setting very much.

Edit: I was made aware that the video plagiarised heavily an article by someone else, so I leave the link to the original work here too: The 1925 Cave Rescue That Captivated the Nation


This vid is the reason I never did the yellow blob drug!


Since I recently recaught the Final Fantasy fever, I’ve been rewatching this series from Tim Rogers. Back in the day, this series inspired me to pick Japanese back up. Years later I’m still not very good but at least I know a bunch of useless anime/JRPG words :smile:


I had no awareness of this before. It was cool!


You’d probably be into this - Final Fantasy VI Translation Comparison « Legends of Localization
He did a live stream series too.

Then it worked!


There are a lot of folks who do film/film industry analysis on youtube. In my experience, most of this analysis is bad, but there are some gems. I recently gave Thomas Flight a chance, and I like his stuff. Here is his recent vid about why the Oscars seem to get it wrong so often.


As I like to say. Any FF content especially 7 is my type of stuff to watch before i go to sleep.

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So it’s an evil cabal of dodgy men working within a broken, rigged system? Huh, who would have guessed?


As a cinephile, I love the medium but don’t think too much on any of the award aspects of it as it just seems like a big televised circlejerk. I may be wrong but it doesn’t seem to be all that relevant and hasn’t for years now.

A pretty good feel on my thoughts regarding it.


I, like all people of taste, love Red Letter Media. My only thought on awards shows is they can be an opportunity for smaller artists to gain recognition. So it is nice to see people like the Daniels beat Steven Spielberg at the Oscars last year even if the Oscars often get it wrong.


I agree with their take on Blade Runner.


You’re right about that regard. I like seeing the smaller artists win as well, I just wish the favoritism and glad-handing wasn’t so obvious. It is the same with any award show though imo. You’ll never see certain games/ films/ artists win anything due to the entrenched bias and it’s a real shame for a lot of them as they seem to put in more effort half the time it seems.

amazing i think it took me a three months to beat this game

Great series (3 episodes) about the roots of DISCO, unfortunately only in German and French available, might still be interesting for the music and original videos:

I did not know how political the birth of Disco was.


favorite speedrun video of oblivion

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Soviet Meat Jelly (ХОЛОДЕЦ) - Cooking with Boris (youtube.com)
POTATO PEEL RECIPES :potato::potato: - budget cooking with Boris (youtube.com)

I guess olden days irish folks have a bit more in common with soviet era folks than I thought…
legitimately good cooking tutorials though.


Noclip have begun posting old video game footage again after a short hiatus.
First up is an old GameSpotting episode. More to come I assume!


Probably the best boxing contest that has ever been fought. My personal historic favourite.

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His grandma is very similar then mine was. :smiley:

This made me laugh out loud so, thank you and Boris for that!

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This video is 100% accurate.