Your Favorite Mobile Games

Hey Grouvers! It’s about time for me to replace my tablet and would love to jump back into mobile gaming. I’m always looking for new games which leads me to the question:

What are your favorite mobile games? (I’m talking phone and tablet…seems a little obvious for those who are down with the lingo)

I have enjoyed the following, in a top 10 format:

  1. The Room 2
  2. World of Goo
  3. Hitman Go
  4. Monument Valley
  5. Hiversaires
  6. Contre Jour
  7. The Room
  8. Path to Luma
  9. Badland
  10. Lifeline

Pokemon GO :smiley:
I don’t have driving license


I played Steven Universe: Attack the Light recently. I really enjoyed it. It’s a simple dungeon crawler, but its simplicity is perfect for mobile. The dungeons are the perfect length for your morning or evening commute. And if the game is a little bit on the easy side, there is a hard mode of sorts that introduces tough enemies. It’s fun, and for fans of the show it’s definitely worth playing.


Super Hexagon, Monunent Valley, Clash Royale, PvZ Heroes, Mini Metro


Monument Valley is one gorgeous game that sets the standard of mobile gaming, IMHO.

One of my favourite mobile game series is the Cube Escape games. They are wonderfully creepy with cool puzzles.


Super easy but very calming and relaxing. I loved it.

I’ve seen a lot of buzz about this one.


Pokemon Go

Yep i still play it :slight_smile:


I think as long as you don’t walk out into traffic, it should be a good experience.


Deus Ex Go
Lara Croft: Temple Run
Survive! Mola Mola

I find all of them really nice for different reasons and they’re easy to play in short bursts.


Grouvers, I’m thinking about picking up a PS Vita instead of a tablet. After some research, there is a netflix app, youtube and of course gaming. That’s pretty much all I want a tablet for. Is there any way to get mobile games on a Vita? Google Play won’t work due to different OS. Thanks!


Oh man, I do love me the Vita. There is no way to play mobile games, except those that were ported to Vita. Sony used to have games built on the software framework called PlayStation mobile. These were games that would play on Xperia, Vita, PSP, etc. But they discontinued that in 2015. What you can play on a Vita is Vita games, PSP games, and PSX games that are available in the PlayStation store…

…that is unless you jailbreak your Vita. Then you can install all types of emulators. I’ve never toyed with that, but it is possible.


Well, I bought a Vita off Ebay. Waiting for it to show up. Can’t wait. What games do you recommend?


Persona4Golden, whether you’re a fan of RPGs or not, is clearly the essential title to own on the system (see its Grouvee/PSN rank). I was definitely not fond of RPGs before trying the Persona series.

If you want something that explores all of the Vita’s features to the full, try tearaway (platformer from the makers of LBP).

The Vita is also a great system for visual novels, and the Steins;Gate series are without a doubt the best examples available.

Yomawari is a great horror game

Finally, other stand outs include Daganronpa (for fans of Battle Royale), Root letter (fans of VNs/mystery), LBP (platformer), Killzobe (FPS), and Uncharted (for…anyone).


Here are a few that I really enjoyed on The Vita. There are many more but this is a start:

Odin Sphere Leithrasir
LittleBigPlanet Vita
Gravity Rush
The Unfinished Swan
OlliOlli/OlliOlli 2
Velocity Ultra
Super Time Force Ultra
Muramasa Rebirth
Persona 3 P.S.P.
Persona 4 Golden
Shovel Knight
Child of Light
Frobisher Says! (Free and a lot of fun)

There are also a lot of great PSX classics you can pick up like Chrono Trigger, Persona 1 & 2, Final Fantasy games, etc.

When other great titles come to mind I’ll let you know.


Oh yeah, I definitely second Child of light and PS classics. Of the latter I enjoyed Star wars battlefront II, the oddworld games, Motor toon racing, Medievil, and…every other PS one game I can get your hands on. As someone who grew up with the PS one, from the early technical demos onwards, the wide selection of these games available on the Vita was a major selling point. I think the Vita may be my favourite gaming experience since the PS2.


Sweet! Thanks guys.
I have yet to play a Persona game but enjoy RPGs.
Severed looks cool. I loved Guacamelee on PC.


I forgot one: SoundShapes. I think you’ll appreciate this. It’s a brilliant platformer that creatively uses platforming in combination with music creation. The campaign levels are superb, but you can also download custom levels and make your own.


Have either of you used the Netflix app on the Vita? Some people say it’s a broken piece of shit. I would like to know what you think, if you use it.


@8bithero, I haven’t used it in ages to be honest. I was going to download and test it out to see if I can give you a current opinion but the PlayStation store is down according to PlayStation Network Status
I’m just receiving error messages. I’ll try again tomorrow. From what I can remember, it worked fine but wouldn’t be my first choice for watching Netflix.


So, I played around with Netflix on the Vita. It’s painfully slow and the UI is quite dated. But it works. Once you’ve got the movie up and running there’s really nothing wrong with it. I wouldn’t call the app broken per se. Scrubbing back and forth can be a pain sometimes because of how slowly the app responds. But if you start something and watch it straight through its fine. Don’t expect new features like saving videos for offline viewing however.