What's the story behind your username?

Title. Same with your current avatar. What’s the story behind it? Is it something meaningful to you, is it a joke? Genuinely interested as I find this question and it’s multitude of possible answers fascinating.


Username: When I was getting back into gaming and making my various accounts, I wanted it to be something gay, so originally I tried “YaasssKween” but every combination of Yas up to like four As and Ss was taken, so I settled on Werq.

Avatar: I love Undertale and I thought the dog in The Gauntlet of Deadly Terror was funny, so I figured it’d make for a good icon. It’s actually an animated gif, but Grouvee leadership hates self expression, so here we are :kissing_heart:


why Werq though? Don’t want to seem like a stalker but I looked up your name thinking it was some phrase and I’d get a dictionary definition for it as it sounded like ‘work queen’ but I just ended up finding some weird instagram hashtag.


It’s just another gay expression. Like, YOU BETTA WERQ


Oh ok. I’m not familiar with the lingo really, so thanks for clarifying. Sorry if I came across as an e-stalker LOL


Nele is my nickname, mania stands for my video gaming obsession and “Germania” the Latin name of the country called “Deutschland” / Germany.

The avatar is just a relaxing, nice picture I stumbled upon the internet. I like the colours too.


Yeah, it’s a nice avatar. Where does the name ‘nele’ come from, if I may ask?


Personally my old name ‘oghiewankenobi’ came from my star wars obsession when I was a child. My at the time friends joked and called me that a couple times combining my name with the character of 'Obi-Wan-Kenobi. I didn’t even like the character. Many, many years later I just decided to use the name. Eventually I changed it. Kupo and Mog are blatant Final Fantasy references. the 337 might have subconsciously came from ‘1337’ or ‘leet speak’, wh1ch 15 wh3n y0u r3p14ce 13tt3r5 w1th numb3r5 L1k3 th15


As a child (born '66) I either couldn’t say my real first name or didn’t want to and just told everyone who asked what my name was that it was Nele. I have no explanation, but I was having a meltdown when someone called me by my first or second name. We in our family did not know anyone with the first name Nele or Cornelia at that time, so no one has an explanation where I got it from. The name got only famous in Germany many years later. insert Twilight music here

Nele is probably the Frisian short form of the name Cornelia and therefore probably has a Latin origin. Since 1975, Nele has been one of the most popular names for newborn girls in Germany.

For pronounciation: Nele - German Names - Pronunciation


What about the troll doll mega man?


What are you referring to? I never played past 6 so I don’t know what you’re talkin’ bout here pardner.


Your user icon is the Mega Man sprite, but edited to be a troll doll?





Oh…that’s what you meant, no it was a character I doodled down one time out of boredom, quickly grew attached and made him my avatar by editing a mega man sprite. Forgot those dolls even existed…eughhhh. Named the character ‘kevin’ after a relative I used to think was the coolest when I was younger, and still do. Kind of a tribute if you know what I mean. I was tryin to go for a kind of ‘scottish warrior in an acid trip, and super absurdist’ vibe.


Here’s a shitty MSpaint drawing, I couldn’t draw spikes as pixel art so I just settled for a DBZ vegeta hairstyle
I always drew the character with a sort of vacant expression with a wide face, which made it hard to sketch the rest of his body but my ‘skills’ are that of an 8 year old hopped up on the most illegal mixture of psychedelics but that’s still not saying much.

And yes, that’s drawn with a mouse. I’m sorry you had to see that.


Just an alternate spelling of my actual name, that I had taken to using in games for a while

When Mario Maker 2 came out, it seems “NIQ” must’ve been taken, so I added the _m2 for “Maker 2”


Cool idea for a topic!
At first, I used to go by the name Kustin for over a decade since mid 00’s, when I started gaming more actively online and defined my online identity. That name was a personal twist on my surname.
As for Jevnation: It’s based on my Russian birthname, Jevgenij, but stuck with having people around me calling me Jev since I immigrated to Sweden very early. Nearly a decade ago, I made a friend IRL, who one day coined the nickname that I’ve ended up using to this day: Jevnation. What does it actually mean? That’s up to anyone’s interpretation. Besides, it rolls better compared to my previous one.

As of this day, I’ve been swapping avatars a couple of times but I’ve taken a liking to the vector fan art of the game Changed, one of the highlights in my backlog.
It may not take long until I bring up a personal avatar design next time.


fan art of the game Changed

oh no…oh no no no…
I need an exorcist! Stat!

just kidding, it’s good art though, very interesting story, (the username) I see we share the friend made it up for us’ part of our usernames so it’s cool to see that’s not so weird as I thought it was.


I rehabilitate possums :person_shrugging:


Haha! Just stay clear from the dev’s art sites at the risk of fetish weirdness. :cowboy_hat_face:

Sometimes, your identity will strike gold by the help of other people, let alone our friends. Congrats to you, too!


I had no idea they were criminals in need of rehabilitation, they look so cute. But good that you are taking care of it! :wink: