The Space Anomaly, a No Man's Sky Fan Club

You mean Worlds? It’s pretty great, although it “just” adds more variety and pretty things.any of the long term issues still remain. It has appeared to have won over some new fans, but I wonder how many will stick around once they’ve completed the main storyline?

Personally, I’m still exploring the universe and enjoying it as much as ever. Getting into building more. Finally got my staff so I can be a proper space wizard, so that’s pretty cool.

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Expedition 16 has been announced. Full details here.

I really need to build myself a proper base to house all these expedition rewards :sweat_smile:

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The biggest village in NMS that you’ve never heard of

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That is incredible. I hope the terrain regen doesn’t screw it up on them.

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The year’s past exorations are being re-run for those who missed them the first time around. See below for the dates.

They’ve been rejigged to fit the two-week timeframe, but all rewards remain.