The Space Anomaly, a No Man's Sky Fan Club

Trailer reminds me a lot of Freelancer

Yeah, it’s been that way since the first. Some are great, others not. At the end of each year they tend to replay the past ones, but adjusted to be completed in a shorter time frame so if anyone missed out on any rewards they might want they have the change to nab them.


I’ve alluded to this before, but I kind of want to buy this on Steam so I can play on my PC and Steam Deck but the thing preventing me from doing it is that I lose everything I’ve already done, including my Normandy freighter from the Mass Effect event and all my bases and ships. Obviously they are not “lost” but they’ll be on a platform I’m not playing the game on. So I keep stalling on buying a copy on Steam.

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Completed the Adrift exploration last night. While I’ve not played through every expedition, of the ones I have it’s certainly one of the better ones with a really cool story and the sense of total isolation is quite palpable. The ship you get at the end is pretty awesome as well.

Would certainly recommend anyone who is interested to give it a go. If you get stuck (there are really only two tricky bits) then should, I may be able to help.

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How long have you been playing no man sky my friend!

About four years. Hate to think how many hours I’ve sunk into it.

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I know it’s not exactly what you’re after, but NMS is currently on sale on GoG for £20.

Lol, I bought it earlier today as an early birthday gift to myself. I’m going to jump into the expedition shortly.


They made it so easy to slip back into this game even though I don’t have access to all my old stuff. I already have a freighter, just from exploring one derelict ship. And the expedition is full to the brim with freebies. It’s pretty smart. I was worried about switching platforms and losing my progress, but this is great.


Yeah, the expeditions are a wonderful way to start a new adventure. if you get stuck with anything, especially finding specific locations and items, check the bases other players have made. Many have built bases close to expedition goals and it can save you literally hours!


Just to follow up on this, according to my True achievements account I’ve played 811 hours of NMS.


I’m only at 468 on PS4, 8 on PS5 (I guess from when I checked out the actual PS5 upgrade and played for a few hours) and now 4 on PC/Steam Deck so far. I haven’t done enough of the expeditions, just the Mass Effect one previously. I should do them more often.


Speaking of which, I love the person who built a stairway to heaven so you can reach 1600 elevation. I couldn’t find a peak to gain that level of elevation so I just went to the next rendezvous location and lo and behold there was a giant stairway, complete with rest stations and teleporters.


Curse me for not paying attention to planet descriptions. I kept landing on this planet and was imeadiatly set upon by multiple sentinels each time I did. At first I thought it was because I interacted with some of the flora. Then I realized that I wasn’t actually doing anything to provoke them. Of course, only after the fourth or fifth time did I check the planet’s description to discover that it was a planet full of actively hostile sentinels. It was also the only planet with two different metals that I required for some repairs so I did a lot of my mining as rapidly as possible between sessions of running away :joy:


New update, Worlds, Pt. 1, is out.

Full details HERE.

Can’t wait to get home from work and jump in!

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What in the world, this looks like a brand new game. This is seriously an update and not a new game? Is the previous aesthetic of the game completely replaced with this?

Edit: I read the link you post. Holy shit, this is insane!

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Yep, it looks incredible. Would be great if I could play it. The glacial pace of MS’s bloody approval process means it’s still not available on X-Box. :rage:

What? Really? So hello Games released it to all platforms, but it’s delayed on Xbox because of certification? I presume every platform had the same amount of time to certify. At least I’d hope so

I feel like MS keeps shooting themselves in the foot, in in the process making things worse for platform users :unamused:

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Yeah, MS and Nintendo take the longest. I don’t know why, but I’ve seen/ read of it happening with other games, and past NMS updates have been later on Xbox too. It’s really frikkin’ annoying

So, a lot of time has passed since I created this fanclub. What are your toughts on the last NMS update?