“The Directive on the legal protection of computer programs does not allow the holder of that protection to prohibit the marketing by a third party of software which merely changes variables transferred temporarily” to working memory, judges said in a statement.
There was once a time when developers disclosed cheat codes to the users for free, then we went to “buy cheat codes “boosters” for our game in the ingame shop” and now Sony went “we own the game AND whatever is in your RAM, you can’t alter it”.
For everyone saying “but what is with multiplayer games” - they are not affected. The publisher/developer can still have in its TOS that you can’t use third party software that can give you an advantage over others, they just can’t keep you from changing your single player game’s RAM to what you want.
It blows my mind that in the US and the UK (and probably other countries) that voting isn’t a requirement. In Australia everyone 18 and over is legally required to vote. In practice, this really just means turning up to the polling booth and getting your name checked off the list, you can still do a non-vote, but you actually have to get off your ass and do something. If you’re part of society, I believe you should have to vote.
If you care so little for your community that you can’t even spare ten minuets of your life, you don’t have any right to complain about whatever the result is. People who refuse to vote do my head in.
Here in Spain sometimes just half of the people have voted.
There may be no good options, but as you have stated, if you don’t vote, you have no rights to complain later.
The one problem with this logic is that it doesn’t account for voter suppression. If we take the Us as an example, there is rampant voter suppression through gerrymandering, closure or relocation of polling stations, and regular old polling day intimidation. When one of the political parties is actively making it difficult to vote, the idea that those who didn’t vote forfeit their right to complain becomes deeply complicated.
What some parties are doing in America is disgusting, and I dearly hope they get locked in a deep cave and forced to listen to Coldplay.
There were people in Africa who were forced to vote for a particular party on fear of death. It’s basically that same as you mention, and I’m sure Trump would do it if he thought he could get away with it. Having the ability to vote taken away from you is not the same as not voting.
If you have the ability to vote and don’t, you have no right to complain about who is running the country was more my point.
Good news are rare right now. This is more of a “shouldn’t be necessary” but still good:
Today, Michael R. Bloomberg, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy on Climate Ambition and Solutions, announced that Bloomberg Philanthropies and other U.S. climate funders will ensure the United States meets its global climate obligations following the federal government’s intent to withdraw from the Paris Agreement for the second time. This includes covering the funding gap left by the United States to UN Climate Change (UNFCCC) and upholding the country’s reporting commitments.
They can’t “enforce” things but they can freely partake and the government will have a hard time to hinder them. Funding is important, supporting the cities that have climate goals is important. We are at a moment in time where enough people have realized that doing something is necessary and not everyone needs to be forced to do something, sometimes a bit of money, sharing knowledge and encouragement is enough and definitely better than nothing. It is a movement and the power lies in itself. Governments can make raodblocks though and slow everything down unfortunately. I focus on the positive, it’s all we can do.
My city yesterday: Against the far right, for a strong democracy and against further tightening of the migration policy. Happening all over Germany right now, started Tuesday, then Saturday and it will go on until the election. Unofficial numbers: 44.000 - that’s a lot for Swabians who rarely make a fuss about anything.
Ditto. It’s just come out that Trump plans to really target the UK. I really hope Keir Starmer stands up and tells Trump to squarely fuck off.
Starmer and Labor were elected almost entirely on the basis that they aren’t the Tories, but have been losing support since. If they truly wanted to get in good with the British public, standing up to Trump in a meaningful way would be the perfect way to do it. If they have the ball to do it though remains to be seen.
If Trump keeps threatening the EU this will help to unite us even more AND be a huge push against the far right he stands for. I also think Musk has not yet understood how he has damaged himself and his businesses in Europe.
It means he went and got the tubs before they could be covered over. They don’t dig a hole every time someone brings something, otherwise they’d be digging all the time.
They dig one big hole, wait for it to fill up, then cover it. So, his grandad would have picked any tubs that were near the surface or waiting to be put in.