Purging Feels Good

I just wanted to share that I’ve decided to sell 30+ of my games. A good chunk of those I have never played. I am getting rid of anything that I don’t activly want to play, and anything I can get as a digital or modern version. For example, I’m getting rid of Bioshock, Bioshock 2, and Bioshock Infinite because there is the Bioshock Collection that exists. I love the games, but if I ever want to play them again I can get that. Also, I want to sell many of my collector’s editions because in my 30s I’m not really a “collector” anymore. I NEVER look at those things. I’m tired of looking at the shelf and thinking “I should really get around to Stranger’s Wrath.” I thought it would be difficult to sell that many things at once. I’ve done a few, smaller purges over the years. But this is different. Those purges were because I wanted the money. This is because I’m changing as a person, and video games aren’t a focus for me any longer. And, honestly, it feels awesome. I still like games. I still want to talk about them with the Grouvee family. I’ll still play them. But they’re not a major component for me. I feel like this is opening up the doors to more things. Games for me need to be a side hobby, not a focus.

Has anyone else gone through something similar? Just a realization that maybe you DON’T need the Age of Conana collector’s edition because youve never played it anyway?


You might find this relevant and interesting:

The $5,000 decision to get rid of my past

Good read. Thankfully I’m not in as dire of a situation, but it’s good to hear about others purging and feeling positive.

Good for you. I went through a purge once. Although I kept quite a few games. It felt good at the time, but I sometimes miss a couple of boxes I got rid of. Monkey Island 1 and 2 for instance. Because I had the CD rom version containing both of them. Or Ultima vii, because I have the collection version.
I probably should have a little purge though, there is batman arkham asylum waiting on the shelf. I will probably never finish it, but there it sits, demanding to be played.
I don’t have many collectors editions, though. I guess I’m too cheap for that. I have played a few games wishing in hindsight that I had gotten the collectors edition.
I sometimes wonder if I will get to the stage you’re in.

When purging, for me, it’s about the importance of empty space and flow of energy. I have book shelves with empty areas because it just makes me feel better. Also under couches and beds we have gaps where energy can flow under and through. Man, I’m sounding like some sort of hippie. But it’s good to break up all the colors and textures with some empty/dead space. From a design perspective it makes you feel more calm, subconsciously.


Wising up about life priorities, I see.

In light of your negative sentiments about your old games, maybe you were subconsciously regarding your behavior as “hoarding” instead of “collecting” already.

Google Seach more about “What is the Difference Between Compulsive Hoarding and Collecting?” if you wish.

i am so glad i am not a collector or hoarder of physical things. key word is physical. I spend a lot of time on non physical things but the logistical constraints of dealing with physical inventory is a terrible thought. Keeping what you have and maybe rarely adding to it is one thing, but beyond nostalgia i dont have value for boxes/carts etc.

i think with games its a little different. games are media so it borders a bit closer to actual archiving/librarianism. unfortunately libraries are big homes are not. libraries are publicly funded and well self storage is not XD

the good news about old games is that these things CAN Be digitally archived, translated and curated and all else. and are actively being done so. neat time to be alive lol


I can really relate to this. Over the last year or so I’ve been purging through a lot of old stuff that I’ve had and collected since middle school. Perhaps this is a life stage thing, cause I’m also in my 30’s. Back then it was my dream to one day own everything, but now I can see a lot of it was mundane junk and/or I just don’t have those interests anymore.

Anyone interested in turning over a new leaf might want to look into the KonMari Method. My sister read a book on it that goes over how to sort through all your stuff. Essentially it comes down to keeping things that “speak to the heart” and discarding items that no longer “spark joy”. It sounds a bit cheesy, but when you look at it in terms like that, it’s actually pretty easy to figure out what to toss or not.


OMG There is a manga version of that

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