
Looking really awesome. I have to say, I like the colour scheme, at least from what I can see. It looks like orange and grey in the photo, and reminds me of the NES Light Gun.

Regarding going wireless, I don’t think it is necessary. True, I do really like the SNES30 from 8Bitdo. It is a very nice controller. However, part of my preference for wireless is that I like to tuck my systems away and out of sight, especially if the system doesn’t require physical media. However, you have a system you built to showcase. Thus wireless controllers are less crucial. Unless wires bother you, having wires contributes to the overall aesthetic of nostalgia. I think that is partially why Nintendo went with wired controllers for their NES Classic, it feels like a reference to the original machine and setup. However, if you do go wireless, consider the NES30 over the SNES30, for that authentic NES look and feel. The great part is that they look like NES controllers but have L and R buttons for convenience.

I have better pics of the colors. They’re supposed to be the raspberry pi green and pink. I can’t figure out how to upload from my phone to here.

You’re right about wired cords adding to nostalgia. I’ll keep them for the time being. I feel like I’m flipflopping hard about this topic.

I did discover which rp usb ports take priority. An easy switch aroo and I had player 1 and 2 assigned. It worked for the hub too. Its nice when things work.

Glad you like it. I would definitely do it again. I plan on finishing the instructable this weekend.

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I look forward to reading it.

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Done. Had some time last night, a few typos. Everything is pretty much there. It’s already been featured! Here it is.

Thanks guys for providing feedback and suggestions throughout the thread and life of this project. Now I’m already thinking up new ones. Maybe buy a 3d printer, create some cases. I’m thinking a handheld retro station for the next endeavor.

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This is awesome! You’ve really got me thinking about trying to build something to house my Pi in. It just seems so boring sitting on a shelf right now :slight_smile: I did find this crazy thing this weekend: It looks pretty damn cool too.

A handheld might be pretty cool. Figure out a way to use this thing: Buy a Raspberry Pi Touch Display – Raspberry Pi and you’ll be set! You could even make your own version of the Switch :laughing:

On another exciting note, I finally got my adapter cable from the UK yesterday and hooked up the SNES to the Framemeister via RGB cable. It’s beautiful. I’ll try and do some video capture to get some screenshots so I can prove I’m not crazy!

Thanks! I had a lot of fun and learned a ton while making it. Some parts of the process sucked, but it was an adventure.

Very cool! I like it. You could definitely customize the hell out of that. [quote=“peter, post:45, topic:805”]
Figure out a way to use this thing: Buy a Raspberry Pi Touch Display – Raspberry Pi and you’ll be set! You could even make your own version of the Switch :laughing:

Make my own tablet? Sweet. I haven’t looked into the Switch much, but I have a general idea about it. All of these suggestions are great!

Kick ass! You have to post videos or pictures. I would love to see that. Glad it came in. This might be a sacrilegious thing to say, but do you feel like building and tinkering with this stuff is just as fun, if not, more fun than playing the games?

I will very soon!

Haha, not sacreligious at all. I hardly play video games, I just build websites about them or tinker with gadgets that help me play games in the best way possible. I did play about 20 minutes of Super Metroid last night after I got it setup, and thought, wow, this is fun, I should do this more often!

Yeah, totally. I like to talk about games, collect, organize and build devices to play games or customize the consoles, then when I’m done I don’t spend much time playing them. It’s just a lot of fun building and learning new things. I also enjoy picking up dirty, broken, NES consoles, clean them and replace parts, then sell to people on Ebay for little to no profit. Just knowing that someone is enjoying a system I love and have great memories playing makes it worth it. Maybe they’re introducing it to their kids, who knows.

I usually will, though, play a game every day for at least 10 mins. I just can’t seem to dump as much time into one like I used to.

Here is a preliminary little screenshot test.

This first shot is running composite video into the Framemeister and captured by my Elgato HD via HDMI.

And here’s the second shot with my sweet RGB cable running into the Framemeister and captured by the Elgato via HDMI as well.

The difference is even more pronounced on a TV honestly. I’m calling this a success. I’ll put some shots up of a more colorful game later. The Super Mario World title screen looks stunning.


Here’s some video that really shows the difference.




Have you guys seen this?

Raspberry Pi in a Wii U gamepad

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Wow! That’s really well done. I just quickly looked though it but I wonder if he cut the holes for the ports because they look pretty clean.

Nice, there’s definitely a pretty big difference between the screenshots.

I wish I had the skills to tackle a job like that. Having a Raspberry Pi built into a Wii U gamepad would be pretty sweet.

I’d love to see these in person. It does look considerably different but I imagine the full impact is impressive in person.

I’m tempted to do something like that, looks like a lot of soldering and wiring. Fun, challenging project.

If you do something like that I would love to see your process.

Might not be for awhile but this could be awesome and based on the total cost, it would be doable.

Ok, this isn’t a project, but since we have been discussing NES emulators, it appears that the NES Classic is already re-selling on eBay for anywhere from $200 - $500 US. Craziness.

That’s even crazier because Amazon isn’t releasing their stock until 5PM Eastern time today. You could still buy one at $60!