NBA Fans

Not sure if anybody on Grouvee watches the NBA, but if anybody does watch, it’ll be nice to have someone to talk to about the upcoming playoffs!

I’m a longtime San Antonio Spurs fan, so I don’t have any particular team I’m rooting for since they didn’t make the playoffs this year.

If anybody does watch, who do you think will be this year’s NBA champs?


I’m a huge NBA fan! I have half season tickets to the pacers with my brother. We’ve sucked for a few years, but I’m pumped as hell to be going to playoffs again! I think we might win a round.

I am 51/49 Denver vs Boston for the championship. I very much hope it’s Denver in that case because I can’t stand Boston.

I think this might be the last year for a while the Spurs don’t make the playoffs. What Wemby did in the back half of the season was incredible.


Ooooh a Pacers fan! Don’t see many out here in Vancouver!

That Pacers vs Bucks series will be a good one! If there was any year that the Bucks could get eliminated in the first round, it will be this year. Losing Jrue and Grayson Allen and adding Lillard made them (imo) a worse team. I think Haliburton and the rest of the Pacers squad could pull it off for sure!

Tbh, I’d rather not see Denver or the Celtics in the finals. Would rather see Thunder win it all than either the Celtics or Nuggets.

And yes! For years I’ve been hoping that the next Spurs draftee would be the one to bring us back. From Josh Primo, to Keldon Johnson, to Sochan, to Vassell, but none of them were really that guy. But Wemby man, I am so excited for what he’ll accomplish if he remains healthy!


Yup, I agree. If I had to pick a team from the west, I think the Thunder would also be my choice. I enjoy watching SGA. If the Pacers don’t make it out of the east (they won’t), I’d love to see Mr. Jimmy Butler get his ring finally, but I just don’t think they’ll have the magic this year like last year. I just feel like Boston and Denver is inevitable.

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On second thought, I wouldn’t mind if Boston won it all either. :sweat_smile: Derrick White was a former Spur so I’d love to see him win a chip, he’s a great player!

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Bulls fan here. Um just wish they would do better but not since the 90s I guess.

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They might make the playoffs this year if they beat the Heat!

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That would be great. Though I have to say I was a bit of a fan of the Heat back in the day when Lebron was on the team.

My Predictions for 1st Round:

Clippers beat Mavs in a 6 or 7 game series.
Thunder beats Pelicans in a 4 or 5 game series.
Nuggets sweep Lakers.
Timberwolves beats Suns in a 7 game series.

Celtics beat Heat in a 5 game series.
Pacers beat Bucks in a 7 game series.
Knicks beat 76ers in a 6 game series.
Cavaliers sweep Magic.

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@peter This is a hoooot take, but if Kawhi and PG play well and don’t get injured, and Westbrook and Harden play efficiently, I can see them making the Western Finals.

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I mostly agree with your predictions. I don’t know about the Clippers though. Luka had the I’m going to destroy the Clippers and their extended families look the other night. If Kawhi turns into playoff Kawhi though, you’re 100% right. It’s just that injury history. There’s like a 5% chance that happens without him getting hurt again.

Obviously I got to see another set of games since you wrote this. I still think the Cavs are going to win, just in 6 probably. The Heat might get 2 wins because Spoelstra is just a better coach and will put them in position to have the chance to win another one if they hit shots like they did the other night. Pacers/Bucks depends so much on Giannis, and now Middleton might not play tonight. I, as a biased Pacers fan, am picking Pacers in 5 :slight_smile:

I’m just so pumped to have tickets to go see some playoff basketball again.


I am so jealous of you! I bet the atmosphere in the stadium during the playoffs is amazing!
With all the talks of the NBA expanding, I’m crossing my fingers that they’ll give Vancouver a team so I don’t have to travel far to watch a game. Nearest one right now is Portland which is a 5-hour drive.

Honestly, this season has been bitter-sweet. Those from the past era are fading, and those in the new era have quickly taken their spotlights. It’s very possible that we’ll see Kawhi, Russ, PG, Harden, Durant, Lebron, Giannis, Dame, Butler, David, and Embiid, all of which were/are stars in the former era, get eliminated in the first round by rising superstars.


@peter Dame is injured now too, should be an easy series for the Pacers now


Yeah, I’m actually moderately worried. The pacers are good at playing down. Someone like Andre Jackson Jr is going to score 35 on us.

All I know is I hate watching pat beverly and I hope we get by them fast so we don’t have to see him anymore.


I heavily underestimated Banchero and the Magics. Really thought they would get swept but they tied the series!


If you told me that the Suns would get swept by the Timberwolves in the beginning of the season, I wouldn’t have believed you.


I was really hoping the Pacers would put the Bucks away last night, mostly for selfish reasons. I went to the game Sunday night, I had a concert to go to last night that went very late, and now I have tickets to Thursday night game 6. I can’t go out 3 school nights in a week like this. I’m too old!

Seems like the other 2 games last night were pretty crazy!


My friend and I were talking on Sunday that Bobby Portis and Khris Middleton have the ability to lead the Bucks and compete with the Pacers, and lo and behold, they had a great game last night. I really think that this series and the series with Dallas and Clippers will go to 7 games.

And yeah, Maxey made some incredibly clutch 3s in the 4th to send the game into OT!!

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It better not go to 7 :slight_smile: I really don’t think they can hold the pacers scoring down again, especially at home. Portis will get booed out of the fieldhouse probably. I’ll be at the game screaming my head off, exhausted.


Another one added to the collection!