Movies and TV, Anyone?

Picked up “Man of Steel” from Big Lots yesterday; it’s closing and everything’s on sale

As I expected, it was a little too serious/explodey for me. I like the older ones better

Interesting that Lois sort of recognizes Clark/Superman as the same guy right away, in this version

I see they’re making another Superman movie soon; I wonder what kind of tone that one will have

I watched Atlas (2024 film) - Wikipedia

I am currently having a cold and just randomly clicked on something to focus on something other than coughing and my nose falling off.

I have watched worse, it was ok enough to stay to the end credits, just action sci-fi B-movie thingy, but apparently the movie is nominated for the Razzie Award for worst actress. I have not seen the other “contenders”, so not sure what to think, but there was not much acting she could have done in this and what she did was ok-ish.

Cate Blanchett / Borderlands
Lady Gaga / Joker: Folie a Deux
Bryce Dallas Howard / Argylle
Dakota Johnson / Madame Web
Jennifer Lopez / Atlas

I wonder if “worst insert media of the year” should even be a thing? It feels unnecessary since usually that media has already not done well. It feels like beating an alredy dead horse?

Do you watch shows like that for any media, games, movies? Do you make lists for the worst media of a year?

I think the list of worst performers in a film is an interesting one bcause they are all talented people who have delivered superbu performances, so is the acting the problem, or is it what they are given to work with? Is the acting really that bad, or are these actors just getting sadled with this nomination because the film they were in was poor?

A lot of people enjoy “bad” media, because there can often be a sense of camp that comes with the territory. People love Tommy Wiseau and his film The Room because it’s so terrible it transforms into something that is almost unintentionally magnificent. So sometimes celebrating something for being “the worst” is really about acknowledging the things you actually enjoy that have been our right panned. I think celebrations of media like this can be liberating, as it points at the absurdity of awards, and a way to highlight the things we like that might be outside what is accepted as “good” media objects.

Not generally, but I might watch a short listicle video on media that bombed. It’s occasionally interesting to have a glimpse at what is consider to be “bad” by mainstream audiences.

No. This I don’t really have interest in doing. They would be a list of things that I just didn’t gel with, nothing that is so bad it’s interesting, because the latter might actually make it into my list of favourites if it had enough of an impact on me. There is also something that I heard Kevin Smith say in passing during an interview a while ago about the fact that, since his heart attack, he no longer likes to publicly rag on or dis films that he doesn’t enjoy. He feels that it created a form of negativity that wasn’t good for him. Not that there are films he doesn’t enjoy, but he no longer takes pleasure from being mean about them. This is a compelling idea. I don’t think it means we shouldn’t critique things,. Rather I take it to mean that taking pleasure from hating media objects for the nastiest of reasons can actually be displeasureable in the long run. Whether one agrees, I think it’s a worth thinking about.

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After re-reading the series a while back I decided to give the Preacher series a go finally. Only watched the first episode so far. It’s… interesting. They’ve really upped the anti on the “inbread Texan” and “drunk Irishman” stereotypes.

And are priests (is that the same as a preacher) so up in everyone’s business in America?

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That very much describes how I feel about it right now. I have occasionally laughed about a bad video game, but when a game like Gollum tanks a game studio the laugh gets stuck in my throat. When a movie is really bad I stop watching and do something else. I rarely go out to see a movie but I walked out on two: Star Wars the second prequel (can’t even remember the name, but it killed any interest into Star Wars which wasn’t high anyway) and long long ago Ishtar.

Yeah, I feel that’s often the case. Sometimes it is the wrong person cast for a role, then it is a poorly written role or they on purpose casted a name over acting ability to lure people to the theater and then there are movies that only work because everyone knows Dwayne Johnson
will play Dwayne Jonson and it is exactly what the audience wants, despite it being the same (I watch every Jason Statham movie for reasons unknown to me, he isn’t even my type).

The idea of a list “so bad that it is good” is something I would like to see with movies, tv series as much as video games or music. I have not really thought about what would be on such lists for me though… I have not seen The Room, maybe I should. :thinking:

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The Room is totally worth seeing as is the film about the making of it, The Disaster Artist.

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I watched the first few episodes with a friend who then died and I kind of could not get myself to watch more, but we had a really good time with the absurdity of it. How many seasons did it get?

I did not read the comics but my library has them in the adult section.

I can only hope a pastor in the US today is not like the preacher in this series! xD

On the other hand when you watch the ones on television… who knows.

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The series has three seasons. It seems the first few episodes were added to give Jesse more time to be a preacher before he goes off on his journey, so a lot of that isn’t in the book.

I would almost always recommend the comic over any adaptation (the only exception being The Boys), but I can’t really say here as I’ve only watched the one episode. However, as long as your not easily offended (and if you watched the series I doubt you would be) then I’d highly recommend the comic. It gets pretty dark and out there, but it’s great stuff.

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Galactus is a giant dude with a big purple helmet. 10/10!

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Dont like the suits…also not sure about The Thing’s casting. Doesnt sound right to me. But i bet this will still be better than all the previous Fantastic Failed movies before it.

They aren’t my favourite variations of the costume, but it’s better than some they’ve had. I also really dig the whole aesthetic they’re going for.

Honestly I quite enjoy the first “official” FF movie.

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That was my first thought too. =P
Especially after the ones for the Marvel Overwatch game looked so slick.

I still want to seet he shelved Roger Corman film. I bet it’s the best of the bunch to be honest.


I’ve seen the documentary about it. The guy that plays Doom has the perfect voice for him.

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I don’t like any of the costumes in that game. Waaaay too over designed.

“A Collection of My Thoughts on Different Movies & TV Shows: Volume I”:

“Sincerity Sans Key Context - My Brief Thoughts on The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse’s Short-Film Adaptation”

Warning(s) for: spoilers.

(These thoughts were originally posted elsewhere on 10/22/2024.)


(ALT: In an open, snow-covered area that has a couple of leafy trees and a flowing river, tracks left in said snow by, seemingly, the eponymous fox are shown to form a heart with the use of an aerial shot.)

Enough emotion to last a lifetime’s in this version of the story in question, owing to common sayings akin to, “Love yourself,” and, “You’re enough,” being spoken with so much heart to a lost boy seeking a home of his own that they make me feel loved.

Logic, however, isn’t present in this edition in as much abundance as its emotion. How did the boy get lost in the wild, and why’s it not possible for the animals he befriends to live with him in the village he finds? (An “impossibility” that leads to him choosing to live with them in nature.)

Without answers to these crucial questions, a believable big-picture foundation upon which to have heart-to-hearts is left undeveloped, resulting in the aforementioned impact of this short film’s voice-lines on me being weakened.

“Pump-Kind of Soul-Sucking - My Brief Thoughts on It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown

Warning(s) for: spoilers.

(These thoughts were originally posted elsewhere on 10/31/2024.)


Spread out amongst sometimes funny and sometimes outdated violence-normalizing scenes where young characters live in the moment are others in which one child, Linus, hopes and waits for his titular, thought-up entity to appear in a pumpkin patch, going so far as to be there until early morning the next day.

For both celebrating a holiday in his own - admittedly excessive - way and daring to have beliefs, Linus is constantly ridiculed by his peers. Such mockery sends a depressing antithetical-to-holiday-specials message: individuality and imagination deserve to be stamped out, not supportively guided.

“There Is No Hope Without Joy - My Thoughts on Over the Garden Wall

Warning(s) for: spoilers.

(These thoughts were originally posted elsewhere on 11/17/2024.)


In Over the Garden Wall, brothers Wirt and Greg, and Greg’s frog whose name Greg can’t decide on, all stuck between life and death, enter The Unknown, a predominantly forested area where fantastical happenings tend to occur. Among these happenings are a family transforming into sapient bluebirds following one of its members’s decision to throw a rock at a member of that species, as well as a malevolent spirit controlled by a magical bell possessing an innocent girl until said bell, which is eaten by Greg’s amphibian, is rung and prompted to glow by shaking his pet to wish away the evil entity within her.

Once their journey in The Unknown ends proceeding many such happenings, the trio awakens in a hospital. While Greg is explaining to those who came to visit them the adventure his trio went on, a scene in a concluding montage shows him shaking his frog… and their belly glowing.

The nature of the purgatory known as The Unknown, or, really, if it even is just that, is guessable, but not knowable. There are those such as Beatrice, a bluebird who accompanied the trio preceding the success found on her quest to break her family’s curse, who is alive and well, still in its confines.

Mystique of this ilk produces a joy that’s fueled by the truth that wonders, be they self-made or from the world around us, can be found in our lives no matter what. During a time when the worst, and only the worst, seems likely to pass, despite the best of efforts to malleate the future, it is the reminders of this truth which keep hope alive when necessity, spite, and righteous fury all inevitably fade away.

“Enviable Imagination - My Thoughts on La La Land

Warning(s) for: topics pertaining to internalized ableism, language, and spoilers.

(These thoughts were originally posted on 11/18/2024.)


“I hate the fact that I’m disabled,” is a saying uttered by me which signifies the incompletely-truthful start of an often-repeated cycle of internalized ableism, one involving multiple disabilities: A congenital heart defect that prevents me from performing strenuous actions for more than very brief periods of time and low-intensity ones for very long without getting winded and/or experiencing pain. Depression, which severely lessens the amount of energy I can muster. PTSD, which limits my worldview, logically and emotionally speaking. Anxiety, which treats my fears and doubts as gospel. And, OCD, which interrupts my progress on anything with fixations on useless details and “life-saving” habits.

Having all this in mind, watching the main duo of La La Land plan out and achieve their individual dreams of becoming a famed actress and an owner of a jazz club through relationship troubles and financial hardships shouldn’t motivate me to do the same. But, it does, only for that feeling to be corrupted by mid-cycle resentment that’s both directed toward others for not being saddled me with all the promise-killing shit that I am and life itself for allowing them to exist disability-free.

“Though, blaming others for not having to deal with such difficulties, as well as abstractions, in general, is fruitless,” I then tell myself, pretending any part of this cycle is productive. Whenever that realization kicks in, I repeat an unrejected phrase, the acceptance of which has barred me from moving past this cycle and fighting for inclusivity where I can with full confidence for far too long: “I hate myself for letting myself become, and remain, disabled.”

“I’d Make All the Bad in My Life Good, if I Could - My Thoughts on Skydance Animation’s Luck

Warning(s) for: language and spoilers.

(These thoughts were originally posted elsewhere on 11/20/2024.)


Skydance Animation’s Luck posits the idea that good and bad luck each holds value - good luck, inherently so, and bad luck through effort. After watching its coherently mythological, thematically relatable expression of that idea, I nevertheless admit that I’d want to undo every bad thing from my life in a heartbeat, assuming I’d been given a chance to.

Bad luck has had no value for me, and good luck has been nigh non-existent throughout my life. Though I’ve tried to create opportunities from the bad luck surrounding me, the abuse I’ve endured because of it and the good people I’ve negatively impacted due to that abuse’s effects on me ultimately outweigh any of its possible benefits.

I only keep attempting to make gold out of shit since the thought of potentially having nothing without this life, and the thought of others having nothing during their lives, are too much for me to bear. Still, if I had a magical button or something that could improve the things that I could’ve done better and the circumstances that could’ve been better for me, then I would use it, in the end. While well-put, Luck’s message isn’t enough to convince me otherwise.

“Self-Indulgent Rubbish - My Brief Thoughts on Alien: Romulus

Warning(s) for: violence, blood, and spoilers.

(These thoughts were originally posted on 11/21/2024.)


Imagine an archer preparing to shoot three personally significant arrows crafted from the finest of materials at a person standing still with an apple on their head. Upon shooting their arrows, the archer misses that apple and instead hits the person with all three arrows, causing them to slump over and blood to start dripping from where the arrows hit them. Then, the archer walks up to the person, rips out all of the arrows from their body, tosses those arrows aside, and watches as blood sprays out of the openings they left in the person’s flesh. That’s Alien: Romulus.

@Active_Hoper Please try not to spam replies like that. All of that could have been the one post.


Out of curiosity, though, how would you put those posts in one post?

Do you mean now? You’ll have to copy/paste the content of the later posts into the first via editing then.

It’s better to just include all your content into the one post in the first instance.

Thanks for the ideas. However, it all looks rather cluttered when put into one post. Do you know of any way to fix that problem?