Movies and TV, Anyone?

That kind of depends on one’s definition of that experience. I’ll give you heteronormative.

Which is a tad ironic, when Top Gun is seen by many as the #1 go-to for a queer reading in an action blockbuster. (Letterboxd’s top-rated review: “not just sort of gay, but actually one of the gayest movies i think i’ve ever seen”)

Incidentally I finally watched all of the Evangelion TV series and its retcon finale movie End of Evangelion earlier this month, and this is my general feeling too. Maybe I’ll put together some thoughts on all that sometime. It’s one of those odd cases where I’m impressed from a theoretical standpoint, but the actual final product left much to be desired (for me — obviously it worked very well for most viewers).

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Most Hollywood buddy films are deeply homoerotic. Top Gun, Lethal Weapon, Tango and Cash, etc. Straight men love watching homoeroticism in the guise of platonic male bonding.

But weren’t we talking about Top Gear, and thus cars, being a quintessentially masculine interest?


Yeah, I failed reading today. Every time I saw Top Gear, I read Top Gun. OTL


Lol, I completely understand. It was still a very valid point about Top Gun.

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I was into it until about half way, but it was just too dark for my taste. And then the dude in charge basically goes “I hate my fans, so I’m going to end this show in a way to purposefully make them as angry as possible because screw them,” and that seems like a terrible way to write your TV show.

Shinji’s physical interactions with Asuka at the end of the series are also horrific and people sit and wax poetic about what it all means, and I’m just like “it means Shinji is a disgusting, terrible person, and Hideaki Anno doesn’t like you.”

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It was kind of a slow day here, so I watched the Dennis the Menace [movie], free on YouTube

Dennis the Menace was in it, and he was a MENACE !

– It had been a while since I read any of the comics/the cartoon/the movie, as we did see it when I was little. I was watching the AVGN review of the SNES game however; the game didn’t look very good !

– The characters seemed to look much like the comics, especially the parents I thought. But Dennis the Menace was missing the tail on his hair, and Joey had too much hair and was too assertive–you could go as far as to say he was Joey In Name Only

– It’s a while before Dennis and Mr. Wilson actually interact. Enemies to friends arc…

– The other night, I was watching a video essay re: ALF and he mentioned how the Tanner family sheltered ALF not out of love for ALF, but out of obligation. And when Mr. Wilson feels bad after Dennis the Menace ran away and goes looking for him, I thought of that

– Lots of Back to the Future actors…well, just two I guess ! Leave Doc Brown alone, he’s just trying to fix the timeline

– Dennis says lots of people have tried to tie him up. Wish that were me Switchblade Sam gets tied up, if he’s your kind of…guy. You know, I think he’s only ever named in the credits

– Actually, his arc is pretty sad. He seems to have no home, no job, so what do they do ? Tell him to get out of town ! Because he looks like he “doesn’t belong there”. An important satire of the kinds of situations that could drive a guy like Switchblade Sam to crime in the first place. Crimes like stealing A APPLE.


Switchblade Sam spinoff movie when??? Get the Safdies to work on it.


They should’ve integrated him into the comics

Like Harley Quinn


Guys which is the best animated dc series to watch?

Batman: The Animated Series is top notch. Honestly one of the best shows ever made, beyond just being a good animated DC show.


Anyone defending Shinji choking Asuka is missing the point of the show. I’m sure people like that exist like with fans of Walter White or Judge Dredd, but there are a lot of folks, like myself, who understand that is a bad thing and enjoy the show.

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I’ll second that. I think the shows in that universe are all pretty fun, but BtAS is spectacular.

I put on Subzero for my kids last year and remembered that film is a genuinely good action thriller.


Masturbating on her was even more atrocious.
But yeah I’m not even saying people defending it, just trying to give everything more meaning. I think the show is pretty clear about its nihilistic mood.

I will say though, I have never experienced such a “YEAH LFG!” high to pure “oh holy shit” low as when Asuka beats the shit out of the fake Evas and then gets fucking slaughtered. That was WILD.

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Funilly enough I’ m watching the original series at the moment. Up to episode 17 right now. It’s the third time I’ve tried to watch it, but the last time was probably a good 25 years ago. I know the ending is controversial to say the least, but I don’t know what it is. I’ll probably watch the films afterwards.


I have heard a lot of good things about that show. I might give it a watch!

I’m not even going to attempt to respond to this
'twas a joke

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Finished the series and End of Evangelion. What started as a somewhat dark and interesting “mech vs aliens” series becomes a load of absolute pretentious toss. I won’t deny the quality of the animation but the story goes so far off the rails that it makes The Fountain seem perfectly sensible.

And I know that the series/ film wants to make it’s audience uncomfortable, but what’s with constantly showing characters who are supposed to be 14 naked and having one of the main characters wank over them? Just feel like they are trying way too hard to be edgy.


I finished the NGE Rebuild films and thoroughly enjoyed them. While I love the end of End of Evangelion (“Disgusting” is such a powerful ending. I’ll never forget it) , 3.0+1.0 tells a similar story from a place of wisdom. Even if you don’t follow all of the plot points, the imagery, music, and direction is so strong that the beauty still overwhelms. There are so many artistic and empathetic scenes in this film that it is hard not to walk away with anything but appreciation. The end really does seem to conclude Anno’s relationship with the text. I imagine we will get some more Evangelion stories in the future, but Shinji, Rei, and Asuka’s stories are about as closed as they can get.

I know not everyone loves NGE like I do, but I would recommend people check it out. It is simultaneously influential to the Japanese media that followed it and completely its own thing. I love it!

Ugh, ok, fine, I’ll do it.