Monthly Retro Game Club

damn! I suggested this without even reading your post on it, funny coincidence. nice choice.


but seriously though when i first saw that cutscene it sent shivers down my spine. the fact that none of them can move and have to just sit there is truly bone chilling. I think that’s why body horror is so horrifying, because we as humans have control of our bodies until we don’t. Someone could actually make the point that maybe that’s why people find strokes/cancer/breaking limbs so unpleasant.

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Giga may be referring to how you can walk not only left and right, but also into the foreground and background a tad (as the camera view is tilted somewhat to give a view of the path you’re on). The term I think works best for this is “belt-scroll beat-em-up.” (Terms like that or simply “belt action” were used in Japan – think of sushi conveyor belts and whatnot.) Stuff like Kunio-kun, Double Dragon, Final Fight, Streets of Rage, Golden Axe, Simpsons, Ninja Turtles, X-Men, and so on used this style. I think this is the style most people think of right away for beat-em-up (or brawler) in general, since it was so popular.

so was reading about sushi tonight on a really good blog and the term “conveyor belt sushi” was mentioned (Kaiten Sushi) and it made me remember this post! :laughing: It makes sense looking at images of these things. They have two things in common with 2.5D Beat 'em Ups

  1. Like most beat 'em ups, the ‘track’ is going one direction. 2. Many of the machines are not a single line of plates on a thin track, but a wide track that contains many plates on different planes… This very much resembles the playing field of a 2.5D brawler.
    What is Conveyor Belt Sushi? | Basic Sushi Knowledge - Sushi University
    I think it’s an appropriate term. The idea for a sushi belt conveyor caught on towards the end of the 70’s and began to grow in popularity so it was at about the right time in history for when these kind of games started to come out.

Since you’re an otaku, here’s an article that mentioned Neko-Matagi. a kind of salmon roe of suspect quality that is bad enough that ‘even the cat walks over it’ :scream_cat:

I’m unsure if there is a video game equivalent to this concept, but there are plenty of sub 3-star games that to me, are delicious! :joy_cat:


the developer of this looks :fire: i dont think any of these were ever translated. PC-98 emulation is also while doable, a bit of a novelty. (I played one game but save states were a no go)

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Og silent hill i actually did play for Halloween. its great. Really had no idea what to expect.

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sin and punishment is one of the better games i’ve played for N64. just make sure to watch a guide on how to navigate the non-translated menu (its easy, dont let this dissuade ANYONE from playing this epic rail shooter)

1 Like got you covered friend :fire: :fire: :fire:
oh shit that’s my new years eve jam for sho. i played uke it out in DC a few years back then jan 6th happened lulz. :joy_cat:


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i read an article which also suggested 15. i wonder if in 2080 it will still be 15. will it slow down? will it speed up? never thought about it before, really :thinking:

Why a 15-20 year flat rate of definition? i think it might actually make more sense to pidgeon hole it to console generations (and gaps). If one day there are no more consoles (PC only) there is really no ‘progress’ to make left. at this point it becomes an event horizon where there is no more retrogames beyond those created in style or ‘retro aesthetic’ (which of course, aren’t truly retrogames) Example: W40k:Boltgun (what i’m playing now)

And then, if something actually replaces PC as the super-gaming console (like a whole umm… reality simulation, AKA Bostrom/Matrix)we re-activate the retro-game definition :joystick: :joy:

EDIT: I basically view consoles as PC emulators. Cause… it’s true?

On Christmas Eve, Solid Snake is sent in to rescue the scientist and save the world.

this has Die Hard Christmas movie vibes :laughing: Gimmie my shoes! :athletic_shoe: @Nelemania

I have Jazz Jackrabbit now, though unfortunately the sound on the computer isn’t working ATM. I always wished it’d get ported to Switch or something

@NIQ_m2 oh no that sucks! :frowning: i hadn’t finished that one i don’t think but i remember the audio being really good. the guy who made the music is really prominent and makes jammin’ chiptunes IIRC, so it’s worth waiting for a proper experience probably?

What about Parasite Eve? It also takes place on Christmas Eve. I read the novel in preparation for playing the game and then never did.

@Roach wow, i knew none of these things… i’ve thought of playing this one the past year actually, i had a friend who played it and i enjoyed watching him play long ago.

It brings to mind this creepy claymation “The Mysterious Stranger” I saw where the devil makes a bunch of clay guys and then destroys them and says “we can always make more”

@NIQ_m2 yeah i knew immediately what you were referring to as The Adventures of Mark Twain. It’s scarred many a child probably :joy_cat:

but if you don’t like people fucking melting alive then it might not be that suited to MRGC

@kupomog337 don’t threaten me with a good time! MELTY dakka is MOAR dakka! :joy_cat:


Yes it totally has! :grin:


At first I thought “belt-action” re: beat 'em ups was because you might call hitting someone “belting” them!

I’ve been getting into classic beat 'em ups these days


Ok, pulling some of the ideas from comments above, pick three of any of the following and we’ll decide on a title for December:

December Retro Game Poll
  • Elf Bowling (GameBoy)
  • Costume Quest: Grubbins on Ice DLC (PC, Mac, iOS, Android, PS3, Xbox 360)
  • Batman Returns (SNES, Mega Drive/Genesis)
  • Jazz Jackrabbit: holiday Hare (DOS via Internet Archive)
  • Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MSX2, PS3, PS Vita, Xbox 360)
  • Parasite Eve (PlayStation)
0 voters

It will forever bother me that I didn’t capitalize hare and that I can no longer edit the poll :man_facepalming:t4:


It won’t even let me do it!


It gives you the same “polls can’t be edited after five minutes” message I assume.


The results are pretty interesting so far.


I played Jazz Jackrabbit: holiday Hare ! That was nice

– Unfortunately, the sound on this computer–as well as GOG, which I hadn’t touched in a while–are not working currently, but I found an alternate means of playing for the time being. I wish it were on Steam Deck [officially]

– Jazz Jackrabbit is great; we had the demo on a CD when I was little and I would think, I’ll never get to play the full version. But, now I have, so I guess some dreams do come true. Hopefully more later. He should’ve become more of a Thing

– As for holiday Hare, I never really played that much, I might’ve checked it out once ? I like them all dressed up in the title screen, and I liked the candy planet. I wondered if there’d be a boss…Devan dressed as Santa, or something…

– And here’s something interesting, Jazz’s brother Spazz…from the sequel?! How can that be?!


This time, I re-played Batman Returns !

– We actually had the NES version of this one growing up, for whatever reason [we weren’t particularly into Batman and I wouldn’t see the movie until many, many years later]

– I remember most of the Red Triangle Circus guys from the aforementioned NES game; they look even better here. Though, wouldn’t it make more sense for the clowns to be Joker’s gang? Oh well, WAYGD

– There is a code to give yourself nine lives and nine continues, should you need it

– Before, I wondered if Catwoman could be considered an honorary Beat 'em Up Domme [my favorite kind of enemy] due to her whip…seeing the Ice Princess in a that predicament I thought, hm, wish that were me ! Well, until the end; that wasn’t good for her

– Catwoman’s pretty tough too; I lose a lot of lives on her. But I eventually made it to the Penguin and you could say I DeVited him

– I guess you might say this is one of the better movie-licensed games !


And now, new: played some Elf Bowling. Ho, ho ho !

This one we briefly had on computer back on the day. I was only able to access a GBA version at this time, but I would think they’re pretty much the same. Again, regrettable that the sound is not working–the Elves would say things like “Elf, Elf Baby!” and such, so as to tickle your funny bone

Sadly, in later years I would learn [from Lazy Game Reviews] that the game was sort of meant as anti-union propaganda. In these days, of course, the Elves need working-class solidarity more than ever

I am aware of another game or two wherein Santa has something of an antagonistic role


Also played AVGN Adventures for the season; that didn’t take long


Played Costume Quest + Grubbins on Ice DLC this time ! This is the first one that was new to me, which is welcome

I’m not usually into RPGs, but this was kind of a Paper Mario-like one that you can finish in a day. At least, if you’re home sick, as I was. I did the main story 1 day and the DLC the next. A cute Halloween game

Re: Grubbins on Ice, Lucy reminded me of Phoebe from Hey Arnold! this time; I didn’t really pick up on that until now. At first I didn’t know if this was really a Christmas/holiday-themed one, but there is certainly snow. Maybe there could’ve been a Santa costume or something, but whatever