Just Music Talk

This is a forum for music talk. What have you been grooving to and whatnot. Maybe you can introduce what kind of tunes you like so we don’t get stuck in endless “Jazz is better than Funk” shouting matches that can dominate music discourse.

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I am really into the new Gorillaz album, Cracker Island. Albarn has been synthesizing his britpop background (Blur + The Good, the Bad, and the Queen) with his more Eastern sensibilities as heard on Monkey: Journey to the West. This combination really started to ferment on Blur’s last release The Magic Whip, but Cracker Island functions as the culmination of these styles with the hip hop experimentation of Albarn’s Gorillaz project. The album feels familiar and like a departure. I listened to it four times over the last three days and plan to turn it on and up many more times. Great album for those who have been following Damon Albarn’s career and a good entryway into his discography for the unfamiliar.


Lately I’ve been listening to the Shrek soundtrack while coloring pictures because a friend mentioned it and I thought “I wonder if we still have that”


Had that growing up. There is a non “Who Let the Dogs Out” Baja Men song on that album I remember liking as a child. I was also into the song where Pink (P!NK?) says “Damn” several times.


Been thinking about these a lot recently


Cracker Island’s great! Saw Gorillaz live last year, my first show since 2019 (because, y’know). Blur’s my favorite band, Damon’s a genius.

Lately I’ve been revisiting some of my favorite punk albums. I hadn’t listened to Gang of Four’s “Entertainment!” in a long while, that album is just incredible. Was also listening to Fugazi’s “13 Songs” while doing some chores around the house the other day, that’s another good one.


Spotify put this one in my Weekly Mix yesterday and it made me happy:

For games related music, I really like the AC Black Flag soundtrack when doing chores: Spotify

It is probably a a shame that I haven’t played the game yet.


Saw the Dirty Projectors in concert back in like 2012. They were fantastic. Really precise and joyous. I really loved their last two studio albums as well as their live release and their EPs from a year or so ago. They’ve been on a hot streak for awhile.


I most certainly am not a music buff and most of what i listen to is video game related, but i do like Foo Fighters, The Killers, Chase & Status, Bowie, Queen… and some more obscure and kind of game related but not so much bands like Ninja Sex Party and The Protomen. Might put up some favourites later if people are interested.



Yes, I would like that very much please!:hugs:


I haven’t listened to them since he released Keep Your Name. Just not the same, that Bitte Orca lineup was hands down the best band going at the time.


I wish more people knew/remembered the Eels. Great band. Ugh and that episode of Futurama with Fry’s mom and Manchild, it’s like weaponized sadness lol.



That sounds fun to try out.


What does that mean?

Also sadly I don’t have Spotify. I used to but the list of things I disliked about the service kept growing and it made it hard to stick with. I do miss their curation, however. So I guess the question is can people still access the thing you’re talking about with a free account?


Cool idea. I hadn’t heard of that. I don’t listen to Spotify enough to participate given it’s based on listening habits but it sounds like something fun that anyone on Grouvee who does should participate in.


Some recent-ish favs:


These last few weeks I’ve been hooked on D4DJ Groovy Mix (a mobile rythm game) and its respective anime series. It’s quickly become my favorite idol-related franchise and, as such, I’ve fallen in love with many of their songs.

Some of my favorites:


Around and Around rules.

Stuff like this is always amazing to me. I watched that Shinichiro Watanabe anime Carole and Tuesday about two space idol contestants (there is more to it than that, but that’s the gist), and I was always blown away when there would be really good music. I feel like I dislike much more music than I like and then you add in the extra restraints by this exterior piece (anime or video games or whatever). Real cool stuff.


Same on Spotify

:notes::musical_note:Swinging along!:notes::musical_note:


I’ve been listening to Yellow Magic Orchestra lately. NPR did a story on them after the drummer passed away this year, and the snippets I heard sounded fun. I can’t help moving to some of their stuff, even if I’m at the office or doing dishes haha