How to request games to be added to database?

I won’t lie, these Teddy Floppy Ear games look adorable. I would love to know if they are good kid’s games. Although for the price listed on Steam right now, it is not hard to find out :wink:

I have added the franchise and attached it to all three games.

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I think if I change the core name of the game, it will change the link in the system as well. So I am not sure if that is okay. I will wait for @peter on that one.

If need be I can do a separate entry for The Race and restore the info that was in the original entry pulled from Giant Bomb. I think the issue with that is we will have an entry for the steam bundle in the system, which is atypical. We will see what @peter has to say.

I changed the name in our system. The name doesn’t have any bearing on the links to either Giant Bomb or Steam. Those links are stored in separate tables, and all the tables have are the IDs to the Grouvee game to either the GB ID or Steam ID.

The only issue that I fixed was that the Mountain Adventure game in Steam was linked to The Race game.

Also, I’m always amazed at how many people own these games that I’ve never even heard of. 44 people have Teddy Floppy Ear in their collection, which I know isn’t a super large number, but it’s way more than I ever would have thought would own this game on Grouvee. I love it.

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Lol, I just bought the bundle on Steam myself. 90% off and they look super cute.

How do games end up linking to Stream? Since I added the Mountain Adventure game to Grouvee, I’m curious how it came to link to the steam Entry for the Race. And how do I (if I even can) ensure they are linked properly?

Could you add Pokemon Rumble World? The retail release was yesterday and can’t seem to find it on the database.

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I didn’t mean the new game had gotten linked yet. Someone linked the Steam ID for Mountain Adventure to what is now The Race entry on Grouvee. I’m sure it was someone who didn’t know what to put it under, Grouvee suggested a game, and they just clicked the button. There’s a screen in the admin panel I can change the Steam links on, but it’s not terribly friendly to use. I probably need to build a Steam link mod tool so it’s easier for people who are curators to see that stuff.

It’s here:

I guess no one on Giant Bomb added the normal alias of pokemon to the game. That accent always screws up searching. I’ve added it so it’ll show up in search.

Just to be clear, I meant the Grouvee link since it contains the game name in it. I know it isn’t a big deal if it changes because the chance of someone hard linking it other than on this forum is slim, but I wanted to be sure you were alright with that in cases like this.

It auto redirects. The name part of the URL for a game is only there for seo reasons. If you get the id correct, it’ll redirect you to the “correct” URL. Portal (2007) | Grouvee takes you right to Portal.

Oh damn! I didn’t realize that. Very cool. I won’t hesitate in the future to update that sort of thing then.

2 weeks ago I inquired about manually adding Lieve Oma. You can disregard that now, seems like someone else got it added to the GB wiki and thus here. I just marked myself as the first person to have played it.

Could you add Ace Mathician? Ace Mathician for Nintendo DS - Nintendo Game Details


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Would it be possible to add TIMEframe? You can find it either here ([ or here (TIMEframe on Steam).

Hi, can someone add
The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition The Witch and the Hundred Knight: Revival Edition for PlayStation 4 - GameFAQs (or at least add a PS4 entry)
Sound of the Sky: Quintet of Maidens So-Ra-No-Wo-To: Otome no Gojuusou for PSP - GameFAQs
eden* Eden* for PC - GameFAQs
Thank you.

Would it be okay to add Great Turnabout Trial - The Adventure of Ryūnosuke Naruhodō?

link1, link2

It’s part of the Ace Attorney series, but likely isn’t going to be released in the US. Another game in the series which is a Japan only release is already in the database, so I thought this should be added for completeness