Anyone have any advice to manage your anger when losing in a videogame?
I have been a fan of Super Smah Bros. since Brawl and while I never played competitively, I always felt good at the game compared to my friends and won more often than not. Now that I have been playing Smash Ultimate since release with my little brother, he’s gotten better than me. WAY BETTER. Sometimes I can’t even get close. I am okay with him being better than me at the game, the problem is I get so upset in the moment that I do embarrassing things. I hurt myself sometimes and I feel miserable. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t have fun anymore and my brother doesn’t want to play with me because of how upset I get. I try to remember it’s just a game but I can’t seem able to control myself. I know all I have to do is practice and I can get better but I want to be able to take a loss. I want to enjoy my favorite game again.
Thanks in advance for whatever advice you have.