Hey everybody. It’s me, local legend, Georgeypoorgey. Every five weeks or so, someone posts the idea of doing a zine and then a bunch of people say yea that idea rocks and then nothing happens. And I’m not gunna take it anymore!
Let’s do this. Lord knows I got six pages about donkey kong’s tie that will flow out of me.
LET ME KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE ADDED TO THE TEAM Writers: Georgeypoorgey, Killerstar, Werqkween, JoeyPajamas, Shinespark Editors: BMO, Roach, El_Diegote Designers and artists: Spaceybirdie, Joeypajamas, Georgeypoorgey
Estimated Release: Late June Topic of zine beyond video games: To be discussed after core team is developed. However, I personally would like for the zine to push the radical values of Grouvee. Timeline:
Develop Core Team: ~March 21~
Pitch Ideas for Zine: ~April 4th~
Writing of pieces/editing/creation of accompanying art: ~June 4th~
Design and Final Edits: ~June 25th~
Dates are all estimates
I think it would be cool to get some physical copies printed so you can drop them off at your dentist’s office so some kid about to get a root canal can read about the queer politics of Outer Wilds.
i think this is first and foremost an attempt to make one zine. maybe we will do it and decide to do a zillion more. but i think this effort is to do one and see how it feels.
Sounds good. I would take some review or meaty status update and rewrite it so it’s not just a stream of consciousness and instead has some structure and less typos.
I’m totally up to contribute! Writing and art I can do. I don’t have a lot of experience with design but I’m willing to try. I can’t spell though so not sure how helpful I’d be with editing.
Actually, on editing, as Grouvee is an international community, it’d be cool if regional variations of language were kept to reflect that. Also, if I see my “colour” edited to “color” I’m likely to have a conniption fit.
I would need more data about the how and the when and the what and the how long and the how often, but I could be interested. I like writing. And games. And snakes. They’re like if noodles could get angry.
But yes, the lead time and what is expected would be a great thing to know. I’m more than happy to contribute (I’d love to) but I’d have to ensure I’d be able to dedicate the time required.
I have ideas actually, but I don’t have the English for writing articles. I could see me boring you all with Euro Jank and the Gothic series or an article about sewer levels in gaming and why they stink (the sewers, most levels are good some even iconic).
I am open to contribute, not sure how much sense my contribution would make though.
I could edit or help curate (if someone thinks getting old reviews from the site is good content). I’m playing so little as of now, and feel like I know so little about VG compared to the rest of the people over here, that I’m not sure I’m confident about writing. That doesn’t consider my lack of language capabilities as well.