Grouvee Game Club

Yep. I think that my point is that --at least at first impression-- the combat detracts from that because it’s goofy and kind of annoying and also not really disempowering.

But OMFG the sound design of this game is incredible.

Oh, hey, looks how’s here! Your favourite geometry aficionado!


I think there is a chance that this is because we filter the combat through the two decades of gaming experience. I think games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill were far more menacing when we were collectively cutting our teeth on 3D controls. But if someone like my partner plays it, who has not developed the same comfort with game language and game mechanics as I have, the combat still feels challenging. I think her experience is probably closer to how we all experienced Silent Hill games back at launch, where our own skills were likely only developed to the point that we needed the extra space to make mistakes when fighting.


My favorite is legs on top legs on bottom monster…i think thats SH2… lol

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