Feedback, suggestions, say hi!

Since there’s no ‘recommended’ section and it would probably be a bit hard to make well, I’d really like to see an option to exclude games already in ‘my games’ from the game search/browsing.

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Hi, Two Weeks in Painland is missing.

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When looking at other people’s reviews on the front page, the details of my rating and what shelf I have the game on is much bigger than the user’s star rating. I think it would be better if the reviewer’s star rating was more prominent.

I keep thinking my rating for the game is the reviewer’s!


Yes! It happens to me a lot!


I would like to ask if theres any possibility that you could add half stars into ratings so you can give 3 and a half star for example because its really hard to rate something on 5 stars scale for me at least.

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I’ll point you to the main thread where this has been discussed extensively:

Replace the 5 star rating system

The long and short of it is that there is no current plan to change the rating system. Given the subjective nature of any rating system, and the fact that the site’s founder @Peter has considered various rating systems, he has settled on the current model. The current five star system based on the scale below was decided upon as the most ideal for the general purposes of Grouvee (you can read more about his position in the thread I linked to above).

  • Five stars: loved it
  • Four stars: really liked it
  • Three stars: liked it
  • Two stars: mostly didn’t like it
  • One star: did not like it at all

I am going to flag this one for @Peter because I think that, from a readability standpoint, you make a good point here. I’ve tagged him so he’ll see this.


Oh I never noticed that the stars show this by hovering over them with a mouse. Thanks for that :smile:

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It’s a common issue. Maybe a fix is to make that immediately clearer for everyone when they join the site.

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Hello! I love the Top 250 Games list, but it is very bare bones. Would it be possible to add either one of these 3 features (or maybe even all of them!)?:

  1. Fade the game’s poster when you have rated the game
  2. Hide the game’s entry in the list entirely when you have rated the game
  3. Add the rating you have given the game next to its entry on the list

Hi everyone! :raising_hand_man:

Quick suggestion right away: I have three games, and I’ve recently done a play through of all of them. However, I had already played one of them (the third in chronological order) before. Now, when I sort by “date finished”, it uses that first play through date, instead of the last and current one, which messes up the order (see attached picture).
Shouldn’t sorting by “date finished” use the last/latest play through date? Or at least give an option to sort by latest play through date. :slight_smile:

Cheers everyone!

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hi! ^ _ ^ popping in to say, i’ve been thinking about this idea since I saw something similar happening with the new shelfs page last year.

Would it be possible to allow us to edit dates of our statuses? Either by creating a new field that auto-populates with the creation date of the status that we can edit, or just allowing us to edit the creation date?

I use the grouvee statuses as a journal, & very frequently I have to go back and edit statuses I already posted. Or I don’t get around to posting a status for a while, so I can’t rely on looking at my statuses to get an idea of when I last played a game. Edits will also post my journals out of order, especially if I have newer entries, if i forgot to add something at the time of posting.

Don’t know how difficult this would be, but it would be nice if possible. I already have my own calendar where i track this information haphazardly, & i would probably end up editing some statuses dated long before I made an account here just to keep all this information in 1 place neatly.

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


Hello! Not sure where to post this / if this is the right spot.

I’m unsure of how difficult this would be to implement, but it would be useful to add a “remove update/post” on the Profile page! That way I could hide redundant updates. Whenever I got to rate a game and remove it from my Playing to Played shelves, it posts three updates to my page.

I use Grouvee in a similar way to Goodreads, where I prefer to only show my ratings of games played, rather than updates on games being added to/removed from different shelves (e.g. Backlog, Played, Playing, etc.) That way it turns into this nice concise log of historical ratings for games I’m playing.

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


This has been on my list to do. In theory I’d want to do it a couple of ways. First would be to just combine activities for a game if there within a certain timeframe (maybe a couple of hours). The other would be what you’re talking about where we’d let you prune off what you don’t want to show. I’d probably just hide the activities, but still keep them in the database just in case.


Hi Peter

What I’d like a change in the forums: the ability for dark mode. I have dyslexia, and I also have what was called Irlens Syndrome (where the eyes cannot see properly through black text on a white background, or a similar condition is photophobia - where the eyes physically cannot stand bright colours). Please allow dark mode option, it’s killing my eyes.

Another piece of feedback. Grouvee doesn’t have every game out there. Maybe it’s a popularity issue, I don’t know, but I expected all games to be there so I can look at all the collection of games I have at once. Are you going to eventually do that? Is it too much work?

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So for the dark theme here, you can go to your preferences page, and on the left side, select the Interface menu option. There’s a Theme dropdown where you can select the Material Design Theme. That’ll give you a dark theme. You get to your preferences by clicking your avatar in the top right, then the little user icon and selecting Prefernces.

There’s a lot of games in the world. There’s no database that will have them all. I’m switching our data source from Giant Bomb to IGDB sometime here in the hopefully near future to make it more complete. There will still be plenty of missing games because there just will. That being said, you can submit games over at to get them onto the site to be used immediately. They technically will be in an approval queue that I’m incredibly slow at getting to, but they’ll be useable in your collection and all that.

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I can’t see it

Ah. I see. That’s understandable, thank you!

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Hmm. Maybe do a hard refresh of the browser? Ctrl+Shift+R is how you do it in Chrome. This forum software does a lot of caching, so maybe it didn’t pick up the new settings I put in.

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I actually installed another theme today that I really like the look of that I recommend. It’s the Air theme. Go to that same page, select the Air theme from the themes dropdown, and then in the color scheme, pick air-dark. I really think it’s a good look. I might change the default theme to the light one because I like it so much so far.

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Thank you so much, it’s working now! It’s so much easier on the eyes. Sorry if I sounded a bit blunt earlier.