Cozy/ Cute Gaming

I have been getting more and more into cuter/ cozier games than I normally would and I’m not sure if it is due to my age (33 currently and only getting older), or dealing with enough stress in my work and other aspects of life. For instance, a game that I recently got into and just find so charming and comforting is Cozy Grove. I’ve been delving in everyday on my Switch and love it. I love the art-style, drip feed of story you get, meandering around the ever-expanding island and just immersing myself in this strange world.

I’m curious what other games fit this mold of being cozy/ cute and just downright comforting, if others have gotten into the same or enjoy it nonetheless, and any other opinions related I guess.

Thanks as always.


Heh, I definitely can understand you.
I’m more into cute things lately too, and I think it’s a search for a place where things are easier.

But I have not played too many cute games myself. I definitely recommend you Slime Rancher. I LOVE that game.

Hmm, I guess Rabi-Ribi would count as a cute game, too. You are a cute bunny girl and all characters are cute girls. It is a pretty good game too, but it’s a tough one (it has easier difficulty levels, though).


Will second the recommendation for Slime Rancher. It is my favorite as far as chillax games go, and it’s got a charming sense of humor all throughout. It is a 1st-person simulation game in which you ranch silly slime monsters. The cozy island offers plenty of different areas to explore, and the gameplay loop is addictive. I appreciated that there is a narrative of sorts with an ending, so it offers a nice stopping point if you don’t want to play forever. Just a joyful experience from start to finish. I haven’t gotten around to the sequel yet, but that looks great too.

For a completely different suggestion, I’ll throw out the tile-placing game called Dorfromantik. It’s kind of a single-player board game where you simply create a picturesque environment of villages, fields, forests, rivers, and train tracks. Place tiles at good spots to earn more tiles; play until you’re out of tiles. If you want to go for a high score, the game gives you plenty to think about – but the game works just as well if you want something kinda mindless to fall sleep to or while catching up on some podcasts.

If you want a couple smaller games, I’ll suggest Yoku’s Island Express and Luna’s Fishing Garden. The former is basically a metroidvania, but you traverse as a pinball, knocked about by pinball flippers. The art style is nice and I don’t think there’s any way to die so the point is just to explore and vibe. The latter suggestion is a light and breezy 2D pixel-art game where you… go fishing, and plant gardens. One of those games I just found pleasant. It’d probably work best as a palate cleanser following a long difficult game.


I haven’t played Slime Rancher yet but I’ll have to pick it up. Deciding if I should get it on Switch or PC.

I love Dorfromantik. It is so charming and for such a chill game, I get competitive to beat my high score with subsequent builds.


Loved Yoku’s Island Express - fun, but no pressure.


Two short games I stumbled upon on that might fit here:

  • Gnog (2017) | Grouvee Someone wrote as a review on Steam “I felt like a 5 year old again! fun colors and shapes. buttons go brrr” :grin: A better description would be a series of point and click puzzle boxes, where you have to kind of just click on everything and see what happens.

  • Hidden Folks (2017) | Grouvee Where is Waldo kind of game. Just looking at the pages and clicking on the animated little things while listening to relaxing music.

I also want to say that I love Dorfromantik. That game is so relaxing and I come back to it again and again.


I don’t know if Power Wash Simulator would fit into this category

I got into washing things and listening to music [there’s no in-game music]

Now they’re making SpongeBob DLC ! That was probably not my first guess


Oh, that is a very cozy game in my books. I cant wait for the new DLC. I hope they add the music too.


Power Wash Simulator has been ruining my life. I’ll get cozy in bed, washing and spraying away, finishing up a level to lull myself to sleep, when the game informs me I’ve missed a tiny speck on a baseboard. One baseboard out of twenty. And my dirty spidey senses deem it undetectable. It is driving me insaaaaane.


I can’t say that it’s been ruining my life, but whenever something new pops for it, I can’t help but dive in and go to town. I still have to finish the Spongebob DLC too. I’m on the last level but just stopped for no reason when it came out and got busy elsewhere.

I am sad to report that the music did not make it into the game but I “fixed” that by playing Spongebob background music on YouTube while playing the game. Worked pretty well and kept me immersed.


I’ve been playing a lot of VR games lately, and Garden of the Sea must be one of the cutest games out there, without being too “nauseating”.


It looks adorable, I just can’t do VR. My motion sickness is too bad.


Has it been long since you’ve tried? The newer headsets, and especially Playstation VR2, have received a LOT of improvements for avoiding getting sick.

I have a friend who couldn’t even play or see me play Spider-Man on normal flat screen without it making him sick, and he has bought a PSVR2. He says as long as he doesn’t play for extremely long, he has absolutely no issues.


I would say it has. Last I tried was 2016 so I’m sure there have been improvements. I might try it soon, but the thing is, I’ve been getting sick with First-Person games lately if the FOV isn’t right or there isn’t a reticle. It’s made me start wearing my Sea Bands with a bit of Dramamine if I even suspect it might come on.


Have you tried the Neko Atsume VR game? It came out ages ago (at least in Japan) but it appears to be on the Playstation Store page now. I loved the mobile game so when I saw there’s a VR version, I got very excited. I don’t have VR so I’ve never gotten a chance to try it.


No, sorry, I haven’t tried it. But now I might. Here’s a good and thorough review if you’re interested:

For now, it seems to only be available on PSVR1/PS4, not PSVR2/PS5.


I’ll have to check that out. Thank you!

So many of the games mentioned in this thread I absolutely love (Slime Rancher, Dorfromantik, Luna’s Fishing Garden) that I wanted to recommend a few favorites that haven’t been mentioned yet.

Lil Gator Game is a love letter to childhood LARPing and the Legend of Zelda series. It made me feel so good playing it and it’s not too long or short, so it’s a great one to mark off the backlog easily. The game recently got a NG+ update and if you haven’t seen the official plushie yet, it’s derpy cuteness is to die for.


Not really cot/cuzy but any simulator game I would say would be pretty cozy to play.


While there are darker themes prevalent, I find Trace Memory / Another Code cozy. The original games launched on the DS / Wii but the games have recently been remastered and ported to the Switch.