A Forum to Post YouTube Videos that are Good

He’s a hero. He’s a hero fighting so they can enjoy lounging on that beach and not have to go through the same things he went through, and they glare and look down upon him. The gumption of these people.

What’s this in aid of? I feel like I’m missing the context.

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He stormed the beaches of normandy, and the people around him look at him weirdly, they would be eating sauerkraut and wearing lederhosen if he didn’t give his life for his country. Darn kids these days!

Clippy is the most trustworthy.

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So it was a one-man reenactment? Yeah, I’m kinda with them. Seeing a bloke doing that means either he’s mad or we’re at war, neither of which are terribly great.


‘he’s mad?’
he’s fighting for western society, it doesn’t matter if he’s 80 years late! You kids and your darn social media feeds these days, no respect for yer elders…

This “be grateful that you don’t live in North Korea instead of trying to change things for the better” and the circle of “be grateful it will make you happy and if you are not happy then be more grateful” is a new trend around me and solely coming from the left and esotheric side. This video helped me to understand that’s not me alone who thinks its harmful and stupid.

But heh, the beatings blaming you are ungrateful will continue until morale happiness improves.

I am grateful for this video, but I haven’t seen anything else from the channel yet.

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Firstly, that was a great video. Will certainly check some more of his out!

It’s interesting to me that you say that this kind of messaging around you is coming from the left, as here in the UK, especially before the recent election, is was 100% from the right. It was Tories trying to justify the ridiculous inequality they’d pushed on the country by flipping the narrative from them being greedy cu*ts to the people being ungrateful slobs.

“What’s that? You’ve just left uni, are thousands in debt and have no prospects of ever owning a house while we spend billions on PPE that doesn’t work to feather our own nests? Pfft, for shame! Be grateful you got to go to uni in the first place!”

It’s disgusting and harmful.

As for “esotheric,” did you mean “esoteric”? I Googled “esotheric” and it just brought up esoteric. Anyway, if you DID mean esoteric, I’d just like to give a PSA that esoteric and New Age shouldn’t be conflated.

People who identify as esoteric are generally pagans, hedgewitches, animists, atheists and similar. New Agers are the wankers who realised that the desperate and vulnerable can be made to shell out heaps of money if you tell them convincingly enough that a particularly pretty stone will cure their cancer. One is a legitimate religious group/s, the other are hacks.

Based on the video, I’m guessing you mean New Agers.

Great you liked the video. I watched another one of him about art and it was great too.

I know that the Right loves the “be grateful” meaning “shut up and accept what we do to you”, that’s why I found it so shocking that I get to hear it from the Left now too. The latest one was someone I know from my former union and it spreads inside the union.

Yes, I meant esoteric (don’t know where I got the “h” from). Maybe that is a lost in translation thing because no one uses the word New Age in my bubble. I get that people can be spiritual but once your spirituality turns into anti-science there is where I set the line. It might be that different countries/languages uses different words to distinguish who is on which side of the line. Here around me it would be spiritual vs esoteric for you it seems spiritual/esoteric vs New Age.

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Ugh. I went all American and thought words mean the same thing everywhere. Apologies.


This was a really good take on art as a thing that only helps the people on top of the elitist tower and how students get trained to just function and go into unbelievable debt for it. She also, what interested me the most, puts the finger on what art should be in/for/and grow inside a community and why rich people who only see it as a way to make money although they have already too much should not be the ones to shape that function/existence but artists and their consumers, the community itself should. Also art as a business and even outside the established galleries and museums … I am sorry for the backlash she is going to face with that heresy. I hope she does well!

Also: A society who does not make good education free does something inherently wrong.


The creative arts has been treated as disposable for as long as I can remember. As soon as cuts need to be made, it’s the arts that cop it. Every. Single. Time. I’m not sure about your country (you’re in Germany, right?) but certainly in Australia and the UK, creatives art are not see as important by the vast majority of people, and in particular the people who make the decisions on where money is spent. I have a Bachelor of Fine Art and have quite literally been told by people that getting that degree was a complete waste of time. One perspective employer actually laughed in my face (after which I told him where to stick his job).

Despite being part of absolutely everything these morons enjoy, they can not see how important the arts is. There are a lot of reasons for this, but I think the main one is that art can’t be measured by how much money it brings in per annum, it can’t fit on a spreadsheet, and it can’t be broken down into a business plan (although plenty continue to try).

People don’t see the value in art; in the actual artwork. You could have a Van Gough original, but if it doesn’t match the colour of the sofa, most people don’t care. The amount of time you hear “that’s crap, my five year old could do that,” is infuriating. Yes, maybe your five year old could do that, but that is not the fucking point! Picasso didn’t invent Cubism because he wanted to paint like a toddler. Some people value art so little that they won’t even pay artists, they just go on about “the exposure.”

Even huge, giant companies who exist because of their people in the creative arts don’t value them. Once Disneyland was hugely successful, what did the Disney company do? They fired all the Imagineers who had dreamed up, designed and built all those rides, then were surprised when their next lot of rides, which were put together by those who did not have the art background, turned out to be shit.

She’s totally right about the closed system, too. Unless you know someone on the inside or are loaded, you’re not getting into the art world. When I can out of art school I really wanted to work in galleries, curating and archival mainly. The way to get there? Volunteer for months for free and then maybe you’ll get a chance. Maybe. If not, well, work for free for another year and try again.

I think everyone who has any kind of creative/ artistic notion should follow it, but they need to know that it will not be a career. At best, it’ll be a side hustle to your regular job. And this is directly because of the way the Western world has this dissonance that art is either high and mighty and only for the elite, or worthless disposable media with absolutely nothing in between.


I’m a professional musician, AMA haha. But seriously, watching gigs disappear, arts programs collapse, and a population taught to devalue art and artists, let alone understand and appreciate it, is demoralizing and infuriating.


AMA = Ask Me Anything?

The rise of AI is one of, if not the, biggest threat to creative arts at the moment. I vehemently disagree with the use of AI on any kind of artistic creation, and I’ve a big fuck-off banner on my portfolio site saying as such.

I understand AI can be a useful too in many regards, but as a replacement for creativity? Yeah, nah mate.


Kinda wanna play this. It’s a great channel, BTW, worth checking out their other videos.


Wow this creature known as “matt walsh” is really interesting at times

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I know it’s not a video, but I’ve started listening to Snafu with Ed Helms. First season is a out how America almost cause a nuclear WW3, amoung other terrible things. I’d never heard this before and it’s fascinating, and terrifying how close things came.

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