A Forum to Post YouTube Videos that are Good

Bad things are undeniably happening right now. But, the present can be fought for to ensure that potential future of 10-20 years from now dies before it sees the light of day.

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I hope youā€™re right mate, but there were enough morons in the country to vote that scumbag in (and Iā€™m sorry, but I blame those who didnā€™t vote at all just as much as I do those that voted for the Orange Cockmuncher).

Hopefully people will wake up, but given Americaā€™s recent track record Iā€™m not holding my breath.

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Hey watch it, some of use like munchingā€¦ that. :wink:


Fair call. Bad choice of words. I apologise.


Youā€™re fine Iā€™m just being silly


Windows be curs(er)ed!

This video made me change the size of the cursor for the first time ever and I use Windows since 3.1.

Maybe it is because of my eyes aging , but it is soo much better to see now on a 2560x1440 monitor when I felt that scaling up the whole UI was too much.


So even the mouse curser discriminates against left handed people. Cor blimey!

Seriously though, great video. I actually upped my cursor size at work because I kept losing it when moving between screens.

My favourite cursor ever is the hand in Myst IV: Revelation. Looks how beautifully it animates. It even let you be left handed (or blue). Wish there was a way to get it working as the native Windows 11 cursor.

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I learned a new word today. :blush: Seems to stem from ā€œGod blind me!ā€ which is even more fun when I can not find the Windows cursor. :rofl:

And yes that cursor brings back a lot of good memories.

I can not only replay old gamesā€¦ but sometimes I just want to go back only to those and replay and replay only. With ā€¦ the younglings ā€¦and modern timesā€¦ I ā€¦ need to ā€¦ stay! </Yoda voice off>

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Thanks to @Jasylaā€™s comment on the main site thread in response to @Nelemaniaā€™s request for YouTube video essayist recommendations, I just watched this video by Transparency Boo. Quite an excellent video essay on Backlogs that matches a lot of my feelings on the topic:


Carrying on the discussion @Nelemania and I were having about not understanding sportā€¦


Again not YouTube but who cares

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i saw this sketch for the first time like 15 years ago and ot has stuck in my brain anytime someone says ā€œweā€ to describe their favorite team. i did, however, forget that david mitchell immediately starts drinking at work. great shit.

shame Webbā€™s transphobe turn.

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Reminds me of the German yellow press 2005 going ā€œWe are pope!ā€ when a German became the pope and I was immediately going: ā€œI havenā€™t bought into celibacy, leave me out!ā€ :joy: I kind of take it personally though when ā€œweā€ get zero points at the Eurovision Song Contest again despite me not being on stage.


As a victim of violent crimes myself, it was scary and confusing to watch this video, but, in the end, I suppose it also made my struggles from othersā€™ actions feel seen.

Warning(s) for: topics pertaining to multiple forms of abuse, and(,as much is allowed,) depictions of bloody content in a non-age-restricted YouTube video.

The first 8 minutes of this video is the best example of emergent storytelling Iā€™ve ever seen.

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As she says, candy bars out, Schokobrunnen in!

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This is so German that it summoned me. :joy::rofl::sob:


TIL(something probably everyone else already knows): Michael Jackson did not invent the ā€œMoonwalkā€:

I definitely need to know what blood type and star sign Geralt of Rivia has. I might be in love with a virtual person that is not a good match with me. My life is shattered, Western games lie to us or hide at least the truth!

The racist bit about this makes it unfunny. :unamused:

I only ever remember star signs in Western games when they were different from real World ones (that are also not real), as a means to choose traits at the character screen, but I feel it has stopped to be a thing for some time now?

Fan theory claims Geralt is a Taurus due to the characteristics associated with the sign normally.

His blood type is Unnaturalā€¦literally. due to the things witchers go through to become one it alters their physiology and their blood becomes basically toxic to anyone else. When he takes the potions and such it elevates the levels to such a degree you can see it on his face and such. So it probably couldnt be classifies with normal types.

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