Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon Badge

This is the discussion/completion topic for Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon. Please keep any spoilers blurred!


Title: Great, I Can’t Wait to Bomb Some Dodongos!

If you’ve completed the game, let us know below and an admin will make sure you get your badge!


I like how everyone is so collectively embarrassed that these games exist to ask for the badge XD i guess ill bite the bullet.
Its been a while but i beat them both about 10 years ago. Thanks


It was mainly an April Fool’s joke, but they’re real badges for the taking! :slight_smile:


I would think the average person wouldn’t really have easy access to them

Though, maybe there’s a CD-i emulator or somesuch

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There is, its how i played them. Theres also fan made remakes though im not sure those count

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Yes, the emulator I used to play them is called Same CDi. I would also count the remasters as they present the exact same experience with some optional tweaks to make playing these games less terrible lol.

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