Why don't somebody Update the site design?

It looks like steam from 2003. Seriously it needs a total remake

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Is there any specific problem you’re having or functionality you feel is missing?


Not in particular no, but the site feels OLD, it needs to be completely overhauled with a more friendly theme

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Just curious what’s unfriendly about it.


I started to write up a whole thing, but I decided against it. I appreciate that you probably care about the site, and that’s why you’re complaining. You’re welcome to support the site via that link at the top of the page that says GOLD. Otherwise it’s just a free site I’ve built in my spare time over the years, and I don’t even run ads on it (for now at least). I work on things when I get time, but that time is very limited between my actual job, and two kids.


If, and i know this is probably not a soon thing, but if you update it please keep it fairly simple. I actually like it as is now because it so easy to understand how do almost anything on the front end. I understand the behind the curtains areas probably could use some polish but thats not an area everyone gets into


-He said menacingly


That’s always my goal :slight_smile:

The main thing I have in the works is a new game page that would incorporate more of the IGDB data. It’ll still be “old” looking though.


Haha. My server costs went up 25% sometime last year. The Gold stuff still covers the costs, but not by much. I think at the peak of running Google Ads on the site, I could make $150-$200 during the holiday season when people paid more for ads, and closer to $100 during normal months. At some point it got really bad and went down to like $20 a month even with hundreds of thousands of page views. It just wasn’t worth putting that shit on a page. I wish I could run a system where I could say, OK, only cool people can put one little ad on the site for a reasonable price, and everyone would be happy. Kind of like how Daring Fireball does it.


If the site gets something new, I hope it will be the option to gift someone Gold for one year. I would do that for someone if I like their contributions. It could help pay for the site’s cost and be a way to say thank you to someone who can’t afford it. No automatic renew, just one payment for one year.

I hate, HATE did I say H A T E ads. I pay rather 20 € for Gold than have them.

I also like the old school look of the site, but the IDGB integration is probably needed in the long run.


I would never show ads to anyone who has paid money for Gold. I absolutely hate when a podcast has a patreon but doesn’t offer an ad free version of the show.

You’re amazing. I’ve thought about doing that. Then I feel guilty for building features that are solely for the purpose of giving me money, and then I don’t.

It is. I wish Giant Bomb wanted to beef up their database, but I get it. It’s an expensive thing to maintain, and it doesn’t really make them money. IGDB being owned by Amazon worries me slightly. They could just decide to shut it down at any point too if it doesn’t make sense financially. I think IGDB going away is less likely to happen though.


I absolutely will support Gold some time this year :slight_smile: Probably after September when I’m not paying a second mortgage worth of money on pre school fees. I also think being able to gift Gold to others is a great idea. I don’t know much about Patreon but would something like that help members contribute to the running costs?

As for "updating " the site design. Don’t. It looks and works just fine for me! No radical change required in my opinion. I love the Dark Theme.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the site design. It’s clean and simple, much better IMO than the overly noisy design of some other sites. It’s not helpful to say “this site’s design sucks” and then have absolutely no examples as to why.


WDYM you feel guilty for building features for giving you money? you’ve spent a lot of your time in building this amazing website, there’s no shame in getting compensation in exchange for honest work, specially if said compensation is a voluntary contribution.
Also, i love the way the website looks, the simple design doesn’t trigger my ADHD so i can spend exactly as much time as i want in here without getting stuck, unlike fb and ig, and i, too, hate ads.


New doesn’t necessarily mean better. You used Steam as an example, I miss old Steam :frowning:

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


Reminds me of how much better i liked the original xbox 360 dashboards. Bring back the blades!!


I stumbled across Grouvee while I was looking for an alternative to HLTB because the amount of stats to insert for each game was overwhelming and unnecessary. I just wanted a Goodreads equivalent for tracking games (though Goodreads isn’t great either). I really appreciate the old internet vibes here. It’s what reeled me in to begin with.


Love the old youtube design. But every time I use youtube they always “upgrade” and same with ign. What I like about grouvee is that it feels the “same.”